QImageFormat Class Reference
Incremental image decoder for a specific image format.
#include <qasyncimageio.h>
List of all member functions.
Public Members
virtual intÂ
decode ( QImage & img, QImageConsumer * consumer, const uchar * buffer, int length )Â
Detailed Description
Incremental image decoder for a specific image format.
By making a derived classes of QImageFormatType which in turn
creates objects that are a subclass of QImageFormat, you can add
support for more incremental image formats, allowing such formats to
be sources for a QMovie, or for the first frame of the image stream
to be loaded as a QImage or QPixmap.
Your new subclass must reimplement the decode() function in order to
process your new format.
New QImageFormat objects are generated by new QImageFormatType factories.
Member Function Documentation
QImageFormat::~QImageFormat () [virtual]
Destructs the object.
int QImageFormat::decode ( QImage & img, QImageConsumer * consumer, const uchar * buffer, int length ) [virtual]
New subclasses must reimplement this method.
It should decode some or all of the bytes from buffer into
img, calling the methods of consumer as the decoding proceeds to
inform that consumer of changes to the image.
The consumer may be 0, in which case the function should just process
the data into img without telling any consumer about the changes.
Note that the decoder must store enough state
to be able to continue in subsequent calls to this method - this is
the essence of the incremental image loading.
The function should return without processing all the data if it
reaches the end of a frame in the input.
The function must return the number of bytes it has processed.
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