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geoSatelliteInfo QML Value Type

The geoSatelliteInfo type represents basic information about a satellite.

This type was introduced in Qt 6.5.

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geoSatelliteInfo QML Value Type

  • Import Statement: import QtPositioning 6.5

  • Since:: Qt 6.5

  • Group: geoSatelliteInfo is part of qmlvaluetypes, qml-QtPositioning5-basictypes

I. Detailed Description

This type is a QML representation of QGeoSatelliteInfo. The type is uncreatable from QML and can only be used when handling satellite updates from SatelliteSource.

This type contains the satelliteSystem, satelliteIdentifier and signalStrength read-only properties, and also optional attributes.

Use the hasAttribute method to check if the attribute exists or not, and the attribute method to get its value.

I-1. See Also

II. Property Documentation


II-1. [read-only] satelliteIdentifier : int

Holds the satellite identifier number.

The satellite identifier number can be used to identify a satellite within the satellite system.

The actual value may vary, depending on the platform and the selected backend.

II-2. [read-only] satelliteSystem : enumeration

Holds the GNSS system of the satellite.




Not defined.


Global Positioning System (USA).


Global Positioning System (Russia).


Global navigation satellite system (EU).


BeiDou navigation satellite system (China).


Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (Japan).


This type normally indicates that the information is received from a device that supports multiple satellite systems, and the satellite system is not explicitly specified.


The first type that can be used for user purposes.

II-3. [read-only] signalStrength : real

Holds the signal strength in decibels.

III. Method Documentation


III-1. real attribute(Attribute attr)

Returns the value of the attribute attr or -1 if the value has not been set.

The following attributes are supported:

  • GeoSatelliteInfo.Elevation - the elevation of the satellite, in degrees.

  • GeoSatelliteInfo.Azimuth - the azimuth to true north, in degrees.

III-2. bool hasAttribute(Attribute attr)

Returns true if the satellite information contains the attribute attr. Otherwise returns false.

See attribute() for the list of supported attributes.

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