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Qt Positioning QML Types

Provides QML types for position information.

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Qt Positioning QML Types

The identifying string for this module is QtPositioning. To use the QML from this module, include the following import statement in the QML file:

import QtPositioning 6.5

Basic Types

  • coordinate: The coordinate type represents and stores a geographic position.

  • geoSatelliteInfo: The geoSatelliteInfo type represents basic information about a satellite.

  • geocircle: The geocircle type represents a circular geographic area.

  • geopath: The geopath type represents a geographic path.

  • geopolygon: The geopolygon type represents a geographic polygon.

  • georectangle: The georectangle type represents a rectangular geographic area.

  • geoshape: A geoshape type represents an abstract geographic area.

Alphabetical Listing of All QML Types



  • Address: The Address QML type represents a specific location as a street address.

  • CoordinateAnimation: A PropertyAnimation for geo coordinate properties.

  • Location: The Location type holds location data.

  • PluginParameter: The PluginParameter type describes a parameter for a position plugin.

  • Position: The Position type holds positional data at a particular point in time, such as coordinate (longitude, latitude, altitude) and speed.

  • PositionSource: The PositionSource type provides the device's current position.

  • QtPositioning: The QtPositioning global object provides useful functions for working with location-based types in QML.

  • SatelliteSource: The SatelliteSource class provides the satellite information.

  • coordinate: The coordinate type represents and stores a geographic position.

  • geoSatelliteInfo: The geoSatelliteInfo type represents basic information about a satellite.

  • geocircle: The geocircle type represents a circular geographic area.

  • geopath: The geopath type represents a geographic path.

  • geopolygon: The geopolygon type represents a geographic polygon.

  • georectangle: The georectangle type represents a rectangular geographic area.

  • geoshape: A geoshape type represents an abstract geographic area.

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