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serialiser.cpp Example File

    ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
    ** All rights reserved.
    ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
    ** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
    ** No Commercial Usage
    ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    ** this package.
    ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    ** will be met:
    ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
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    #include "serialiser.h"
    #include <QUuid>

    QString Serialiser::escaped(const QString& input)
        QString retn = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;
            if (currChar == '\\' ||
                    currChar == '=' ||
                    currChar == ',' ||
                    currChar == ';' ||
                    currChar == ':') {
                // we need to escape this character.
                retn += '\\'; // escape with a single backslash.
            retn += currChar;

        return retn;

    QString Serialiser::convertDetail(const QContact& contact, const QContactDetail& detail, const QString& vcardField)
        // the format of the converted detail will be:
        // X-com-nokia-mobility-contacts-vcard-detail-UUID;vcardField;definitionName;key=value,key=value;preferredFor=actionId,actionId
        // where each of the elements are escaped strings.
        QString retn = "X-com-nokia-mobility-contacts-vcard-detail-";
        retn += escaped(QUuid::createUuid().toString());
        retn += ":";
        retn += escaped(vcardField);
        retn += ";";
        retn += escaped(detail.definitionName());
        retn += ";";

        QVariantMap vals = detail.values();
        foreach (const QString& key, vals.keys()) {
            retn += escaped(key);
            retn += "=";
            retn += escaped(vals.value(key).toString());
            retn += ",";
        retn += ";";

        retn += "preferredFor=";
        foreach(const QContactActionDescriptor& actionDescr, contact.availableActions(QString())) {
            if (contact.isPreferredDetail(actionDescr.actionName(), detail)) {
                retn += escaped(actionDescr.actionName()) + ",";

        if (retn.endsWith(","))

        return retn;

    QStringList Serialiser::findActionIdsFromCustomString(const QString& customString)
        QString pref = "preferredFor=";
        int startPos = customString.indexOf(pref) + pref.length();
        if (startPos <= pref.length() || startPos >= customString.length())
            return QStringList();

        QStringList retn;
        QString currentActionId = "";
        for (int i = startPos; i < customString.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;
            if (currChar == '\\') {
                i += 1;
                currentActionId +=;
            } else if (currChar == ',') {
                if (currentActionId.length() > 0) {
                    retn << currentActionId;

                currentActionId = "";

        if (currentActionId.length() > 0)
            retn << currentActionId;

        return retn;

    QString Serialiser::findLinkStringFromCustomString(const QString& customString)
        // check to see if the custom detail was put there by us.
        if (customString.indexOf("X-com-nokia-mobility-contacts-vcard-detail-") != 0) {
            return QString(); // no link.

        // parse the detail.  In this implementation, we ignore the linked vcard field.
        int sectionCount = 0;
        QString linkString = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < customString.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;

            // the second section is the link string.  grab it.
            if (sectionCount > 0) {
                if (currChar == '\\') {
                    linkString +=;
                } else {
                    linkString += currChar;

            if (currChar == ';' || currChar == ':') {
                // check to see whether we've finished copying the link string.
                sectionCount += 1;
                if (sectionCount == 2) {
                    linkString.chop(1); // chop off the trailing ';'
                    return linkString;
            } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                // skip the escaped character.
                i += 1;

        return QString(); // no link.

    QContactDetail Serialiser::convertCustomString(const QString& customString)
        int nextSection = 0;
        int oldNextSection = 0;

        // check to see if the custom detail was put there by us.
        if (customString.indexOf("X-com-nokia-mobility-contacts-vcard-detail-") != 0) {
            return QContactDetail();

        // parse the detail.  In this implementation, we ignore the linked vcard field.
        int sectionCount = 0;
        for (int i = nextSection; i < customString.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;
            if (currChar == ';' || currChar == ':') {
                // check to see whether we've finished skipping past the unused sections.
                sectionCount += 1;
                if (sectionCount == 2) {
                    nextSection = i + 1;
            } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                // skip the escaped character.
                i += 1;

        // then, we parse the definitionName from the string.
        QString definitionName = "";
        for (int i = nextSection; i < customString.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;
            if (currChar == ';') {
                nextSection = i + 1;
            } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                // the next character is escaped.
                i += 1;
            definitionName +=;

        // check to see whether this custom string was built by us
        if (nextSection == oldNextSection) {
            // nope; just return an empty detail.
            return QContactDetail();

