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HorizontalHeaderView QML Type

Provides a horizontal header view to accompany a TableView.

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HorizontalHeaderView QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls

  • Inherits:: TableView

  • Group: HorizontalHeaderView is part of qtquickcontrols-containers

I. Detailed Description

A HorizontalHeaderView provides a styled table header. It can either be used as an independent view or header for a TableView.

You can add a header for a TableView by assigning a HorizontalHeaderView to the TableView::syncView property. The header and the table will then be kept in sync while flicking.

By default, HorizontalHeaderView displays header data from the sync view's model. If you don't wish to use this model, you can assign a different model to the model property. If you assign a model that is a QAbstractItemModel, its header data will be used. Otherwise the data in the model will be used directly (for example, if you assign a model that is simply an array of strings).

By default, textRole is set to "display", meaning that data from the model's Qt::DisplayRole will be used. You can set this to another role name in order to have that data displayed instead.

The application is responsible for placing the header at the correct location in the scene. You can add as many headers as you want to a single TableView, which can be useful if you for example want to place headers on all four sides of the table.

The following snippet shows how you can add a horizontal and vertical header view to a table view:

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("HeaderView")

    Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: parent
        // The background color will show through the cell
        // spacing, and therefore become the grid line color.
        color: Qt.styleHints.appearance === Qt.Light ? palette.mid : palette.midlight

        HorizontalHeaderView {
            id: horizontalHeader
            anchors.left: tableView.left
            syncView: tableView
            clip: true

        VerticalHeaderView {
            id: verticalHeader
            anchors.left: parent.left
            syncView: tableView
            clip: true

        TableView {
            id: tableView
            anchors.left: verticalHeader.right
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            clip: true

            columnSpacing: 1
            rowSpacing: 1

            model: TableModel {
                TableModelColumn { display: "name" }
                TableModelColumn { display: "color" }

                rows: [
                        "name": "cat",
                        "color": "black"
                        "name": "dog",
                        "color": "brown"
                        "name": "bird",
                        "color": "white"

            delegate: Rectangle {
                implicitWidth: 100
                implicitHeight: 20
                color: palette.base
                Label {
                    text: display

A HorizontalHeaderView will have resizableColumns set to true by default.

I-1. See Also

II. Property Documentation


II-1. model : QVariant

This property holds the model providing data for the horizontal header view.

When model is not explicitly set, the header will use the syncView's model once syncView is set.

If model is a QAbstractTableModel, its horizontal headerData() will be accessed.

If model is a QAbstractItemModel other than QAbstractTableModel, model's data() will be accessed.

Otherwise, the behavior is same as setting TableView::model.

II-1-1. See Also

II-2. syncView : TableView

This property holds the TableView to synchronize with.

Once this property is bound to another TableView, both header and table will synchronize with regard to column widths, column spacing, and flicking horizontally.

If the model is not explicitly set, then the header will use the syncView's model to label the columns.

II-2-1. See Also

See also model, TableView

II-3. textRole : QString

This property holds the model role used to display text in each header cell.

When the model has multiple roles, textRole can be set to determine which role should be displayed.

If model is a QAbstractItemModel then it will default to "display"; otherwise it is empty.

II-3-1. See Also

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