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QContactManagerEngine Class Reference

The QContactManagerEngine class provides the interface for all implementations of the contact manager backend functionality. More...

    #include <QContactManagerEngine>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Inherits QObject.

Inherited by QContactInvalidEngine and QContactMemoryEngine.

Public Functions

QContactManagerEngine ()
virtual bool cancelRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req )
virtual QContact contact ( const QContactLocalId & contactId, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual QList<QContactLocalId> contacts ( const QContactFilter & filter, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual QList<QContactLocalId> contacts ( const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual void deref () = 0
virtual QContactDetailDefinition detailDefinition ( const QString & definitionName, const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual QMap<QString, QContactDetailDefinition> detailDefinitions ( const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual bool filterSupported ( const QContactFilter & filter ) const
virtual bool hasFeature ( QContactManager::ManagerFeature feature, const QString & contactType ) const
virtual int implementationVersion () const
virtual QString managerName () const
virtual QMap<QString, QString> managerParameters () const
QString managerUri () const
virtual QList<QContactRelationship> relationships ( const QString & relationshipType, const QContactId & participantId, QContactRelationshipFilter::Role role, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual bool removeContact ( const QContactLocalId & contactId, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual QList<QContactManager::Error> removeContacts ( QList<QContactLocalId> * contactIds, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual bool removeDetailDefinition ( const QString & definitionName, const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual bool removeRelationship ( const QContactRelationship & relationship, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual QList<QContactManager::Error> removeRelationships ( const QList<QContactRelationship> & relationships, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual void requestDestroyed ( QContactAbstractRequest * req )
virtual bool saveContact ( QContact * contact, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual QList<QContactManager::Error> saveContacts ( QList<QContact> * contacts, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual bool saveDetailDefinition ( const QContactDetailDefinition & def, const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual bool saveRelationship ( QContactRelationship * relationship, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual QList<QContactManager::Error> saveRelationships ( QList<QContactRelationship> * relationships, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual QContactLocalId selfContactId ( QContactManager::Error & error ) const
QContact setContactDisplayLabel ( const QString & displayLabel, const QContact & contact ) const
virtual bool setSelfContactId ( const QContactLocalId & contactId, QContactManager::Error & error )
virtual bool startRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req )
virtual QStringList supportedContactTypes () const
virtual QList<QVariant::Type> supportedDataTypes () const
virtual QStringList supportedRelationshipTypes ( const QString & contactType ) const
virtual QString synthesizeDisplayLabel ( const QContact & contact, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual bool validateContact ( const QContact & contact, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual bool validateDefinition ( const QContactDetailDefinition & definition, QContactManager::Error & error ) const
virtual bool waitForRequestFinished ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, int msecs )
virtual bool waitForRequestProgress ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, int msecs )
  • 29 public functions inherited from QObject


void contactsAdded ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & contactIds )
void contactsChanged ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & contactIds )
void contactsRemoved ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & contactIds )
void dataChanged ()
void relationshipsAdded ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & affectedContactIds )
void relationshipsRemoved ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & affectedContactIds )
void selfContactIdChanged ( const QContactLocalId & oldId, const QContactLocalId & newId )

Static Public Members

void addSorted ( QList<QContact> * sorted, const QContact & toAdd, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders )
int compareContact ( const QContact & a, const QContact & b, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders )
int compareVariant ( const QVariant & first, const QVariant & second, Qt::CaseSensitivity sensitivity )
QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QContactDetailDefinition> > schemaDefinitions ()
void setContactRelationships ( QContact * contact, const QList<QContactRelationship> & relationships )
QList<QContactLocalId> sortContacts ( const QList<QContact> & cs, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders )
bool testFilter ( const QContactFilter & filter, const QContact & contact )
void updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContactLocalId> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )
void updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContact> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )
void updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContactDetailDefinition> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status )
void updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QMap<QString, QContactDetailDefinition> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )
void updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContactRelationship> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )
void updateRequestStatus ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, QContactManager::Error error, QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )
bool validateActionFilter ( const QContactFilter & filter )
int version ()
  • 4 static public members inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QObject
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 1 public type inherited from QObject
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QContactManagerEngine class provides the interface for all implementations of the contact manager backend functionality.

Instances of this class are usually provided by a QContactManagerEngineFactory, which is loaded from a plugin.

