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InstanceRange QML Type

Specifies a range for RandomInstancing.

This type was introduced in Qt 6.2.

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InstanceRange QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Helpers

  • Since:: Qt 6.2

  • Inherits:: Object3D

Detailed Description

The InstanceRange QML type is used to specify the range of variation for RandomInstancing attributes.

Property Documentation


from : Variant

This property specifies the lower bound of the range. The type needs to match the type of the attribute that this range is applied to.

proportional : bool

This property determines whether the components of the attribute vary proportionally or independently. The default value is true, meaning that all components are independent.

For example, the following defines a scaling range that preserves the aspect ratio of the model:

InstanceRange {
    from: Qt.vector3d(1, 1, 1)
    to: Qt.vector3d(5, 5, 5)
    proportional: true

This defines a greyscale color range:

InstanceRange {
    from: "black"
    to: "white"
    proportional: true

While the following defines a range that covers all colors

InstanceRange {
    from: "black"
    to: "white"

to : Variant

This property specifies the upper bound of the range. The type needs to match the type of the attribute that this range is applied to.

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