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System Information

QSystemDeviceInfoAccess to device information from the system
QSystemDisplayInfoAccess to display information from the system
QSystemInfoAccess to various general information from the system
QSystemNetworkInfoAccess to network information from the system
QSystemScreenSaverAccess to screen saver and blanking
QSystemStorageInfoAccess to memory and disk information from the system

System Information

The System Information API provides a set of APIs to discover system related information and capabilities.


The QtMobility APIs are placed into the QtMobility namespace. This is done to facilitate the future migration of Mobility APIs into Qt. See the Quickstart guide for an example on how the namespace impacts on application development.


The System Information API returns the system information related to a number of categories.

Information Categories


Contains version information for a range of supporting software on the device. For example, from the Operating System and Firmware to the version of WebKit, Qt and the Service Framework.

Features (hardware)

This lists the supported hardware on the device. Features include items such as the camera, bluetooth, GPS, FM radio etc.


The state of the network connection, and also the type of network e.g. gsm, cdma, ethernet etc.

Display Information
Storage Information

The presence of various storage devices. Including: none, internal, removable, cdrom.

Device Information
  • Battery Status
  • Power State
  • Profile (silent, vibrating, normal etc)
  • Sim
  • Input Method (key/buttons, keypad, qwerty, single touch screen, multitouch etc)

Building and compiling

This library requires Qt 4.6 to be installed.

To build the library, run qmake and make.

Linux supports a NetworkManager based backend and generic backend using QNetworkInterface only. By default the generic backend is selected. If the NetworkManager backend is required run qmake as follows:

    qmake BACKEND=NetworkManager

The backend selection is expected to disappear once the API is integrated into Qt.


System Information Example

The System Information example demonstrates how an application can very easily access the system information of the device.

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