The default implementation of this interface provides a basic level of functionality for some functions so that specific engines can simply implement the functionality that is supported by the specific contacts engine that is being adapted.

More information on writing a contacts engine plugin is TODO.

See also QContactManager and QContactManagerEngineFactory.

Member Function Documentation

QContactManagerEngine::QContactManagerEngine ()

A default, empty constructor.

void QContactManagerEngine::addSorted ( QList<QContact> * sorted, const QContact & toAdd, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders )   [static]

Performs insertion sort of the contact toAdd into the sorted list, according to the provided sortOrders list. The first QContactSortOrder in the list has the highest priority; if the contact toAdd is deemed equal to another in the sorted list, the second QContactSortOrder in the list is used (and so on until either the contact is inserted or there are no more sort order objects in the list).

bool QContactManagerEngine::cancelRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req )   [virtual]

Asks the manager engine to cancel the given request req which was previously started and is currently in a cancellable state. Returns true if cancellation of the request was started successfully, otherwise returns false.

See also startRequest() and QContactAbstractRequest::cancel().

int QContactManagerEngine::compareContact ( const QContact & a, const QContact & b, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders )   [static]

Compares two contacts (a and b) using the given list of sortOrders. Returns a negative number if a should appear before b according to the sort order, a positive number if a should appear after b according to the sort order, and zero if the two are unable to be sorted.

int QContactManagerEngine::compareVariant ( const QVariant & first, const QVariant & second, Qt::CaseSensitivity sensitivity )   [static]

Compares first against second. If the types are strings (QVariant::String), the sensitivity argument controls case sensitivity when comparing.

Returns: <0 if first is less than second 0 if first is equal to second >0 if first is greater than second.

The results are undefined if the variants are different types, or cannot be compared.

QContact QContactManagerEngine::contact ( const QContactLocalId & contactId, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Returns the contact in the database identified by contactId

Any errors encountered should be stored to error.

QList<QContactLocalId> QContactManagerEngine::contacts ( const QContactFilter & filter, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Returns a list of the ids of contacts that match the supplied filter, sorted according to the given sortOrders. Any error that occurs will be stored in error.

The default implementation will retrieve all contacts and test them with testFilter.

QList<QContactLocalId> QContactManagerEngine::contacts ( const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Return the list of contact ids present in this engine, sorted according to the given sortOrders.

Any errors encountered should be stored to error.

void QContactManagerEngine::contactsAdded ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & contactIds )   [signal]

This signal is emitted some time after a set of contacts has been added to this engine where the dataChanged() signal was not emitted for those changes. As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have added the contacts, the timing cannot be determined.

The list of ids of contacts added is given by contactIds. There may be one or more ids in the list.

See also dataChanged().

void QContactManagerEngine::contactsChanged ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & contactIds )   [signal]

This signal is emitted some time after a set of contacts has been modified in this engine where the dataChanged() signal was not emitted for those changes. As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have modified the contacts, the timing cannot be determined.

The list of ids of changed contacts is given by contactIds. There may be one or more ids in the list.

See also dataChanged().

void QContactManagerEngine::contactsRemoved ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & contactIds )   [signal]

This signal is emitted some time after a set of contacts has been removed from this engine where the dataChanged() signal was not emitted for those changes. As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have removed the contacts, the timing cannot be determined.

The list of ids of removed contacts is given by contactIds. There may be one or more ids in the list.

See also dataChanged().

void QContactManagerEngine::dataChanged ()   [signal]

This signal is emitted some time after changes occur to the data managed by this engine, and the engine is unable to determine which changes occurred, or if the engine considers the changes to be radical enough to require clients to reload all data.

If this signal is emitted, no other signals may be emitted for the associated changes.

As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have caused the changes, the timing can not be determined.

See also contactsAdded(), contactsChanged(), and contactsRemoved().

void QContactManagerEngine::deref ()   [pure virtual]

Notifies the engine that it is no longer required. If this engine can not be shared between managers, it is safe for the engine to delete itself in this function.

If the engine implementation can be shared, this function can use a reference count and track lifetime that way. The factory that returns an instance of this engine should increment the reference count in this case.

