sfwecho_service.pro Example Filesfwecho/sfwecho_service/sfwecho_service.proTARGET = sfwecho_service INCLUDEPATH += ../../../src/serviceframework DEPENDPATH += ../../../src/serviceframework include(../../mobility_examples.pri) QT = core TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += mobility no_icon MOBILITY = serviceframework HEADERS += SOURCES += main.cpp wince*|symbian*: { addFiles.sources = sfwechoservice.xml addFiles.path = xmldata addFiles2.sources = sfwechoservice.xml addFiles2.path = /private/2002AC7F/import/ DEPLOYMENT += addFiles addFiles2 } wince* { DEFINES+= TESTDATA_DIR=\\\".\\\" } else:!symbian { DEFINES += TESTDATA_DIR=\\\"$$PWD/\\\" } xml.path = $$QT_MOBILITY_EXAMPLES/xmldata xml.files = sfwechoservice.xml INSTALLS += xml © 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Nokia, Qt and their respective logos are trademarks of Nokia Corporation in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy X