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QAccessibleInterface Class Reference

The QAccessibleInterface class defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects. More...

#include <qaccessible.h>

Inherits QAccessible.

Inherited by QAccessibleObject.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

  • virtual bool isValid () const = 0
  • virtual int childCount () const = 0
  • virtual QRESULT queryChild ( int control, QAccessibleInterface ** iface ) const = 0
  • virtual QRESULT queryParent ( QAccessibleInterface ** iface ) const = 0
  • virtual int controlAt ( int x, int y ) const = 0
  • virtual QRect rect ( int control ) const = 0
  • virtual int navigate ( NavDirection direction, int startControl ) const = 0
  • virtual QString text ( Text t, int control ) const = 0
  • virtual void setText ( Text t, int control, const QString & text ) = 0
  • virtual Role role ( int control ) const = 0
  • virtual State state ( int control ) const = 0
  • virtual QMemArray<int> selection () const = 0
  • virtual bool doDefaultAction ( int control ) = 0
  • virtual bool setFocus ( int control ) = 0
  • virtual bool setSelected ( int control, bool on, bool extend ) = 0
  • virtual void clearSelection () = 0

Detailed Description

The QAccessibleInterface class defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects.

See also Miscellaneous Classes.

Member Function Documentation

int QAccessibleInterface::childCount () const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of children that belong to this object. A child can provide accessibility information on it's own (e.g. a child widget), or be a sub-element of this accessible object.

All objects provide this information.

See also queryChild().

void QAccessibleInterface::clearSelection () [pure virtual]

Removes any selection from the object.

See also setSelected().

int QAccessibleInterface::controlAt ( int x, int y ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the ID of the child that contains the screen coordinates (x, y). This function returns 0 if the point is positioned on the object itself. If the tested point is outside the boundaries of the object this function returns -1.

All visual objects provide this information.

bool QAccessibleInterface::doDefaultAction ( int control ) [pure virtual]

Calling this function performs the default action of the child object specified by control, or the default action of the object itself if control is 0.

bool QAccessibleInterface::isValid () const [pure virtual]

Returns TRUE if all the data necessary to use this interface implementation is valid (e.g. all pointers are non-null), otherwise returns FALSE.

int QAccessibleInterface::navigate ( NavDirection direction, int startControl ) const [pure virtual]

This function traverses to another object, or to a sub-element of the current object. direction specifies in which direction to navigate, and startControl specifies the start point of the navigation, which is either 0 if the navigation starts at the object itself, or an ID of one of the object's sub-elements.

The function returns the ID of the sub-element located in the direction specified. If there is nothing in the navigated direction, this function returns -1.

All objects support navigation.

QRESULT QAccessibleInterface::queryChild ( int control, QAccessibleInterface ** iface ) const [pure virtual]

Sets iface to point to the implementation of the QAccessibleInterface for the child specified with control. If the child doesn't provide accessibility information on it's own, the value of iface is set to 0. For those elements, this object is responsible for exposing the child's properties.

All objects provide this information.

See also childCount() and queryParent().

QRESULT QAccessibleInterface::queryParent ( QAccessibleInterface ** iface ) const [pure virtual]

Sets iface to point to the implementation of the QAccessibleInterface for the parent object, or to 0 if there is no such implementation or object.

All objects provide this information.

See also queryChild().

QRect QAccessibleInterface::rect ( int control ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the location of the child specified with control in screen coordinates. This function returns the location of the object itself if control is 0.

All visual objects provide this information.

Role QAccessibleInterface::role ( int control ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the role of the object if control is 0, or the role of the object's sub-element with ID control. The role of an object is usually static. All accessible objects have a role.

See also text(), state() and selection().

QMemArray<int> QAccessibleInterface::selection () const [pure virtual]

Returns the list of all the element IDs that are selected.

See also text(), role() and state().

bool QAccessibleInterface::setFocus ( int control ) [pure virtual]

Gives the focus to the child object specified by control, or to the object itself if control is 0.

Returns TRUE if the focus could be set; otherwise returns FALSE.

bool QAccessibleInterface::setSelected ( int control, bool on, bool extend ) [pure virtual]

Sets the selection of the child object with ID control to on. If extend is TRUE, all child elements between the focused item and the specified child object have their selection set to on.

Returns TRUE if the selection could be set; otherwise returns FALSE.

See also setFocus() and clearSelection().

void QAccessibleInterface::setText ( Text t, int control, const QString & text ) [pure virtual]

Sets the text property t of the child object control to text. If control is 0, the text property of the object itself is set.

State QAccessibleInterface::state ( int control ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the current state of the object if control is 0, or the state of the object's sub-element element with ID control. All objects have a state.

See also text(), role() and selection().

QString QAccessibleInterface::text ( Text t, int control ) const [pure virtual]

Returns a string property t of the child object specified by control, or the string property of the object itself if control is 0.

The Name is a string used by clients to identify, find or announce an accessible object for the user. All objects must have a name that is unique within their container.

An accessible object's Description provides textual information about an object's visual appearance. The description is primarily used to provide greater context for low-vision or blind users, but is also used for context searching or other applications. Not all objects have a description. An "OK" button would not need a description, but a toolbutton that shows a picture of a smiley would.

The Value of an accessible object represents visual information contained by the object, e.g. the text in a line edit. Usually, the value can be modified by the user. Not all objects have a value, e.g. static text labels don't, and some objects have a state that already is the value, e.g. toggle buttons.

The Help text provides information about the function and usage of an accessible object. Not all objects provide this information.

An accessible object's DefaultAction describes the object's primary method of manipulation, and should be a verb or a short phrase, e.g. "Press" for a button.

The accelerator is a keyboard shortcut that activates the default action of the object. A keyboard shortcut is the underlined character in the text of a menu, menu item or control, and is either the character itself, or a combination of this character and a modifier key like ALT, CTRL or SHIFT. Command controls like tool buttons also have shortcut keys and usually display them in their tooltip.

See also role(), state() and selection().

This file is part of the Qt toolkit. Copyright © 1995-2002 Trolltech. All Rights Reserved.


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