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Qt 3D C++ Classes

The Qt 3D module contains functionality to support near-realtime simulation systems.

This documentation was introduced in Qt 5.7.

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Qt 3D C++ Classes

The Qt 3D module provides the foundations and core types used for near-realtime simulations built on the Qt 3D framework.


  • Qt3DAnimation: Contains classes from the Qt3DAnimation module.

  • Qt3DCore: Contains classes that are the foundation for Qt 3D simulation framework, as well as classes that provide the ability to render using the Qt 3D framework.

  • Qt3DCore::Quick: Contains classes used for implementing QML functionality into Qt3D applications.

  • Qt3DExtras: Contains classes from the Qt3DExtras module.

  • Qt3DInput: Contains classes that enable user input.

  • Qt3DLogic: Contains classes that enable frame synchronization.

  • Qt3DRender: Contains classes that enable 2D and 3D rendering.



Qt 3D Core Module

Qt 3D Input Module

Qt 3D Logic Module

Qt 3D Render Module

Qt 3D Extras Module

Qt 3D Animation Module

Qt 3D Scene2D Module

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