QContactDetailDefinition QContactManagerEngine::detailDefinition ( const QString & definitionName, const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Returns the definition identified by the given definitionName that is valid for contacts whose type is of the given contactType in this store, or a default-constructed QContactDetailDefinition if no such definition exists

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

QMap<QString, QContactDetailDefinition> QContactManagerEngine::detailDefinitions ( const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Returns the registered detail definitions which are valid for contacts whose type is of the given contactType in this engine.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

bool QContactManagerEngine::filterSupported ( const QContactFilter & filter ) const   [virtual]

Returns a whether the supplied filter can be implemented natively by this engine. If not, the base class implementation will emulate the functionality.

bool QContactManagerEngine::hasFeature ( QContactManager::ManagerFeature feature, const QString & contactType ) const   [virtual]

Returns true if the given feature is supported by this engine for contacts of the given contactType

int QContactManagerEngine::implementationVersion () const   [virtual]

Returns the engine backend implementation version number

QString QContactManagerEngine::managerName () const   [virtual]

Returns the manager name for this QContactManagerEngine

QMap<QString, QString> QContactManagerEngine::managerParameters () const   [virtual]

Returns the parameters with which this engine was constructed. Note that the engine may have discarded unused or invalid parameters at the time of construction, and these will not be returned.

QString QContactManagerEngine::managerUri () const

Returns the unique URI of this manager, which is built from the manager name and the parameters used to construct it.

QList<QContactRelationship> QContactManagerEngine::relationships ( const QString & relationshipType, const QContactId & participantId, QContactRelationshipFilter::Role role, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Returns a list of relationships of the given relationshipType in which the contact identified by the given participantId participates in the given role. If participantId is the default-constructed id, role is ignored and all relationships of the given relationshipType are returned. If relationshipType is empty, relationships of any type are returned. If no relationships of the given relationshipType in which the contact identified by the given participantId is involved in the given role exists, error is set to QContactManager::DoesNotExistError.

void QContactManagerEngine::relationshipsAdded ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & affectedContactIds )   [signal]

This signal is emitted some time after a set of contacts has been added to this engine where the dataChanged() signal was not emitted for those changes. As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have added the contacts, the timing cannot be determined.

The list of ids of affected contacts is given by affectedContactIds. There may be one or more ids in the list.

See also dataChanged().

void QContactManagerEngine::relationshipsRemoved ( const QList<QContactLocalId> & affectedContactIds )   [signal]

This signal is emitted some time after a set of relationships has been removed from this engine where the dataChanged() signal was not emitted for those changes. As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have removed the relationships, the timing cannot be determined.

The list of ids of affected contacts is given by affectedContactIds. There may be one or more ids in the list.

See also dataChanged().

bool QContactManagerEngine::removeContact ( const QContactLocalId & contactId, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Remove the contact identified by contactId from the database, and removes the contact from any relationships in which it was involved. Returns true if the contact was removed successfully, otherwise returns false.

The backend must emit the appropriate signals to inform clients of changes to the database resulting from this operation.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

QList<QContactManager::Error> QContactManagerEngine::removeContacts ( QList<QContactLocalId> * contactIds, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Remove the list of contacts identified in contactIds. Returns a list of the error codes corresponding to the contact ids in the contactIds. The QContactManager::error() function will only return QContactManager::NoError if all contacts were removed successfully.

For each contact that was removed succesfully, the corresponding id in the list will be retained but set to zero. The id of contacts that were not successfully removed will be left alone.

Any contact that was removed successfully will have been removed from any relationships in which it was involved.

The backend must emit the appropriate signals to inform clients of changes to the database resulting from this operation.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

See also QContactManager::removeContact().

bool QContactManagerEngine::removeDetailDefinition ( const QString & definitionName, const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Removes the definition identified by the given definitionName from the database, where it was valid for contacts whose type was the given contactType.

Returns true if the definition was removed successfully, otherwise returns false.

The backend must emit the appropriate signals to inform clients of changes to the database resulting from this operation.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

bool QContactManagerEngine::removeRelationship ( const QContactRelationship & relationship, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Removes the given relationship from the manager. If the relationship exists in the manager, the relationship will be removed, the error will be set to QContactManager::NoError and this function will return true. If no such relationship exists in the manager, the error will be set to QContactManager::DoesNotExistError and this function will return false.

The priority of the relationship is ignored when determining existence of the relationship.

QList<QContactManager::Error> QContactManagerEngine::removeRelationships ( const QList<QContactRelationship> & relationships, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Removes the given relationships from the database and returns a list of error codes. Any error which occurs will be saved in error.

void QContactManagerEngine::requestDestroyed ( QContactAbstractRequest * req )   [virtual]

Notifies the manager engine that the given request req has been destroyed

bool QContactManagerEngine::saveContact ( QContact * contact, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Adds the given contact to the database if contact has a default-constructed id, or an id with the manager URI set to the URI of this manager and a local id of zero.

