QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest Class▲
Header: QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest
Since: Qt 5.11
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS WebEngineCore)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::WebEngineCore)
qmake: QT += webenginecore
Inherited By:
Instantiated By: qml-qtwebengine-registerprotocolhandlerrequest.xml
Detailed Description▲
Property Documentation▲
[read-only] origin : const QUrl▲
This property holds the URL template for the protocol handler.
This is the second parameter from the registerProtocolHandler call.
Access functions:
origin() const
[read-only] scheme : const QString▲
This property holds the URL scheme for the protocol handler.
This is the first parameter from the registerProtocolHandler call.
Access functions:
scheme() const
Member Function Documentation▲
void QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest::accept()▲
Accepts the request
Subsequent calls to accept() and reject() are ignored.
void QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest::reject()▲
Rejects the request.
Subsequent calls to accept() and reject() are ignored.
bool QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest::operator!=(const QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest &that) const▲
Returns true if that points to a different object than this request.
bool QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest::operator==(const QWebEngineRegisterProtocolHandlerRequest &that) const▲
Returns true if that points to the same object as this request.