        // then, we parse the values.
        QVariantMap values;
        QString currKey = "";
        QString currVal = "";
        for (int i = nextSection; i < customString.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;
            if (currChar == ';') {
                // finished with the key/value pairs.
                nextSection = i+1;
            } else if (currChar == '=') {
                // we have found the key.  now find the value
                for (int j = i + 1; j < customString.length(); j++) {
                    currChar =;
                    if (currChar == ',') {
                        // finished with this key/value pair
                        i = j;
                    } else if (currChar == ';') {
                        // finished with all key/value pairs.
                        i = j - 1; // we want to see this char next time around.
                    } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                        j += 1;
                        currVal +=;
                    } else {
                        currVal += currChar;

                // and insert it into the map
                values.insert(currKey, currVal);
                currKey = "";
                currVal = "";
            } else if (currChar == ',') {
                // finished with this key/value pair.
                // this should have been handled in the above case...
                currKey = "";
                currVal = "";
            } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                // an escaped character in the key
                i += 1;
                currKey +=;
            } else {
                // a normal character in the key.
                currKey += currChar;

        // check to see whether this custom string was built by us
        if (nextSection == oldNextSection) {
            // nope; just return an empty detail.
            return QContactDetail();

        // we parse the attributes.
        QMap<QString, QString> attrs;
        currKey = "";
        QString currAttr = "";
        for (int i = nextSection; i < customString.length(); i++) {
            QChar currChar =;
            if (currChar == ';') {
                // finished with the key/value pairs.
                nextSection = i+1;
            } else if (currChar == '=') {
                // we have found the key.  now find the value
                for (int j = i + 1; j < customString.length(); j++) {
                   currChar =;
                    if (currChar == ',') {
                        // finished with this key/value pair
                        i = j;
                    } else if (currChar == ';') {
                        // finished with all key/value pairs.
                        i = j - 1; // we want to see this char next time around.
                    } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                        j += 1;
                        currAttr +=;
                    } else {
                        currAttr += currChar;

                // and insert it into the map
                values.insert(currKey, currAttr);
                currKey = "";
                currAttr = "";
           } else if (currChar == ',') {
                // finished with this key/value pair.
                // this should have been handled in the above case...
                currKey = "";
                currVal = "";
            } else if (currChar == '\\') {
                // an escaped character in the key
                i += 1;
                currKey +=;
            } else {
                // a normal character in the key.
                currKey += currChar;

        // check to see whether this custom string was built by us
        if (nextSection == oldNextSection) {
            // nope; just return an empty detail.
            return QContactDetail();

        // having parsed the definitionName, values, attributes, and preferences we build the detail.
        QContactDetail retn(definitionName);
        QStringList keys = values.keys();
        foreach (const QString& key, keys)
            retn.setValue(key, values.value(key));
        return retn;

    QContact Serialiser::convertVcard(const QStringList& vcardLines)
        QMultiMap<QString, QContactDetail> vcardDetails;  // details built from vcard-supported fields
        QMultiMap<QString, QContactDetail> customDetails; // details built from x-custom fields which are linked to vcardDetails
        QList<QContactDetail> unlinkedCustomDetails;      // details built from x-custom fields

        QMap<QString, QContactDetail> customPreferredForUuid; // map of detail uuid to detail which has some associated preference information.
        QMap<QString, QStringList> customPreferredFor;  // map of detail uuid to list of actionds for which the detail is preferred.
        QList<QContactDetail> vcardPreferredFor;  // list of details build from vcard-supported fields which had the pref flag set.

        QContact retn;
        QStringList strippedVcardLines = removeClutter(vcardLines);
        foreach (const QString& line, strippedVcardLines) {
            if (line.startsWith("X-com-nokia-mobility-contacts-vcard-detail-")) {
                QContactDetail det = convertCustomString(line);
                if (!det.isEmpty()) {
                    // the line was a custom detail that we saved.
                    QString linkString = findLinkStringFromCustomString(line);
                    if (linkString.isEmpty()) {
                    } else {
                        customDetails.insert(linkString, det);

