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QMediaImageViewer Class Reference

The QMediaImageViewer class provides a means of viewing image media. More...

    #include <QMediaImageViewer>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Inherits QMediaObject.

Public Types

enum MediaStatus { NoMedia, LoadingMedia, LoadedMedia, InvalidMedia }
enum State { StoppedState, PlayingState, PausedState }


Public Functions

QMediaImageViewer ( QObject * parent = 0 )
~QMediaImageViewer ()
int elapsedTime () const
QMediaContent media () const
MediaStatus mediaStatus () const
State state () const
int timeout () const

Public Slots

void pause ()
void play ()
void setMedia ( const QMediaContent & media )
void setTimeout ( int timeout )
void stop ()
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject


void elapsedTimeChanged ( int time )
void mediaChanged ( const QMediaContent & media )
void mediaStatusChanged ( QMediaImageViewer::MediaStatus status )
void stateChanged ( QMediaImageViewer::State state )

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 public type inherited from QObject
  • 4 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected functions inherited from QMediaObject
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QMediaImageViewer class provides a means of viewing image media.

The primary use of QMediaImageViewer is to display image media. If asked to display a non-image media type QMediaImageViewer will instead display the media's cover art or poster if a URI is available for either.

In order to actually display an image the QMediaImageViewer class must be coupled with a display output such as QVideoWidget. A display output is attached to the image viewer by passing a pointer the QMediaImageViewer instance in the constructor of the display output, and can be removed by deleting the display output.

    viewer = new QMediaImageViewer(this);

    display = new QVideoWidget(viewer);

QMediaImageViewer can be paired with a QMediaPlaylist to create a slide show of images. Constructing a QMediaPlaylist with a pointer to an instance of QMediaImageViewer will attach it to the image viewer; changing the playlist's selection will then change the media displayed by the image viewer. With a playlist attached QMediaImageViewer's play(), pause(), and stop() slots can be control the progression of the playlist. The timeout property determines how long an image is displayed for before progressing to the next in the playlist, and the elapsedTime property holds how the duration the current image has been displayed for.

    playlist = new QMediaPlaylist(viewer, this);


Member Type Documentation

enum QMediaImageViewer::MediaStatus

Enumerates the status of an image viewer's current media.

QMediaImageViewer::NoMedia0There is no current media.
QMediaImageViewer::LoadingMedia1The image viewer is loading the current media.
QMediaImageViewer::LoadedMedia2The image viewer has loaded the current media.
QMediaImageViewer::InvalidMedia3The current media cannot be loaded.

enum QMediaImageViewer::State

Enumerates the possible control states an image viewer may be in. The control state of an image viewer determines whether the image viewer is automatically progressing through images in an attached playlist.

QMediaImageViewer::StoppedState0The image viewer is stopped, and will not automatically move to the next image. The elapsedTime is fixed at 0.
QMediaImageViewer::PlayingState1The slide show is playing, and will move to the next image when the elapsedTime reaches the timeout. The elapsedTime is being incremented.
QMediaImageViewer::PausedState2The image viewer is paused, and will not automatically move the to next image. The elapsedTime is fixed at the time the image viewer was paused.

Property Documentation

elapsedTime : const int

This property holds the amount of time in milliseconds that has elapsed since the current image was loaded.

The elapsed time only increases while the image viewer is in the PlayingState. If stopped the elapsed time will be reset to 0.

Access functions:

int elapsedTime () const

Notifier signal:

void elapsedTimeChanged ( int time )

media : QMediaContent

This property holds the media an image viewer is presenting.

If the media is on a non image type the image viewer will instead display the media's cover art or poster if a URI is available for either.

Access functions:

QMediaContent media () const
void setMedia ( const QMediaContent & media )

Notifier signal:

void mediaChanged ( const QMediaContent & media )

mediaStatus : const MediaStatus

This property holds the status of the current media.

Access functions:

MediaStatus mediaStatus () const

Notifier signal:

void mediaStatusChanged ( QMediaImageViewer::MediaStatus status )

state : const State

This property holds the playlist control state of a slide show.

Access functions:

State state () const

Notifier signal:

void stateChanged ( QMediaImageViewer::State state )

timeout : int

This property holds the amount of time in milliseconds an image is displayed for before moving to the next image.

The timeout only applies if the image viewer has a playlist attached and is in the PlayingState.

Access functions:

int timeout () const
void setTimeout ( int timeout )

Member Function Documentation

QMediaImageViewer::QMediaImageViewer ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Constructs a new image viewer with the given parent.

QMediaImageViewer::~QMediaImageViewer ()

Destroys an image viewer.

void QMediaImageViewer::elapsedTimeChanged ( int time )   [signal]

Signals that the amount of time in milliseconds since the current image was loaded has changed.

This signal is emitted at a regular interval when the image viewer is in the PlayingState and an image is loaded. The notification interval is controlled by the QMediaObject::notifyInterval property.

See also timeout and QMediaObject::notifyInterval.

void QMediaImageViewer::mediaChanged ( const QMediaContent & media )   [signal]

Signals that the media an image viewer is presenting has changed.

void QMediaImageViewer::mediaStatusChanged ( QMediaImageViewer::MediaStatus status )   [signal]

Signals the the status of the current media has changed.

void QMediaImageViewer::pause ()   [slot]

Pauses a slide show.

The current media and elapsed time are retained. If resumed, the current image will be displayed for the remainder of the time out period before the next image is loaded.

void QMediaImageViewer::play ()   [slot]

Starts a slide show.

If the playlist has no current media this will start at the beginning of the playlist, otherwise it will resume from the current media.

If no playlist is attached to an image viewer this will do nothing.

void QMediaImageViewer::stateChanged ( QMediaImageViewer::State state )   [signal]

Signals that the playlist control state of an image viewer has changed.

void QMediaImageViewer::stop ()   [slot]

Stops a slide show.

The current media is retained, but the elapsed time is discarded. If resumed, the current image will be displayed for the full time out period before the next image is loaded.


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