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QContactRelationship Class Reference

The QContactRelationship class describes a one-to-one relationship between a locally-stored contact and another (possibly remote) contact. More...

    #include <QContactRelationship>

Public Functions

QContactRelationship ()
QContactRelationship ( const QContactRelationship & other )
~QContactRelationship ()
QContactId first () const
QString relationshipType () const
QContactId second () const
void setFirst ( const QContactId & firstId )
void setRelationshipType ( const QString & relationshipType )
void setSecond ( const QContactId & secondId )
bool operator!= ( const QContactRelationship & other ) const
QContactRelationship & operator= ( const QContactRelationship & other )
bool operator== ( const QContactRelationship & other ) const

Public Variables

const char * Aggregates
const char * HasAssistant
const char * HasManager
const char * HasMember
const char * HasSpouse
const char * Is

Detailed Description

The QContactRelationship class describes a one-to-one relationship between a locally-stored contact and another (possibly remote) contact.

Each relationship is uniquely identified by the combination of the first contact id, second contact id, and the relationship type.

A relationship should not contain a second contact which is the same as the first contact. Any local contacts which are referenced in the relationship (that is, any source contact, or any second contact whose manager URI is left empty or whose manager URI references the manager that stores the source contact, and in which the relationship will be saved) should exist.

If any of these requirements are not met, validation of the relationship may fail when attempting to save the relationship in a QContactManager.

Member Function Documentation

QContactRelationship::QContactRelationship ()

Constructs a new relationship

QContactRelationship::QContactRelationship ( const QContactRelationship & other )

Creates a copy of the other relationship

QContactRelationship::~QContactRelationship ()

Frees the memory in use by the relationship

QContactId QContactRelationship::first () const

Returns the id of the locally-stored contact which has a relationship of the given type with the second contact

See also relationshipType(), second(), and setFirst().

QString QContactRelationship::relationshipType () const

Returns the type of relationship which the source contact has with the destination contacts

See also setRelationshipType().

QContactId QContactRelationship::second () const

Returns the id of the contact with which the first contact has a relationship of the given type

See also setSecond(), relationshipType(), and first().

void QContactRelationship::setFirst ( const QContactId & firstId )

Sets the id of the first contact in the relationship to firstId. This contact must be stored in the manager in which the relationship is stored, and has a relationship of the specified type with the second contact.

See also first().

void QContactRelationship::setRelationshipType ( const QString & relationshipType )

Sets the type of relationship that the source contact has with the destination contacts to relationshipType.

See also relationshipType().

void QContactRelationship::setSecond ( const QContactId & secondId )

Sets the second contact in the relationship to secondId. The first contact has a relationship of the specified type with this contact.

See also second().

bool QContactRelationship::operator!= ( const QContactRelationship & other ) const

Returns true if this relationship is not equal to other, otherwise returns false.

QContactRelationship & QContactRelationship::operator= ( const QContactRelationship & other )

Assigns this relationship to be equal to other

bool QContactRelationship::operator== ( const QContactRelationship & other ) const

Returns true if this relationship is equal to the other relationship, otherwise returns false.

Member Variable Documentation

const char * QContactRelationship::Aggregates

The relationship type which identifies the first contact as aggregating the second contact into a metacontact

const char * QContactRelationship::HasAssistant

The relationship type which identifies the second contact as being the assistant of the first contact

const char * QContactRelationship::HasManager

The relationship type which identifies the second contact as being the manager of the first contact

const char * QContactRelationship::HasMember

The relationship type which identifies the first contact as being a group which includes the second contact

const char * QContactRelationship::HasSpouse

The relationship type which identifies the second contact as being the spouse of the first contact

const char * QContactRelationship::Is

The relationship type which identifies the first contact as being the same contact as the second contact

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