                    QString detailUuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
                    customPreferredForUuid.insert(detailUuid, det);
                    customPreferredFor.insert(detailUuid, findActionIdsFromCustomString(line));
            } else {
                QContactDetail det = parsePropertyType(line);
                QString defId = det.definitionName();
                if (defId.isEmpty()) {
                    // this must be another program's custom field.  ignore it.
                } else {
                    // this is a built-in vcard supported field.  build the detail.
                    QStringList contexts = parseContext(line);
                    if (!contexts.isEmpty())
                    if (defId == QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName) {
                        det.setValue(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldSubTypes, parseAttributes(line));
                        det.setValue(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber, parseValue(line));
                        vcardDetails.insert("TEL", det);
                    } else if (defId == QContactEmailAddress::DefinitionName) {
                        det.setValue(QContactEmailAddress::FieldEmailAddress, parseValue(line));
                        vcardDetails.insert("EMAIL", det);
                    } else if (defId == "Url") {
                        det.setValue(QContactUrl::FieldSubType, parseAttributes(line));
                        det.setValue(QContactUrl::DefinitionName, parseValue(line));
                        vcardDetails.insert("URL", det);
                    } else if (defId == QContactAvatar::DefinitionName) {
                        det.setValue(QContactAvatar::FieldSubType, parseAttributes(line));
                        det.setValue(QContactAvatar::FieldAvatar, parseValue(line));
                        vcardDetails.insert("PHOTO", det);
                    } else if (defId == QContactGuid::DefinitionName) {
                        det.setValue(QContactGuid::FieldGuid, parseValue(line));
                        vcardDetails.insert("UID", det);
                    } else if (defId == QContactAddress::DefinitionName) {
                        det.setValue(QContactAddress::FieldSubTypes, parseAttributes(line));
                        QStringList fieldValues = parseValue(line).split(";");
                        // ignore values 0 and 1 (extended and postal address) in this implementation
                        det.setValue(QContactAddress::FieldStreet, fieldValues.value(2));
                        det.setValue(QContactAddress::FieldLocality, fieldValues.value(3));
                        det.setValue(QContactAddress::FieldRegion, fieldValues.value(4));
                        det.setValue(QContactAddress::FieldPostcode, fieldValues.value(5));
                        det.setValue(QContactAddress::FieldCountry, fieldValues.value(6));
                        vcardDetails.insert("ADR", det);
                    } else if (defId == QContactName::DefinitionName) {
                        QStringList fieldValues = parseValue(line).split(";");
                        if (vcardDetails.contains("N")) {
                            // modify the existing name
                            QContactDetail currName = vcardDetails.value("N");
                            currName.setValue(QContactName::FieldPrefix, fieldValues.value(3));
                            currName.setValue(QContactName::FieldFirst, fieldValues.value(1));
                            currName.setValue(QContactName::FieldMiddle, fieldValues.value(2));
                            currName.setValue(QContactName::FieldLast, fieldValues.value(0));
                            currName.setValue(QContactName::FieldSuffix, fieldValues.value(4));
                            vcardDetails.replace("N", currName);
                        } else {
                            // create a new name if no existing name stored.
                            det.setValue(QContactName::FieldPrefix, fieldValues.value(3));
                            det.setValue(QContactName::FieldFirst, fieldValues.value(1));
                            det.setValue(QContactName::FieldMiddle, fieldValues.value(2));
                            det.setValue(QContactName::FieldLast, fieldValues.value(0));
                            det.setValue(QContactName::FieldSuffix, fieldValues.value(4));
                            vcardDetails.insert("N", det);
                    } else {
                        // we don't know how to map this value type.  Ignore the line.

                    if (parsePreferred(line)) {

        // at this stage, we have built two sets of details
        // the first set is built from our custom lines, which contain all the information
        // the second set is built from the vcard-builtin lines.
        // we now want to reconcile the two sets by throwing out any custom-set details
        //     which are not related to any built-in line but should be.
        foreach (const QString& linkString, customDetails.keys()) {
            foreach (const QContactDetail& linkedDetail, customDetails.values(linkString)) {
                bool found = false;
                QContactDetail toRemove;
                foreach (const QContactDetail& vcardDetail, vcardDetails.values(linkString)) {
                    if (linkedDetail.values() == vcardDetail.values()) {
                        toRemove = vcardDetail;
                        found = true;

                if (!found) {
                    // this supposedly linked detail has no corresponding vcard detail.
                    // it is an orphan.  ignore it.
                } else {
                    // remove the vcard detail from the map!
                    vcardDetails.remove(linkString, toRemove);

                    // save the more verbose (ie, built from custom string) detail.
                    toRemove = linkedDetail; // copy so we can call non-const function.