If the manager URI of the id of the contact is neither empty nor equal to the URI of this manager, or local id of the contact is non-zero but does not exist in the manager, the operation will fail and error will be set to QContactManager::DoesNotExistError.

Alternatively, the function will update the existing contact in the database if contact has a non-zero id and currently exists in the database.

If the contact contains one or more details whose definitions have not yet been saved with the manager, the operation will fail and error will be set to QContactManager::UnsupportedError.

If the contact has had its relationships reordered, the manager will check to make sure that every relationship that the contact is currently involved in is included in the reordered list, and that no relationships which either do not involve the contact, or have not been saved in the manager are included in the list. If these conditions are not met, the function will return false and error will be set to QContactManager::InvalidRelationshipError.

The engine must automatically synthesize the display label of the contact when it is saved, by either using the built in synthesizeDisplayLabel() function or overriding it, and then calling setContactDisplayLabel().

Returns false on failure, or true on success. On successful save of a contact with an id of zero, its id will be set to a new, valid id with the manager URI set to the URI of this manager, and the local id set to a new, valid local id.

This function is called by the contacts framework in both the single contact save and batch contact save, if the saveContacts function is not overridden.

The backend must emit the appropriate signals to inform clients of changes to the database resulting from this operation.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

QList<QContactManager::Error> QContactManagerEngine::saveContacts ( QList<QContact> * contacts, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Adds the list of contacts given by contacts to the database. Returns a list of the error codes corresponding to the contacts in the contacts. The QContactManager::error() function will only return QContactManager::NoError if all contacts were saved successfully.

For each newly saved contact that was successful, the uid of the contact in the list will be updated with the new value. If a failure occurs when saving a new contact, the id will be cleared. If a failure occurs when updating a contact that already exists, then TODO.

The backend must emit the appropriate signals to inform clients of changes to the database resulting from this operation.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

See also QContactManager::saveContact().

bool QContactManagerEngine::saveDetailDefinition ( const QContactDetailDefinition & def, const QString & contactType, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Persists the given definition def in the database, which is valid for contacts whose type is the given contactType.

Returns true if the definition was saved successfully, and otherwise returns false.

The backend must emit the appropriate signals to inform clients of changes to the database resulting from this operation.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

bool QContactManagerEngine::saveRelationship ( QContactRelationship * relationship, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Saves the given relationship in the database. If the relationship already exists in the database, this function will return false and the error will be set to QContactManager::AlreadyExistsError. If the relationship is saved successfully, this function will return true and error will be set to QContactManager::NoError. Note that relationships cannot be updated directly using this function; in order to update a relationship, you must remove the old relationship, make the required modifications, and then save it.

The given relationship is invalid if it is circular (one of the destination contacts is also the source contact), or if it references a non-existent local contact (either source or destination). If the given relationship is invalid, the function will return false and the error will be set to QContactManager::InvalidRelationshipError. If the given relationship could not be saved in the database (due to backend limitations) the function will return false and error will be set to QContactManager::NotSupportedError.

If any destination contact manager URI is not set in the relationship, these will be automatically set to the URI of this manager, before the relationship is saved.

QList<QContactManager::Error> QContactManagerEngine::saveRelationships ( QList<QContactRelationship> * relationships, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Saves the given relationships in the database and returns a list of error codes. Any error which occurs will be saved in error.

QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QContactDetailDefinition> > QContactManagerEngine::schemaDefinitions ()   [static]

Returns the base schema definitions

QContactLocalId QContactManagerEngine::selfContactId ( QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Returns the id of the "self" contact which has previously been set. If no "self" contact has been set, or if the self contact was removed from the manager after being set, or if the backend does not support the concept of a "self" contact, an invalid id will be returned and the error will be set to QContactManager::DoesNotExistError.

See also setSelfContactId().

void QContactManagerEngine::selfContactIdChanged ( const QContactLocalId & oldId, const QContactLocalId & newId )   [signal]

This signal is emitted at some point after the id of the self-contact is changed from oldId to newId in the manager. If the newId is the invalid, zero id, then the self contact was deleted or no self contact exists. This signal must not be emitted if the dataChanged() signal was previously emitted for this change. As it is possible that other processes (or other devices) may have removed or changed the self contact, the timing cannot be determined.

See also dataChanged().

