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PluginParameter QML Type

The PluginParameter type describes a parameter for a plugin.

This type was introduced in QtLocation 5.5.

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PluginParameter QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtLocation 6.5

  • Since:: QtLocation 5.5

  • Group: PluginParameter is part of qml-QtLocation5-common

I. Detailed Description

The PluginParameter object is used to provide a parameter of some kind to a plugin. Typically these parameters contain details like an application token for access to a service, or a proxy server to use for network access, or the serial port to which a serial GPS receiver is connected.

To set such a parameter, declare a PluginParameter inside an Plugin object and give it name and value properties. A list of valid parameter names is available from the plugin reference pages.

II. Property Documentation


II-1. name : string

This property holds the name of the plugin parameter as a single formatted string. This property is a write-once property.

II-2. value : QVariant

This property holds the value of the plugin parameter which support different types of values (variant). This property is a write-once property.

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