        // any details which are left in the vcardDetails map should be included
        foreach (const QContactDetail& det, vcardDetails.values()) {
            QContactDetail temp = det;

        // as should any unlinked custom details.
        foreach (const QContactDetail& det, unlinkedCustomDetails) {
            QContactDetail temp = det;

        // now set any preferences found in the vcard should be set
        //foreach (const QContactDetail& det, vcardPreferredFor) {
            // there is no granularity here; hence, we assume that if any detail is listed as preferred,
            // then it is the preferred detail for every action available to it.

            // new:
            //foreach (QContactAbstractAction* impl, QContactAbstractAction::implementations()) {
            //    foreach (const QString& actionId, impl->actionsForDetail(det)) {
            //        retn.setPreferredDetail(actionId, det);
            //    }

            // old:
            //foreach (const QString& actionId, QContactManager::availableActions(det.definitionName())) {
            //    retn.setPreferredDetail(actionId, det);

        // and now we set any preferences saved in the custom strings
        foreach (const QString& detailUuid, customPreferredForUuid.keys()) {
            QContactDetail det = customPreferredForUuid.value(detailUuid);
            foreach (const QStringList& actionIds, customPreferredFor.values(detailUuid)) {
                foreach (const QString& actionId, actionIds) {
                    retn.setPreferredDetail(actionId, det);

        return retn;

    QStringList Serialiser::removeClutter(const QStringList& vcard)
        QStringList copy;

        foreach (QString line, vcard) {
            QString firstBit = line.split(":", QString::SkipEmptyParts).value(0);
            if (firstBit == "BEGIN" || firstBit == "VERSION" || firstBit == "CLASS" || firstBit == "PRODID" || firstBit == "REV" || firstBit == "END") {
                // ignore this line.
            } else {

        return copy;

    QContactDetail Serialiser::parsePropertyType(const QString& line)
        // depending on the line signature, return a QContact<PropertyType> object.
        QStringList semiColonSplit = line.split(";");
        QStringList colonSplit = line.split(":");
        if (semiColonSplit.size() == 0 && colonSplit.size() == 0)
            return QContactDetail();

        if (semiColonSplit.size() != 0) {
            if ( == "TEL") {
                return QContactPhoneNumber();
            } else if ( == "EMAIL") {
                return QContactEmailAddress();
            } else if ( == "ADR") {
                return QContactAddress();
            } else if ( == "PHOTO") {
                return QContactAvatar();
            } else if ( == "UID") {
                return QContactGuid();

        // ok, so we have dealt with the cases where a semi colon proceeds the first token.
        // Now we must deal with the fields where the first token is proceeded by a colon.
        if (colonSplit.size() != 0) {
            if ( == "URL") {
                return QContactDetail("Url");
            } else if ( == "N") {
                QContactName name;
                return name;
            } else if ( == "FN") {
                QContactDisplayLabel label;
                return label;

        // otherwise, it's an unknown or custom field.
        return QContactDetail();

    QStringList Serialiser::parseContext(const QString& line)
        // depending on the TYPE= section, return a context (work/home/...)
        // returns the first one found.
        QStringList result;
        QStringList contexts;
        contexts << QContactDetail::ContextHome << QContactDetail::ContextWork << QContactDetail::ContextOther;
        QStringList semiColonSplit = line.split(";");
        for (int i = 0; i < semiColonSplit.size(); i++) {
            QString currSplit =;
            if (currSplit.startsWith("TYPE=")) {
                for (int j = 0; j < contexts.size(); j++) {
                    QString currContext =;
                    if (currSplit.contains(currContext.toLower()) && !result.contains(currContext)) {
                        return result;

        return result;

    QString Serialiser::parseValue(const QString& line)
        // return the settable value of this field
        QStringList colonSplit = line.split(":");
        if (colonSplit.size() != 2) {
            return QString();


    QString Serialiser::parseAttributes(const QString& line)
        // return any special attributes of this field
        QString result = "";
        QStringList contexts;
        contexts << QContactDetail::ContextHome << QContactDetail::ContextWork << QContactDetail::ContextOther;
        QStringList semiColonSplit = line.split(";");
        for (int i = 0; i < semiColonSplit.size(); i++) {
            QString currSplit =;
            if (currSplit.startsWith("TYPE=")) {
                // get rid of the TYPE= preamble, then remove any Contexts/Pref
                QString possibleAttrs = currSplit.remove(0,5);
                int startIndex = -1;

