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MonthGrid QML Type

A grid of days for a calendar month.

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MonthGrid QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.Controls

  • Inherits:: Control

I. Detailed Description

MonthGrid presents a calendar month in a grid. The contents are calculated for a given month and year, using the specified locale.

Image non disponible
MonthGrid {
    month: Calendar.December
    year: 2015
    locale: Qt.locale("en_US")

MonthGrid can be used as a standalone control, but it is most often used in conjunction with DayOfWeekRow and WeekNumberColumn. Regardless of the use case, positioning of the grid is left to the user.

Image non disponible
GridLayout {
    columns: 2

    DayOfWeekRow {
        locale: grid.locale

        Layout.column: 1
        Layout.fillWidth: true

    WeekNumberColumn {
        month: grid.month
        year: grid.year
        locale: grid.locale

        Layout.fillHeight: true

    MonthGrid {
        id: grid
        month: Calendar.December
        year: 2015
        locale: Qt.locale("en_US")

        Layout.fillWidth: true
        Layout.fillHeight: true

The visual appearance of MonthGrid can be changed by implementing a custom delegate.

When viewing any given month, MonthGrid shows days from the previous and next month. This means it always shows six rows, even when first or last row is entirely within an adjacent month.

I-1. Localizing days

To localize days, use Locale.toString(). For example, to display day numbers in an Arabic locale:

MonthGrid {
    id: monthGrid
    month: Calendar.December
    year: 2015
    locale: Qt.locale("ar")
    delegate: Text {
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
        opacity: model.month === monthGrid.month ? 1 : 0
        text: monthGrid.locale.toString(, "d")
        font: monthGrid.font

        required property var model

I-2. See Also

II. Property Documentation


II-1. delegate : Component

This property holds the item delegate that visualizes each day.

In addition to the index property, a list of model data roles are available in the context of each delegate: : date

The date of the cell : int

The number of the day : bool

Whether the delegate represents today

model.weekNumber : int

The week number

model.month : int

The number of the month

model.year : int

The number of the year

The following snippet presents the default implementation of the item delegate. It can be used as a starting point for implementing custom delegates.

delegate: Text {
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    opacity: model.month === control.month ? 1 : 0
    font: control.font

    required property var model

II-2. month : int

This property holds the number of the month. The default value is the current month.

The Qt Quick Calendar module uses 0-based month numbers to be consistent with the JavaScript Date type, that is used by the QML language. This means that Date::getMonth() can be passed to the methods as is. When dealing with month numbers directly, it is highly recommended to use the following enumeration values to avoid confusion.




January (0)


February (1)


March (2)


April (3)


May (4)


June (5)


July (6)


August (7)


September (8)


October (9)


November (10)


December (11)

II-2-1. See Also

See also Calendar

II-3. title : string

This property holds a title for the calendar.

This property is provided for convenience. MonthGrid itself does not visualize the title. The default value consists of the month name, formatted using locale, and the year number.

II-4. year : int

This property holds the number of the year.

The value must be in the range from -271820 to 275759. The default value is the current year.

III. Signal Documentation


III-1. clicked(date date)

This signal is emitted when date is clicked.

The corresponding handler is onClicked.

III-2. pressAndHold(date date)

This signal is emitted when date is pressed and held down.

The corresponding handler is onPressAndHold.

III-3. pressed(date date)

This signal is emitted when date is pressed.

The corresponding handler is onPressed.

III-4. released(date date)

This signal is emitted when date is released.

The corresponding handler is onReleased.

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