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qcontactlistmodel.cpp Example File

    ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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    ** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
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    #include "qcontactlistmodel.h"
    #include "qcontactlistmodel_p.h"

    #include "qcontact.h"
    #include "qcontactmanager.h"
    #include "qcontactdetails.h"
    #include "qcontactrequests.h"
    #include "qcontactfilters.h"

     * Constructs a new QContactListModel which will request data from the given \a manager
     * and cache approximately \a cacheSize contacts.
     * \sa setManager(), setCacheSize()
    QContactListModel::QContactListModel(QContactManager* manager, int cacheSize)
            : QAbstractListModel(),
            d(new QContactListModelPrivate)

     * Constructs a new copy of the \a other model
    QContactListModel::QContactListModel(const QContactListModel& other)
            : QAbstractListModel(), d(other.d)

     * Assigns this model to be equal to \a other
    QContactListModel& QContactListModel::operator=(const QContactListModel& other)
        d = other.d;
        return *this;

     * Cleans up any memory in use by the model

     * Returns a pointer to the manager from which this model requests contact data
    QContactManager* QContactListModel::manager() const
        return d->m_manager;

     * Sets the manager from which this model requests contact data to \a manager.
     * Any requests made of the old manager will be cancelled and deleted.
     * \sa backendChanged()
    void QContactListModel::setManager(QContactManager* manager)
        // first, cancel and delete any requests made of the old manager
        QMap<QContactAbstractRequest*, int> updatedRequestCentreRows;
        QList<QContactAbstractRequest*> requests = d->m_requestCentreRows.keys();
        for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
            QContactAbstractRequest* current =;
            if (current->manager() == d->m_manager) {
                delete current;
            } else {
                updatedRequestCentreRows.insert(current, d->m_requestCentreRows.value(current));
        d->m_requestCentreRows = updatedRequestCentreRows;

        // secondly, disconnect the signals from the old manager
        if (d->m_manager)

        // then set up the new manager.
        d->m_manager = manager;
        delete d->m_idRequest;
        d->m_idRequest = new QContactLocalIdFetchRequest;
        connect(d->m_idRequest, SIGNAL(progress(QContactLocalIdFetchRequest*,bool)), this, SLOT(contactIdFetchRequestProgress(QContactLocalIdFetchRequest*,bool)));
        if (manager) {
            connect(manager, SIGNAL(contactsAdded(QList<QContactLocalId>)), this, SLOT(backendChanged()));
            connect(manager, SIGNAL(contactsChanged(QList<QContactLocalId>)), this, SLOT(backendChanged()));
            connect(manager, SIGNAL(contactsRemoved(QList<QContactLocalId>)), this, SLOT(backendChanged()));

        // and kick of a request for the ids.

     * Returns the number of contacts that this model will cache
    int QContactListModel::cacheSize() const
        return (d->m_halfCacheSize * 2);

     * Sets the number of contacts that this model will cache to be approximately \a size contacts.
     * The exact size of the cache will be the next higher size which is divisible by 4, or
     * \a size if \a size is divisible by 4, unless the next higher size would cause integer overflow.
     * Returns true if the cache size was set successfully, and false if a non-positive \a size was
     * specified.
     * \sa cacheSize()
    bool QContactListModel::setCacheSize(int size)
        // size will be rounded up to nearest where modulo 4 == 0,
        // except where doing so would result in integer overflow
        // (where it will be rounded down)
        if (size > 0) {
            // if the cache size is odd, round up to nearest even then test modulo 4
            // this allows us to cache m_halfCacheSize rows either side of currentRow
            int modulo4 = size % 4;
            if (modulo4 == 0) {
                d->m_halfCacheSize = size / 2;
                d->m_quarterCacheSize = size / 4;
            } else {
                int test = size + (4 - modulo4); // avoid integer overflow.
                d->m_halfCacheSize = (test < 0 ? (size - modulo4) : (size + 4 - modulo4));
                d->m_halfCacheSize = d->m_halfCacheSize / 2;
                d->m_quarterCacheSize = d->m_halfCacheSize / 2;
            return true;

        return false;