QContact QContactManagerEngine::setContactDisplayLabel ( const QString & displayLabel, const QContact & contact ) const

Returns a copy of the given contact contact with its display label set to displayLabel. This function does not touch the database in any way, and is purely a convenience to allow engine implementations to set the display label.

void QContactManagerEngine::setContactRelationships ( QContact * contact, const QList<QContactRelationship> & relationships )   [static]

Sets the cached relationships in the given contact to relationships

bool QContactManagerEngine::setSelfContactId ( const QContactLocalId & contactId, QContactManager::Error & error )   [virtual]

Sets the id of the "self" contact to the given contactId. Returns true if the "self" contact id was set successfully. If the given contactId does not identify a contact stored in this manager, the error will be set to QContactManager::DoesNotExistError and the function will return false; if the backend does not support the concept of a "self" contact, the error will be set to QContactManager::NotSupportedError and the function will return false.

See also selfContactId().

QList<QContactLocalId> QContactManagerEngine::sortContacts ( const QList<QContact> & cs, const QList<QContactSortOrder> & sortOrders )   [static]

Sorts the given list of contacts cs according to the provided sortOrders

bool QContactManagerEngine::startRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req )   [virtual]

Asks the manager engine to begin the given request req which is currently in a (re)startable state. Returns true if the request was started successfully, else returns false.

See also QContactAbstractRequest::start().

QStringList QContactManagerEngine::supportedContactTypes () const   [virtual]

Returns the list of contact types which are supported by this engine. This is a convenience function, equivalent to retrieving the allowable values for the QContactType::FieldType field of the QContactType definition which is valid in this engine.

QList<QVariant::Type> QContactManagerEngine::supportedDataTypes () const   [virtual]

Returns the list of data types supported by this engine.

QStringList QContactManagerEngine::supportedRelationshipTypes ( const QString & contactType ) const   [virtual]

Returns the list of relationship types supported by this engine for contacts whose type is the given contactType.

QString QContactManagerEngine::synthesizeDisplayLabel ( const QContact & contact, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Synthesizes the display label of the given contact in a platform specific manner. Any error that occurs will be stored in error. Returns the synthesized display label.

bool QContactManagerEngine::testFilter ( const QContactFilter & filter, const QContact & contact )   [static]

Returns true if the supplied filter matches the supplied contact.

This function will test each condition in the filter, possibly recursing.

void QContactManagerEngine::updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContactLocalId> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )   [static]

Updates the given asynchronous request req by setting its result, the overall operation error, any individual errors that occurred during the operation, and the new status of the request. It then causes the progress signal to be emitted by the request, with the appendOnly flag set (if required) to indicate result ordering stability. If the request is of a type which does not return a list of unique ids as a result, this function will return without doing anything.

void QContactManagerEngine::updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContact> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )   [static]

Updates the given asynchronous request req by setting its result, the overall operation error, any individual errors that occurred during the operation, and the new status of the request. It then causes the progress signal to be emitted by the request, with the appendOnly flag set (if required) to indicate result ordering stability. If the request is of a type which does not return a list of contacts as a result, this function will return without doing anything.

void QContactManagerEngine::updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContactDetailDefinition> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status )   [static]

Updates the given asynchronous request req by setting its result, the overall operation error, any individual errors that occurred during the operation, and the new status of the request. It then causes the progress signal to be emitted by the request. If the request is of a type which does not return a list of detail definition as a result, this function will return without doing anything.

void QContactManagerEngine::updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QMap<QString, QContactDetailDefinition> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )   [static]

Updates the given asynchronous request req by setting its result, the overall operation error, any individual errors that occurred during the operation, and the new status of the request. It then causes the progress signal to be emitted by the request, with the appendOnly flag set (if required) to indicate result ordering stability. If the request is of a type which does not return a map of string to detail definition as a result, this function will return without doing anything.

void QContactManagerEngine::updateRequest ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, const QList<QContactRelationship> & result, QContactManager::Error error, const QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )   [static]

Updates the given asynchronous request req by setting its result, the overall operation error, any individual errors that occurred during the operation, and the new status of the request. It then causes the progress signal to be emitted by the request, with the appendOnly flag set (if required) to indicate result ordering stability. If the request is of a type which does not return a list of contact relationships as a result, this function will return without doing anything.

void QContactManagerEngine::updateRequestStatus ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, QContactManager::Error error, QList<QContactManager::Error> & errors, QContactAbstractRequest::Status status, bool appendOnly = false )   [static]

Updates the given asynchronous request req by setting the overall operation error, any individual errors that occurred during the operation, and the new status of the request. It then causes the progress signal to be emitted by the request, with the appendOnly flag set (if required) to indicate result ordering stability.

bool QContactManagerEngine::validateActionFilter ( const QContactFilter & filter )   [static]

Given a QContactFilter filter retrieved from a QContactAction, check that it is valid and cannot cause infinite recursion.

