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QAbstractGrpcClient Class

The QAbstractGrpcClient class is bridge between gRPC clients and channels.

This class was introduced in Qt 6.5.

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QAbstractGrpcClient Class

  • Header: QAbstractGrpcClient

  • Since: Qt 6.5

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)

  • Inherits: QObject

I. Detailed Description

QAbstractGrpcClient provides a set of functions for client classes generated out of protobuf services. QAbstractGrpcClient enforces thread safety for startStream() and call() methods of generated clients.

II. Member Function Documentation


II-1. void QAbstractGrpcClient::attachChannel(const std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> &channel)

Attaches channel to client as transport layer for gRPC.

Parameters and return values will be serialized to the channel in a format it supports.

Warning: Qt GRPC doesn't guarantee thread safety on the channel level. You have to invoke the channel-related functions on the same thread as QAbstractGrpcClient.

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