Qt Style Sheets Examples
vline.png | branch-more.png | branch-end.png | branch-closed.png | branch-open.png |
QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:!adjoins-item { border-image: url(vline.png) 0; } QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item { border-image: url(branch-more.png) 0; } QTreeView::branch:!has-children:!has-siblings:adjoins-item { border-image: url(branch-end.png) 0; } QTreeView::branch:has-children:!has-siblings:closed, QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children:has-siblings { border-image: none; image: url(branch-closed.png); } QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:!has-siblings, QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:has-siblings { border-image: none; image: url(branch-open.png); }
The resulting tree view looks like this:
This section lists some common mistakes when using stylesheets.
When styling a QPushButton, it is often desirable to use an image as the button graphic. It is common to try the background-image property, but this has a number of drawbacks: For instance, the background will often appear hidden behind the button decoration, because it is not considered a background. In addition, if the button is resized, the entire background will be stretched or tiled, which does not always look good.
It is better to use the border-image property, as it will always display the image, regardless of the background (you can combine it with a background if it has alpha values in it), and it has special settings to deal with button resizing.
Consider the following snippet:
QPushButton { color: grey; border-image: url(/home/kamlie/code/button.png) 3 10 3 10; border-top: 3px transparent; border-bottom: 3px transparent; border-right: 10px transparent; border-left: 10px transparent; }
This will produce a button looking like this:
The numbers after the url gives the top, right, bottom and left number of pixels, respectively. These numbers correspond to the border and should not stretch when the size changes. Whenever you resize the button, the middle part of the image will stretch in both directions, while the pixels specified in the stylesheet will not. This makes the borders of the button look more natural, like this:
With borders |
Without borders |
See also Style Sheet Example, Supported HTML Subset, and QStyle.
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