Detailed Description
The QOrganizerItemId class provides information that uniquely identifies an organizer item in a particular manager.
It consists of a manager URI which identifies the manager which contains the organizer item, and the id of the organizer item in that manager.
A "null" QOrganizerItemId has an empty manager URI
Member Function Documentation
QOrganizerItemId::QOrganizerItemId ()
Constructs a new organizer item id
QOrganizerItemId::QOrganizerItemId ( QOrganizerItemEngineId * engineItemId )
Constructs a manager-unique id which wraps the given engine-unique item id engineItemId. This id takes ownership of the engine-unique item id and will delete it when the id goes out of scope. Engine implementors must not delete the engineItemId or undefined behaviour will occur.
QOrganizerItemId::QOrganizerItemId ( const QOrganizerItemId & other )
Constructs a new organizer item id as a copy of other
QOrganizerItemId::~QOrganizerItemId ()
Cleans up the memory in use by the organizer item id
QOrganizerItemId QOrganizerItemId::fromString ( const QString & idString ) [static]
Deserializes the given idString. Returns a default-constructed (null) item id if the given idString is not a valid, serialized item id, or if the manager engine from which the id came could not be found.
bool QOrganizerItemId::isNull () const
Returns true if the local id part of the id is a null (default constructed) local id; otherwise, returns false.
QString QOrganizerItemId::managerUri () const
Returns the URI of the manager which contains the organizer item identified by this id
QString QOrganizerItemId::toString () const
Serializes the id to a string. The format of the string will be: "qtorganizer:managerName:constructionParams:serializedEngineLocalItemId"
bool QOrganizerItemId::operator!= ( const QOrganizerItemId & other ) const
Returns true if either the manager URI or id of the organizer item id is different to that of other
bool QOrganizerItemId::operator< ( const QOrganizerItemId & other ) const
Returns true if this id is less than the other id. This id will be considered less than the other id if the manager URI of this id is alphabetically less than the manager URI of the other id. If both ids have the same manager URI, this id will be considered less than the other id if the id of this id is less than the id of the other id.
The invalid, empty id consists of an empty manager URI and the invalid, zero id, and hence will be less than any non-invalid id.
This operator is provided primarily to allow use of a QOrganizerItemId as a key in a QMap.
QOrganizerItemId & QOrganizerItemId::operator= ( const QOrganizerItemId & other )
Assigns the organizer item id to be equal to other
bool QOrganizerItemId::operator== ( const QOrganizerItemId & other ) const
Returns true if the organizer item id has the same manager URI and id as other