     * Returns the policy that the model uses to determine when asynchronous requests should be cleaned up.
     * \sa setRequestPolicy()
    QContactListModel::AsynchronousRequestPolicy QContactListModel::requestPolicy() const
        return d->m_requestPolicy;

     * Sets the policy that the model uses to determine when to clean up asynchronous requests to \a policy.
     * \sa requestPolicy()
    void QContactListModel::setRequestPolicy(QContactListModel::AsynchronousRequestPolicy policy)
        d->m_requestPolicy = policy;

     * Returns the definition name of the relevant data detail which is cached by the model
     * \sa setRelevantDetailDefinitionAndFieldNames()
    QString QContactListModel::relevantDefinitionName() const
        return d->m_relevantDefinitionName;

     * Returns the name of the field of the relevant data detail which is cached by the model
     * \sa setRelevantDetailDefinitionAndFieldNames()
    QString QContactListModel::relevantFieldName() const
        return d->m_relevantFieldName;

     * Sets the definition name of the relevant detail which is cached by the model to \a definitionName,
     * and the name of the field of such details which is cached to \a fieldName.
     * \sa relevantDefinitionName(), relevantFieldName()
    bool QContactListModel::setRelevantDetailDefinitionAndFieldNames(const QString& definitionName, const QString& fieldName)
        if (definitionName.isEmpty() || fieldName.isEmpty())
            return false;

        d->m_relevantDefinitionName = definitionName;
        d->m_relevantFieldName = fieldName;
        return true;

     * \reimp
    int QContactListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const
        return d->m_rowsToIds.count();

     * \reimp
    QVariant QContactListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
        if (index.row() == -1)
            return QVariant();

        d->m_currentRow = index.row();
        QContact currentContact = d->m_cache.value(d->m_currentRow);

        // check to see if we need to update our cache
        bool cacheUpdateRequired = d->m_cache.isEmpty();
        if ((d->m_halfCacheSize * 2) < d->m_rowsToIds.count()) {
            // we cannot fit the entire dataset into our cache; calculate window size.
            int maxActiveCacheRow = d->m_currentRow + d->m_quarterCacheSize;
            int minActiveCacheRow = d->m_currentRow - d->m_quarterCacheSize;
            if (maxActiveCacheRow <= d->m_lastCacheCentreRow) {
                cacheUpdateRequired = true;
            } else if (minActiveCacheRow >= d->m_lastCacheCentreRow) {
                cacheUpdateRequired = true;

        if (cacheUpdateRequired) {
            // the current row will be our new cache centre point.
            d->m_lastCacheCentreRow = d->m_currentRow;

            // update our cache - first calculate the new cache window.
            int lowerBound = d->m_lastCacheCentreRow - d->m_halfCacheSize;
            int upperBound = d->m_lastCacheCentreRow + d->m_halfCacheSize;

            // create a list of rows we need to cache
            QList<int> newCacheRows;
            if ((upperBound - lowerBound) >= d->m_rowsToIds.count()) {
                // we can cache the entire dataset.
                newCacheRows = d->m_rowsToIds.keys();
            } else {
                // we can only cache a window of the entire dataset.
                for (int i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++) {
                    // wrap-around at top and bottom of cache.
                    int rowNumber = i;
                    if (i < 0)
                        rowNumber += d->m_rowsToIds.count();
                    if (i >= d->m_rowsToIds.count())
                        rowNumber -= d->m_rowsToIds.count();

            // clean up any old requests depending on policy
            // please note that this branching is _slow_; might be best to remove it
            // and just always do the default (cancel on cache centrepoint miss)...
            if (d->m_requestPolicy != QContactListModel::NeverCancelPolicy) {
                QList<QContactAbstractRequest*> oldRequests = d->m_requestCentreRows.keys();
                bool cancelRequest = false;

