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SXE - Control File

Control file

The file which drives the package system is the application's <app-name>.control file. It contains meta-information about the package and typically is automatically generated by the build system using information from the pkg structure of the file and from Qt Extended itself

PackagePackage nameGamerGeex
DescriptionLong and short description. The short (60 chars max) is on the same line. The long description is on the following lines and is indented one space.A fun and challenging blocks game.
A super challenging colorful blocks game, with high-score table and cool music for up to 4 players.
DomainThe security profile which the package should operate underuntrusted
Maintainername and email address of the package
LicenseLicense type such as Commercial or GPL.GPL, Unspecified,Commercial
VersionVersion should have at least one digit, with an optional trailing revision.1.2
TrustSpecifies trust level based on whether the package is certified(unused)Untrusted
Archmachine on which the package is tested and known to be good (deprecated)sl5600
Architecturechip architecture for which the package is compiled (deprecated)arm
QtopiaVersionVersions of Qt Extended that the package is known to be compatible with4.2.2-4.2.3
TypeWhether the package is an sxe-only package or generic package that can operate both on sxe and non-sxe builds of Qt Extended.sxe-only, generic
DevicesThe type of devices this packages is compatible with.Greenphone
Installed-SizeSize of the package after its decompression and installation.236K, 8.9M
File-CountNumber of files in the package(includes directories)10

packages.list file

The packages.list file is generated using the mkPackages command and consists of a list of package meta-data. Effectively the <app-name>.control files are extracted from the qpk packages, combined with some extra meta-data and then concatenated together. The Package Manager downloads and uses the packages.list file to present a list of available packages.

The extra package properties that go into the packages.list file are as below:

FilenameFile name of the package.chessgame_1.0.0-1_arm.qpk
SizeSize of the compressed package in bytes.66986
MD5SumMD5 sum of the package file.d4910373e317101b8e26a78308df5939

The Packages.list file can be generated as follows

    mkPackages /srv/www/htdocs/feed

From the current directory, this will recursively search for any packages and copy them into the feed directory /srv/www/htdocs/feed. A packages.list file will be created in the feed directory, listing all the packages found in it. If a feed directory is not supplied, the current directory is considered the feed directory and no recursive searching occurs.

Descriptor file

Descriptor(qpd) files are used by packagemanager in a similar way to the packages.list file except that each only contains the information of one package. The descriptor files are used when the PackageManagerService is invoked to direct the packagemanager to begin the process of installing a package. (The user still needs to manually confirm download and installation). See PackageManager - Browser Integration for more information on the role of the qpd descriptor.

The extra property on top of those in the packages.list that go into the qpd descriptor is

URLURL of the package qpk file

Descriptor files can be generated using the mkPackages script as follows

    mkPackages /srv/www/htdocs/feed --descriptor

From the current directory, this will recursively search for any packages and copy them into the feed directory /srv/www/htdocs/feed. Descriptor files will be created in the feed directory for all packages found in it. If a feed directory is not supplied, the current directory is considered the feed directory and no recursive searching occurs.


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