In particular, a filter from a QContactAction cannot contain any instances of a QContactActionFilter.

Returns true if filter seems ok, or false otherwise.

bool QContactManagerEngine::validateContact ( const QContact & contact, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Checks that the given contact contact does not have details which don't conform to a valid definition, violate uniqueness constraints, or contain values for nonexistent fields, and that the values contained are of the correct type for each field, and are allowable values for that field.

Note that this function is unable to ensure that the access constraints (such as CreateOnly and ReadOnly) are observed; backend specific code must be written if you wish to enforce these constraints.

Returns true if the contact is valid according to the definitions for its details, otherwise returns false.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

bool QContactManagerEngine::validateDefinition ( const QContactDetailDefinition & definition, QContactManager::Error & error ) const   [virtual]

Checks that the given detail definition definition seems valid, with a correct id, defined fields, and any specified value types are supported by this engine. This function is called before trying to save a definition.

Note that a ReadOnly definition will fail validation, since they are intended to be provided by an engine directly.

Returns true if the definition seems valid, otherwise returns false.

Any errors encountered during this operation should be stored to error.

int QContactManagerEngine::version ()   [static]

Returns the version number of the QTContacts API

bool QContactManagerEngine::waitForRequestFinished ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, int msecs )   [virtual]

Blocks until the manager engine has completed the given request req which was previously started, or until msecs milliseconds have passed. Returns true if the request was completed, and false if the request was not in the QContactAbstractRequest::Active state or no progress could be reported.

See also startRequest().

bool QContactManagerEngine::waitForRequestProgress ( QContactAbstractRequest * req, int msecs )   [virtual]

Blocks until the manager engine has completed some part (or all) of the given request req which was previously started, or until msecs milliseconds have passed. Returns true if some progress was reported, and false if the request was not in the QContactAbstractRequest::Active state or no progress could be reported.

See also startRequest().


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  1. « Quelque chose ne va vraiment pas avec les développeurs "modernes" », un développeur à "l'ancienne" critique la multiplication des bibliothèques 103
  2. Pourquoi les programmeurs sont-ils moins payés que les gestionnaires de programmes ? Manquent-ils de pouvoir de négociation ? 56
  3. «Le projet de loi des droits du développeur» : quelles conditions doivent remplir les entreprises pour que le développeur puisse réussir ? 93
  4. Les développeurs détestent-ils les antivirus ? Un programmeur manifeste sa haine envers ces solutions de sécurité 32
  5. Qt Commercial : Digia organise un webinar gratuit le 27 mars sur la conception d'interfaces utilisateur et d'applications avec le framework 0
  6. Quelles nouveautés de C++11 Visual C++ doit-il rapidement intégrer ? Donnez-nous votre avis 10
  7. 2017 : un quinquennat pour une nouvelle version du C++ ? Possible, selon Herb Sutter 11
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  1. Linus Torvalds : le "C++ est un langage horrible", en justifiant le choix du C pour le système de gestion de version Git 100
  2. Comment prendre en compte l'utilisateur dans vos applications ? Pour un développeur, « 90 % des utilisateurs sont des idiots » 231
  3. Quel est LE livre que tout développeur doit lire absolument ? Celui qui vous a le plus marqué et inspiré 96
  4. Apple cède et s'engage à payer des droits à Nokia, le conflit des brevets entre les deux firmes s'achève 158
  5. Nokia porte à nouveau plainte contre Apple pour violation de sept nouveaux brevets 158
  6. « Quelque chose ne va vraiment pas avec les développeurs "modernes" », un développeur à "l'ancienne" critique la multiplication des bibliothèques 103
  7. Quel est le code dont vous êtes le plus fier ? Pourquoi l'avez-vous écrit ? Et pourquoi vous a-t-il donné autant de satisfaction ? 83
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Le Qt Labs au hasard


Les pointeurs intelligents de Qt

Les Qt Labs sont les laboratoires des développeurs de Qt, où ils peuvent partager des impressions sur le framework, son utilisation, ce que pourrait être son futur. Lire l'article.



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