                // we could pull the conditionals outside the loop for better performance...
                for (int i = 0; i < oldRequests.size(); i++) {
                    QContactAbstractRequest* current =;
                    if (d->m_requestPolicy == QContactListModel::CancelOnCacheUpdatePolicy) {
                        // immediately cancel since update is required.
                        cancelRequest = true;
                    } else if (d->m_requestPolicy == QContactListModel::CancelOnCacheMissPolicy) {
                        // slow solution... should probably do bounds checking instead of .contains().
                        if (!newCacheRows.contains(d->m_requestCentreRows.value(current))) {
                            cancelRequest = true;
                    } else {
                        int cacheSize = d->m_halfCacheSize * 2;
                        int requestCentre = d->m_requestCentreRows.value(current);
                        int requestWindowMax = (requestCentre + d->m_halfCacheSize) % cacheSize;
                        int requestWindowMin = (requestCentre - d->m_halfCacheSize) % cacheSize;
                        // slow solution... should probably do bounds checking instead of .contains().
                        if (!newCacheRows.contains(requestWindowMax) && !newCacheRows.contains(requestWindowMin) && !newCacheRows.contains(requestCentre)) {
                            cancelRequest = true;

                    // cancel (and clean up) the request if required by the policy.
                    if (cancelRequest) {
                        delete current;

                    // reset the control variable.
                    cancelRequest = false;

            // create "spots" for the cache entries in our cache map
            QList<int> oldCacheRows = d->m_cache.keys();
            foreach (int row, newCacheRows) {
                if (!d->m_cache.contains(row)) {
                    QContact temp;
                    QContactName loadingName;
                    d->m_cache.insert(row, temp);

            // remove any out-of-cache-window contacts we have stored
            // and remove from the newCacheRows any rows we already have cached
            foreach (int row, oldCacheRows) {
                if (row < lowerBound || row > upperBound) {
                    // don't want to cache this row.

                if (newCacheRows.contains(row)) {
                    // already have this row in cache.

            // ensure that the current row's contact is cached; if not create a placeholder.
            if (!d->m_cache.contains(d->m_currentRow)) {
                QContactName loadingName;

            // now fire off an asynchronous request to update our cache
            QContactFetchRequest* req = new QContactFetchRequest;
            d->m_requestCentreRows.insert(req, d->m_lastCacheCentreRow);
            QContactLocalIdFilter idFil;
            QList<QContactLocalId> newCacheIds;
            for (int i = 0; i < newCacheRows.size(); i++) {
            connect(req, SIGNAL(progress(QContactFetchRequest*, bool)), this, SLOT(contactFetchRequestProgress(QContactFetchRequest*,bool)));

        // now return the data being requested.
        QVariant ret;
        switch (role) {
            case QContactListModel::DisplayLabelRole:
                ret = currentContact.displayLabel();

            case QContactListModel::IdRole:
                ret =;

            case QContactListModel::AvatarRole:
                ret = currentContact.detail(QContactAvatar::DefinitionName).value(QContactAvatar::FieldAvatar);

            case QContactListModel::PresenceRole:
                if (d->m_manager == 0) {
                    // the manager has not been initialised.

                // grab the possible presence values; they should be in order from (unknown) to least present to most present.
                QContactDetailDefinition presenceDef = d->m_manager->detailDefinition(QContactOnlineAccount::DefinitionName);
                QList<QVariant> allowablePresenceValues = presenceDef.fields().value(QContactOnlineAccount::FieldPresence).allowableValues();
                if (presenceDef.isEmpty() || allowablePresenceValues.isEmpty()) {
                    // the manager does not support presence details.

                // calculate the "global presence" of the contact in a naive way.
                int bestPresenceSoFar = 0; // unknown
                QList<QContactDetail> presenceDetails = currentContact.details(QContactOnlineAccount::DefinitionName);
                foreach (const QContactOnlineAccount& pres, presenceDetails) {
                    int index = allowablePresenceValues.indexOf(pres.presence());
                    if (index > bestPresenceSoFar) {
                        bestPresenceSoFar = index;

                ret = QVariant(;

            case QContactListModel::RelevantDataRole:
                ret = currentContact.detail(d->m_relevantDefinitionName).value(d->m_relevantFieldName);


        // return the requested data, or a default-constructed QVariant if not available.
        return ret;

     * \reimp
    QVariant QContactListModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const

