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QML NetworkInfo Element

The NetworkInfo element allows you to get information and receive notifications from the network. More...

  • List of all members, including inherited members
  • Properties



    Detailed Description

    This element is part of the QtMobility.systeminfo 1.1 module. It is a convience class to make QML usage easier.

    Note: To use notification signals, you need to set the monitor* properties to true.

    In QtMobility 1.2, the NetworkInfo Element was changed to work in one network mode at a time. You use the property mode to set which network mode it is in.

    The following table lists the incompatible changes made to the start* functions between QtMobility 1.1 and 1.2, where they became Q_PROPERTY:

    QtMobility 1.1QtMobility 1.2Notes
    slot void startStatusChanged();void startStatusChanged(bool on);Became Q_PROPERTY monitorStatusChanges in QtMobility 1.2
    void startSignalStrengthChanged();void startSignalStrengthChanged(bool)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorSignalStrengthChanges in QtMobility 1.2
    void startNameChanged()void startNameChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorNameChanges in QtMobility 1.2
    void startModeChanged()void startModeChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorModeChanges in QtMobility 1.2
    void startCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanged()void startCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanges in QtMobility 1.2
    void startCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanged()void startCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanged(bool on)Became Q_PROPERTY monitorCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanges in QtMobility 1.2
    void useMode();void mode()Became Q_PROPERTY mode in QtMobility 1.2

    Example new usage:

    QtMobility 1.2:

       NetworkInfo {
           id: wlaninfo
           mode: NetworkInfo.WlanMode;
           monitorNameChanges: true;
           monitorSignalStrengthChanges: true
           monitorStatusChanges: true
           monitorModeChanges: true
           onStatusChanged : {
               img = getImage(newStatus)

    To use this in a mode other than the default mode given by currentMode, set the mode with mode.

     import Qt 4.7
     import QtMobility.systeminfo 1.1
     Rectangle {
         NetworkInfo {
             id: wlaninfo
             mode: NetworkInfo.WlanMode;
             monitorNameChanges: true
             monitorSignalStrengthChanges: true
         Text {
             id: signame
             color: "white"
             text:  wlaninfo.networkName +" "+wlaninfo.networkSignalStrength;
             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
             anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;

    See also QSystemNetworkInfo.

    Property Documentation

    read-onlymacAddress : string

    Returns this NetworkInfo's network interface's MAC address.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    read-onlymode : enumeration

    Sets this NetworkInfo to use QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkModes. Does not set the mode of the underlaying system.

    If not set, the default is whatever defaultMode is.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    read-onlymonitorCellDataTechnologyChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    See also QSystemNetworkInfo::cellDataTechnologyChanged.

    read-onlymonitorCellIdChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlymonitorCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlymonitorCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlymonitorModeChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlymonitorNameChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlymonitorSignalStrengthChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlymonitorStatusChanges : bool

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.2.

    read-onlynetworkName : string

    Returns this NetworkInfo's network name.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    read-onlynetworkSignalStrength : int

    Returns this NetworkInfo's network signal strength.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    read-onlynetworkStatus : string

    Returns this NetworkInfo's network status.

    The following table shows the mapping between the NetworkInfo NetworkStatus property and the QSystemNetworkInfo::NetworkStatus enum.

    "No Network Available"QSystemNetworkInfo::NoNetworkAvailable
    "Emergency Only"QSystemNetworkInfo::EmergencyOnly
    "Home Network"QSystemNetworkInfo::HomeNetwork

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    Signal Documentation

    NetworkInfo::currentMobileCountryCodeChanged ()

    This handler is called when network MCC has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startCurrentMobileCountryCodeChanged.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    NetworkInfo::currentMobileNetworkCodeChanged ()

    This handler is called when network MNC has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startCurrentMobileNetworkCodeChanged.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    NetworkInfo::modeChanged ()

    This handler is called when the systems default network mode has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startModeChanged.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    NetworkInfo::nameChanged ()

    This handler is called when network name has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startNameChanged.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    NetworkInfo::signalStrengthChanged ()

    This handler is called when network signal strength has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startSignalStrengthChanged.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    NetworkInfo::statusChanged ()

    This handler is called when network status has changed. Note: To receive this notification, you must first call startStatusChanged.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.

    Method Documentation

    QNetworkInterface NetworkInfo::interfaceForMode ()

    Returns the QNetworkInterface for this NetworkInfo.

    This documentation was introduced in Qt Mobility Mobility 1.1.


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