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QContactGeolocation Class Reference

The QContactGeolocation class contains the global location coordinate associated with a contact. More...

    #include <QContactGeolocation>

Inherits QContactDetail.

Public Functions

double accuracy () const
double altitude () const
double altitudeAccuracy () const
double heading () const
QString label () const
double latitude () const
double longitude () const
void setAccuracy ( double accuracy )
void setAltitude ( double altitude )
void setAltitudeAccuracy ( double altitudeAccuracy )
void setHeading ( double heading )
void setLabel ( const QString & label )
void setLatitude ( double latitude )
void setLongitude ( double longitude )
void setSpeed ( double speed )
void setTimestamp ( const QDateTime & timestamp )
double speed () const
QDateTime timestamp () const

Public Variables

const char * DefinitionName
const char * FieldAccuracy
const char * FieldAltitude
const char * FieldAltitudeAccuracy
const char * FieldHeading
const char * FieldLabel
const char * FieldLatitude
const char * FieldLongitude
const char * FieldSpeed
const char * FieldTimestamp

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QContactGeolocation class contains the global location coordinate associated with a contact.

Member Function Documentation

double QContactGeolocation::accuracy () const

Returns the accuracy (in metres) of the latitude and longitude of the location stored in the detail.

See also setAccuracy().

double QContactGeolocation::altitude () const

Returns the altitude (in metres) of the location stored in the detail.

See also setAltitude().

double QContactGeolocation::altitudeAccuracy () const

Returns the accuracy of the altitude portion of the location stored in the detail.

See also setAltitudeAccuracy().

double QContactGeolocation::heading () const

Returns the heading (at the time of measurement) of the location-aware device that recorded (or was provided) the measurement.

See also setHeading().

QString QContactGeolocation::label () const

Returns the label of the location stored in the detail.

See also setLabel().

double QContactGeolocation::latitude () const

Returns the latitude portion of the coordinate (specified in decimal degrees) of the location stored in the detail.

See also setLatitude().

double QContactGeolocation::longitude () const

Returns the longitude portion of the coordinate (specified in decimal degrees) of the location stored in the detail.

See also setLongitude().

void QContactGeolocation::setAccuracy ( double accuracy )

Specifies that the latitude and longitude portions of the location stored in the detail are accurate to within accuracy metres.

See also accuracy().

void QContactGeolocation::setAltitude ( double altitude )

Sets the altitude portion of the coordinate (in metres above the ellipsoid) of the location stored in the detail to altitude.

See also altitude().

void QContactGeolocation::setAltitudeAccuracy ( double altitudeAccuracy )

Sets the altitude-accuracy portion of the coordinate (in metres) of the location stored in the detail to altitudeAccuracy.

See also altitudeAccuracy().

void QContactGeolocation::setHeading ( double heading )

Sets the heading portion of the coordinate (in decimal degrees clockwise relative to true north) of the location-aware device at the time of measurement to heading.

See also heading().

void QContactGeolocation::setLabel ( const QString & label )

Sets the label of the location stored in the detail to label.

See also label().

void QContactGeolocation::setLatitude ( double latitude )

Sets the latitude portion of the coordinate (in decimal degrees) of the location stored in the detail to latitude.

See also latitude().

void QContactGeolocation::setLongitude ( double longitude )

Sets the longitude portion of the coordinate (in decimal degrees) of the location stored in the detail to longitude.

See also longitude().

void QContactGeolocation::setSpeed ( double speed )

Sets the speed portion of the coordinate (in metres per second) of the location-aware device at the time of measurement to speed.

See also speed().

void QContactGeolocation::setTimestamp ( const QDateTime & timestamp )

Sets the creation (or first-valid) timestamp of the location information to timestamp.

See also timestamp().

double QContactGeolocation::speed () const

Returns the speed (at the time of measurement) of the location-aware device that recorded (or was provided) the measurement.

See also setSpeed().

QDateTime QContactGeolocation::timestamp () const

Returns the timestamp associated with the location stored in the detail.

See also setTimestamp().

Member Variable Documentation

const char * QContactGeolocation::DefinitionName

The constant string which identifies the definition of details which describe a location associated with a contact.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldAccuracy

The constant key for which the location accuracy value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldAltitude

The constant key for which the altitude value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldAltitudeAccuracy

The constant key for which the altitude accuracy value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldHeading

The constant key for which the heading value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldLabel

The constant key for which the location label value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldLatitude

The constant key for which the latitude value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldLongitude

The constant key for which the longitude value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldSpeed

The constant key for which the speed value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

const char * QContactGeolocation::FieldTimestamp

The constant key for which the timestamp value is stored in details of the QContactGeolocation type.

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