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QCheckListItem Class Reference

The QCheckListItem class implements checkable list view items. More...

#include <qlistview.h>

Inherits QListViewItem.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

  • enum Type { RadioButton, CheckBox, Controller }
  • QCheckListItem ( QCheckListItem * parent, const QString & text, Type = Controller ) 
  • QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, Type = Controller ) 
  • QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, const QString & text, Type = Controller ) 
  • QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & ) 
  • QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & ) 
  • ~QCheckListItem () 
  • virtual void paintCell ( QPainter *, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int alignment ) 
  • virtual void paintFocus ( QPainter *, const QColorGroup & cg, const QRect & r ) 
  • virtual void setup () 
  • virtual void setOn ( bool ) 
  • bool isOn () const
  • Type type () const
  • QString text () const
  • void setEnabled ( bool b ) 
  • bool isEnabled () const

Protected Members

Detailed Description

The QCheckListItem class implements checkable list view items.

There are three types of check list items: CheckBox, RadioButton and Controller.

Checkboxes may be inserted at top level in the list view. A radio button must be child of a controller.

Member Type Documentation


This enum type defines the modes in which a QCheckListItem can be:
  • RadioButton -
  • CheckBox -
  • Controller -

Member Function Documentation

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, text text and type tt. Note that tt must not be RadioButton, if so it will not toggle.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListView * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p )

Constructs a Controller item with parent parent, text text and pixmap p.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, text text and type tt. Note that this item must not be a a RadioButton. Radio buttons must be children on a Controller.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p )

Constructs a Controller item with parent parent, text text and pixmap p.

QCheckListItem::QCheckListItem ( QCheckListItem * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = Controller )

Constructs a checkable item with parent parent, text text and type tt. Note that a RadioButton must be child of a Controller, otherwise it will not toggle.

QCheckListItem::~QCheckListItem ()

Destroys the item, deleting all its children, freeing up all allocated resources.

void QCheckListItem::activate () [virtual protected]

Toggle checkbox, or set radio button on.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

bool QCheckListItem::isEnabled () const

Retuns whether the item is enabled or disabled.

See also setEnabled().

bool QCheckListItem::isOn () const

Returns TRUE if this item is toggled on, FALSE otherwise.

void QCheckListItem::paintBranches ( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & g, int w, int y, int h, GUIStyle s ) [virtual protected]

Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

void QCheckListItem::paintCell ( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cgb, int column, int width, int align ) [virtual]

Paints this item.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

void QCheckListItem::paintFocus ( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, const QRect & r ) [virtual]

Draws the focus rectangle.

void QCheckListItem::setEnabled ( bool b )

Enables/Disables the item depending on what you pass as b parameter. If the item is disabled, the user can't change the state (see setOn()/isOn()) of the item.

void QCheckListItem::setOn ( bool b ) [virtual]

Sets this button on if b is TRUE, off otherwise. Maintains radio button exclusivity.

void QCheckListItem::setup () [virtual]

Performs setup.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

void QCheckListItem::stateChange ( bool ) [virtual protected]

This virtual function is called when the item changes its on/off state.

QString QCheckListItem::text () const

Returns the text of this item.

QString QCheckListItem::text ( int n ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

void QCheckListItem::turnOffChild () [protected]

If this is a Controller that has RadioButton children, turn off the child that is on.

QCheckListItem::Type QCheckListItem::type() const

Returns the type of this item.

int QCheckListItem::width ( const QFontMetrics & fm, const QListView * lv, int column ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.

Reimplemented from QListViewItem.

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