Member Function Documentation
QMediaPlaylistProvider::QMediaPlaylistProvider ( QObject * parent = 0 )
Constructs a playlist provider with the given parent.
QMediaPlaylistProvider::~QMediaPlaylistProvider () [virtual]
Destroys a playlist provider.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::addMedia ( const QMediaContent & media ) [virtual]
Append media to a playlist.
Returns true if the media was appended; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::addMedia ( const QList<QMediaContent> & items ) [virtual]
Append multiple media items to a playlist.
Returns true if the media items were appended; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::clear () [virtual]
Removes all media from a playlist.
Returns true if the media was removed; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::insertMedia ( int position, const QMediaContent & media ) [virtual]
Inserts media into a playlist at position.
Returns true if the media was inserted; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::insertMedia ( int position, const QList<QMediaContent> & items ) [virtual]
Inserts multiple media items into a playlist at position.
Returns true if the media items were inserted; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::isReadOnly () const [virtual]
Returns true if a playlist is read-only; otherwise returns false.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::load ( const QUrl & location, const char * format = 0 ) [virtual]
Loads a playlist from from a URL location. If no playlist format is specified the loader will inspect the URL or probe the headers to guess the format.
New items are appended to playlist.
Returns true if the provider supports the format and loading from the locations URL protocol, otherwise this will return false.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::load ( QIODevice * device, const char * format = 0 ) [virtual]
Loads a playlist from from an I/O device. If no playlist format is specified the loader will probe the headers to guess the format.
New items are appended to playlist.
Returns true if the provider supports the format and loading from an I/O device, otherwise this will return false.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::loadFailed ( QMediaPlaylist::Error error, const QString & errorMessage ) [signal]
Signals that a load failed() due to an error. The errorMessage provides more information.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::loaded () [signal]
Signals that a load() finished successfully.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
QMediaContent QMediaPlaylistProvider::media ( int index ) const [pure virtual]
Returns the media at index in the playlist.
If the index is invalid this will return a null media content.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::mediaAboutToBeInserted ( int start, int end ) [signal]
Signals that new media is about to be inserted into a playlist between the start and end positions.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::mediaAboutToBeRemoved ( int start, int end ) [signal]
Signals that media is about to be removed from a playlist between the start and end positions.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::mediaChanged ( int start, int end ) [signal]
Signals that media in playlist between the start and end positions inclusive has changed.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
int QMediaPlaylistProvider::mediaCount () const [pure virtual]
Returns the size of playlist.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::mediaInserted ( int start, int end ) [signal]
Signals that new media has been inserted into a playlist between the start and end positions.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::mediaRemoved ( int start, int end ) [signal]
Signals that media has been removed from a playlist between the start and end positions.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::removeMedia ( int position ) [virtual]
Removes the media at position from a playlist.
Returns true if the media was removed; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::removeMedia ( int start, int end ) [virtual]
Removes the media between the given start and end positions from a playlist.
Returns true if the media was removed; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::save ( const QUrl & location, const char * format = 0 ) [virtual]
Saves the contents of a playlist to a URL location. If no playlist format is specified the writer will inspect the URL to guess the format.
Returns true if the playlist was saved successfully; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
bool QMediaPlaylistProvider::save ( QIODevice * device, const char * format ) [virtual]
Saves the contents of a playlist to an I/O device in the specified format.
Returns true if the playlist was saved successfully; and false otherwise.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.
void QMediaPlaylistProvider::shuffle () [virtual slot]
Shuffles the contents of a playlist.
This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.