                // firstly, remove pref if it exists.
                startIndex = possibleAttrs.indexOf("pref");
                if (startIndex != -1)
                     possibleAttrs = possibleAttrs.remove(startIndex, 4);

                // then, remove any contexts
                for (int j = 0; j < contexts.size(); j++) {
                    startIndex = possibleAttrs.indexOf(;
                    if (startIndex != -1) {
                        possibleAttrs = possibleAttrs.remove(startIndex,;

                // finally, remove any value
                startIndex = possibleAttrs.indexOf(":");
                if (startIndex != -1) {
                    possibleAttrs = possibleAttrs.left(startIndex);

                // now we should be left with just attributes, separated by ",".
                QStringList attributes = possibleAttrs.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
                foreach (QString attribute, attributes) {
                    // special cases: deal with the vcard TYPE attributes that don't
                    // map directly to our QContactDetail SubType attributes.
                    if (attribute == "cell") {
                        result += "Mobile,";
                    } else if (attribute == "fax") {
                        result += "Facsimile,";
                    } else if (attribute == "msg") {
                        result += "Messaging,";
                    } else if (attribute == "dom") {
                        result += "Domestic,";
                    } else if (attribute == "intl") {
                        result += "International,";
                    } else {
                        QString firstLetter = "";
                        firstLetter +=;
                        firstLetter = firstLetter.toUpper();
                        QString rest = attribute.remove(0,1);
                        result += firstLetter + rest + ",";

                // remove the trailing `,'

        return result;

    bool Serialiser::parsePreferred(const QString& line)
        // return whether this field is preferred
        QStringList semiColonSplit = line.split(";");
        for (int i = 0; i < semiColonSplit.size(); i++) {
            QString currSplit =;
            if (currSplit.startsWith("TYPE=")) {
                if (currSplit.contains("pref")) {
                    return true;

        return false;

    bool Serialiser::detailIsPreferredForAnything(const QContact& contact, const QContactDetail& detail)
        foreach (const QContactActionDescriptor& actionDescr, contact.availableActions(QString())) {
            if (contact.isPreferredDetail(actionDescr.actionName(), detail)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    QStringList Serialiser::convertContact(const QContact& contact)
        QStringList vcard;
        QContact c = contact;

        QDateTime curr = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
        QString entry = "REV:" + curr.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
        vcard << "BEGIN:VCARD" << "VERSION:3.0" << "CLASS:PUBLIC" << "PRODID:-//qcontactvcardserializer from Version 1//EN" << entry;

        QStringList customVcardFields;

        QStringList vcardFieldsWithValues;
        foreach (const QContactDetail& det, contact.details()) {
            // we look at each detail of the contact
            // if the detail can be mapped to a non-singular vcard field, we create the vcard entry and the custom entry
            // if the detail can be mapped to a singular vcard field, we check to see that another detail which also
            //     maps to the same vcard field hasn't been saved as the vcard entry before doing the above.
            QString definitionName = det.definitionName();
            if (definitionName == QContactName::DefinitionName) {
                bool saved = false;

                // only one name is allowed
                if (!vcardFieldsWithValues.contains("N")) {
                    entry = "N:" + det.value(QContactName::FieldLast) + ";" + det.value(QContactName::FieldFirst) + ";" + det.value(QContactName::FieldMiddle) + ";" + det.value(QContactName::FieldPrefix) + det.value(QContactName::FieldSuffix);
                    vcardFieldsWithValues << "N";
                    vcard << entry;
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "N");
                    saved = true;