        QVariant ret;
        switch (role) {
            case QContactListModel::DisplayLabelRole:
                ret = QString(tr("Name"));

            case QContactListModel::IdRole:
                ret = QString(tr("Id"));

            case QContactListModel::AvatarRole:
                ret = QString(tr("Avatar"));

            case QContactListModel::PresenceRole:
                ret = QString(tr("Presence"));

            case QContactListModel::RelevantDataRole:
                // todo: take this as an argument in setRelevant()
                ret = QString(tr("Details"));


        return ret;

     * \reimp
    bool QContactListModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent)
        beginInsertRows(parent, row, count);

        // insertion code here.


        return false;

     * \reimp
    bool QContactListModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent)
        beginRemoveRows(parent, row, count);

        // removal code here.


        return false;

     * Returns the row number at which the data of the contact with the given \a contactId is stored, or
     * -1 if no such contact exists in the model
    int QContactListModel::contactRow(const QContactLocalId& contactId) const
        return d->m_idsToRows.value(contactId, -1);

     * Returns the entire contact which exists in the model at the specified \a index
    QContact QContactListModel::contact(const QModelIndex& index) const
        if (d->m_manager)
            return d->m_manager->contact(d->m_rowsToIds.value(index.row()));
        return QContact();

     * Processes the progress of the \a request.
     * If the request is still valid, the results are placed in the cache at the required positions.
     * If the cache is updated, the dataChanged() signal is emitted.
     * This implementation ignores the \a appendOnly flag.
    void QContactListModel::contactFetchRequestProgress(QContactFetchRequest* request, bool appendOnly)

        // first, check to make sure that the request is still valid.
        if (d->m_manager != request->manager() || request->status() == QContactAbstractRequest::Cancelled) {
            delete request;
            return; // ignore these results.

        QMap<int, int> rowMap; // sorted list of rows changed.
        QList<QContact> fetched = request->contacts();
        foreach (const QContact& c, fetched) {
            int fetchedRow = d->m_idsToRows.value(, -1);

            // see if this row should be cached
            if (!d->m_cache.contains(fetchedRow))
                break; // shouldn't cache this row (or already cached); ignore the contact.

            // we need to cache this contact.
            d->m_cache.insert(fetchedRow, c);
            rowMap.insert(fetchedRow, fetchedRow);

        // check to see if the request status is "finished" - clean up.
        if (request->status() == QContactAbstractRequest::Finished) {
            delete request;

        // emit data changed for those that have changed.
        QList<int> rows = rowMap.keys();
        while (rows.size() > 0) {
            // we want to emit the dataChanged signal as few times as possible
            // so, we coalesce the changes into lumps of contiguous changes.
            int lowestIndex =;
            int highestIndex =;
            int nbrAccountedFor = 1;
            int nbrRows = rows.size();
            while (nbrAccountedFor < nbrRows) {
                int temp = highestIndex;
                highestIndex =;
                if ((highestIndex - temp) > 1) {
                    highestIndex = temp;
                nbrAccountedFor += 1;

            while (nbrAccountedFor > 0) {
                nbrAccountedFor -= 1;

            // calculate the indices of the boundaries, and emit the signal.
            QModelIndex lowerBound = QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(lowestIndex, 0);
            QModelIndex upperBound = QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(highestIndex, 0);
            emit dataChanged(lowerBound, upperBound);

     * Processes the results of a contact id fetch request.
     * If the \a appendOnly flag is set, the new data is appended to the existing data
     * and the dataChanged() signal is emitted; otherwise, the model emits the reset() signal
     * once the new data has been loaded.
    void QContactListModel::contactIdFetchRequestProgress(QContactLocalIdFetchRequest* request, bool appendOnly)
        // first, if it's not append only, we need to rebuild the entire list + cache.
        if (!appendOnly) {

        // then get the results, calculate the start and end indices, and fill our data structures.
        QList<QContactLocalId> ids = request->ids();
        int startIndex = d->m_idsToRows.count();
        int endIndex = ids.size();
        for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
            d->m_idsToRows.insert(, i);

        // and if we need to, emit the reset signals.
        if (!appendOnly)
            emit dataChanged(QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(startIndex,0), QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(endIndex,0));

     * Requests data from the new backend.
    void QContactListModel::backendChanged()


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