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QFeedbackHapticsInterface Class Reference

The QFeedbackHapticsInterface class is the base class for plugins providing custom haptics effects. More...

 #include <QFeedbackHapticsInterface>

Inherits: QFeedbackInterface.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Types

enum ActuatorProperty { Name, State, Enabled }
enum EffectProperty { Duration, Intensity, AttackTime, AttackIntensity, ..., Period }

Public Functions

virtual QVariant actuatorProperty ( const QFeedbackActuator & actuator, ActuatorProperty property ) = 0
virtual QList<QFeedbackActuator *> actuators () = 0
virtual QFeedbackEffect::State effectState ( const QFeedbackHapticsEffect * effect ) = 0
virtual bool isActuatorCapabilitySupported ( const QFeedbackActuator & actuator, QFeedbackActuator::Capability capability ) = 0
virtual PluginPriority pluginPriority () = 0
virtual void setActuatorProperty ( const QFeedbackActuator & actuator, ActuatorProperty property, const QVariant & value ) = 0
virtual void setEffectState ( const QFeedbackHapticsEffect * effect, QFeedbackEffect::State state ) = 0
virtual void updateEffectProperty ( const QFeedbackHapticsEffect * effect, EffectProperty property ) = 0

Protected Functions

QFeedbackActuator * createFeedbackActuator ( QObject * parent, int id )

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QFeedbackHapticsInterface class is the base class for plugins providing custom haptics effects.

This interface will be used to try to play custom effects with specific duration, intensity, envelope and period. An effect is always played on a specified actuator.

Member Type Documentation

enum QFeedbackHapticsInterface::ActuatorProperty

This enum describes all actuator properties.

QFeedbackHapticsInterface::Name0The actuator name.
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::State1The actuator state.
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::Enabled2The actuator enabled state.

enum QFeedbackHapticsInterface::EffectProperty

This enum describes all effect properties for haptics effects.

QFeedbackHapticsInterface::Duration0The effect duration (in milliseconds)
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::Intensity1The effect intensity
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::AttackTime2The effect attack time (in milliseconds)
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::AttackIntensity3The effect attack intensity
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::FadeTime4The effect fade time (in milliseconds)
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::FadeIntensity5The effect fade intensity
QFeedbackHapticsInterface::Period6The effect period, this is an optional effect property.

Member Function Documentation

QVariant QFeedbackHapticsInterface::actuatorProperty ( const QFeedbackActuator & actuator, ActuatorProperty property ) [pure virtual]

Returns the value for the property for an actuator.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setActuatorProperty() and ActuatorProperty.

QList<QFeedbackActuator *> QFeedbackHapticsInterface::actuators () [pure virtual]

Return the available actuators provided by this plugin. The ownership of the actuator objects stays with the plugin.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QFeedbackActuator * QFeedbackHapticsInterface::createFeedbackActuator ( QObject * parent, int id ) [protected]

Creates an instance of QFeedbackActuator with the identifier id and parent parent. This allows backends to create instances of actuators. It is then up to the each backend to manage the identifiers according to its needs.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QFeedbackEffect::State QFeedbackHapticsInterface::effectState ( const QFeedbackHapticsEffect * effect ) [pure virtual]

Get the current state for the effect effect.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setEffectState().

bool QFeedbackHapticsInterface::isActuatorCapabilitySupported ( const QFeedbackActuator & actuator, QFeedbackActuator::Capability capability ) [pure virtual]

Returns true if the actuator supports the capability.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

PluginPriority QFeedbackHapticsInterface::pluginPriority () [pure virtual]

Returns the priority for the plugin.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also QFeedbackInterface::PluginPriority.

void QFeedbackHapticsInterface::setActuatorProperty ( const QFeedbackActuator & actuator, ActuatorProperty property, const QVariant & value ) [pure virtual]

Sets a value for property on the actuator.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also actuatorProperty() and ActuatorProperty.

void QFeedbackHapticsInterface::setEffectState ( const QFeedbackHapticsEffect * effect, QFeedbackEffect::State state ) [pure virtual]

Sets the state to state for the effect effect. If that fails the backend should report an error by calling reportError and effect will in turn emit an error signal.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also effectState().

void QFeedbackHapticsInterface::updateEffectProperty ( const QFeedbackHapticsEffect * effect, EffectProperty property ) [pure virtual]

Tells the backend that the property has been updated for the supplied effect.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

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