                // if not already saved, save as a generic custom field.
                if (!saved) {
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det);
            } else if (definitionName == QContactDisplayLabel::DefinitionName) {
                // only one formatted name is allowed
                if (!vcardFieldsWithValues.contains("FN")) {
                    entry = "FN:" + det.value(QContactDisplayLabel::FieldLabel);
                    vcard << entry;
                    vcardFieldsWithValues << "FN";
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "FN");
            } else if (definitionName == QContactAddress::DefinitionName) {
                // any number of address fields are allowed.
                entry = "ADR;TYPE=";
                QString typestr = "";
                QStringList subTypes = det.value<QStringList>(QContactAddress::FieldSubTypes);
                QStringList contexts = det.contexts();
                if (contexts.contains(QContactDetail::ContextHome)) typestr += "home,";
                if (contexts.contains(QContactDetail::ContextWork)) typestr += "work,";
                if (contexts.contains(QContactDetail::ContextOther)) typestr += "other,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactAddress::SubTypeDomestic)) typestr += "dom,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactAddress::SubTypeInternational)) typestr += "intl,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactAddress::SubTypeParcel)) typestr += "parcel,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactAddress::SubTypePostal)) typestr += "postal,";
                if (detailIsPreferredForAnything(contact, det)) typestr += "pref,";
                entry += typestr + ":;;" + det.value(QContactAddress::FieldStreet) + ";" + det.value(QContactAddress::FieldLocality) + ";" + det.value(QContactAddress::FieldRegion) + ";" + det.value(QContactAddress::FieldPostcode) + ";" + det.value(QContactAddress::FieldCountry);
                vcard << entry;
                //entry = "LABEL;TYPE=" + typestr + ":" + det.value(QContactAddress::FieldDisplayLabel);
                //vcard << entry;
                vcardFieldsWithValues << "ADR";
                vcardFieldsWithValues << "LABEL";
                customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "ADR");
            } else if (definitionName == "Url") {
                // any number of Url fields are allowed.
                entry = "URL:" + det.value("Url");
                vcard << entry;
                vcardFieldsWithValues << "URL";
                customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "URL");
            } else if (definitionName == QContactEmailAddress::DefinitionName) {
                // any number of email address fields are allowed.
                entry = "EMAIL;TYPE=internet";
                if (detailIsPreferredForAnything(contact, det)) entry += ",pref";
                entry += ":" + det.value(QContactEmailAddress::FieldEmailAddress);
                vcard << entry;
                vcardFieldsWithValues << "EMAIL";
                customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "EMAIL");
            } else if (definitionName == QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName) {
                // any number of telephone fields are allowed.
                entry = "TEL;TYPE=";
                QString typeStr = "";
                QStringList subTypes = det.value<QStringList>(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldSubTypes);
                QStringList contexts = det.contexts();
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeMobile)) typeStr += "cell,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeFacsimile)) typeStr += "fax,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeVideo)) typeStr += "video,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypePager)) typeStr += "pager,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeModem)) typeStr += "modem,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeBulletinBoardSystem)) typeStr += "bbs,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeMessagingCapable)) typeStr += "msg,";
                if (subTypes.contains(QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeLandline) || typeStr.isEmpty()) typeStr += "voice,";
                if (contexts.contains(QContactDetail::ContextHome)) typeStr = "home," + typeStr;
                if (contexts.contains(QContactDetail::ContextWork)) typeStr = "work," + typeStr;
                if (contexts.contains(QContactDetail::ContextOther)) typeStr = "other," + typeStr;
                if (detailIsPreferredForAnything(contact, det)) typeStr += "pref,";
                entry += typeStr + ":" + det.value(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber);
                vcard << entry;
                vcardFieldsWithValues << "TEL";
                customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "TEL");
            } else if (definitionName == QContactAvatar::DefinitionName) {
                // only one photo field is allowed per vcard, according to the spec
                if (vcardFieldsWithValues.contains("PHOTO")) {
                    // vcard already contains a photo field; save this one as a custom field only.
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det);
                } else {
                    // vcard does not yet contain a photo field; save this as the photo field.
                    vcardFieldsWithValues << "PHOTO";
                    entry = "PHOTO;VALUE=uri:" + det.value(QContactAvatar::FieldAvatar);
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "PHOTO");
            } else if (definitionName == QContactGuid::DefinitionName) {
                // only one UID field is allowed per vcard, according to the spec
                if (vcardFieldsWithValues.contains("UID")) {
                    // vcard already contains a photo field; save this one as a custom field only.
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det);
                } else {
                    // vcard does not yet contain a UID field; save this as the UID field.
                    vcardFieldsWithValues << "UID";
                    entry = "UID:" + det.value(QContactGuid::FieldGuid);
                    customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det, "UID");
            } else {
                // there is no vcard field mapping for this detail;
                // so, simply save it as a custom field.
                customVcardFields << convertDetail(contact, det); // doesn't map to any vcard field

        // now append our custom vcard fields and end the vcard.
        vcard << customVcardFields;
        vcard << "END:VCARD";

        return vcard;

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