QStringList Class ReferenceThe QStringList class provides a list of strings. More... #include <qstringlist.h> Inherits QValueList<QString>. Public Members
Static Public Members
Detailed DescriptionThe QStringList class provides a list of strings.
It is used to store and manipulate strings that logically belong together. Essentially QStringList is a QValueList of QString objects. Unlike QStrList, which stores pointers to characters, QStringList holds real QString objects. It is the class of choice whenever you work with Unicode strings. QStringList is part of the Qt Template Library. Like QString itself, QStringList objects are implicitly shared. Passing them around as value-parameters is both fast and safe. Strings can be added to a list using append(), operator+=() or operator<<(), e.g. QStringList fonts; fonts.append( "Times" ); fonts += "Courier"; fonts += "Courier New"; fonts << "Helvetica [Cronyx]" << "Helvetica [Adobe]"; String lists have an iterator, QStringList::Iterator(), e.g. for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fonts.begin(); it != fonts.end(); ++it ) { cout << *it << ":"; } cout << endl; // Output: // Times:Courier:Courier New:Helvetica [Cronyx]:Helvetica [Adobe]: Many Qt functions return const string lists; to iterate over these you should make a copy and iterate over the copy. You can concatenate all the strings in a string list into a single string (with an optional separator) using join(), e.g. QString allFonts = fonts.join( ", " ); cout << allFonts << endl; // Output: // Times, Courier, Courier New, Helvetica [Cronyx], Helvetica [Adobe] You can sort the list with sort(), and extract a new list which contains only those strings which contain a particular substring (or match a particular regular expression) using the grep() functions, e.g. fonts.sort(); cout << fonts.join( ", " ) << endl; // Output: // Courier, Courier New, Helvetica [Adobe], Helvetica [Cronyx], Times QStringList helveticas = fonts.grep( "Helvetica" ); cout << helveticas.join( ", " ) << endl; // Output: // Helvetica [Adobe], Helvetica [Cronyx] Existing strings can be split into string lists with character, string or regular expression separators, e.g. QString s = "Red\tGreen\tBlue"; QStringList colors = QStringList::split( "\t", s ); cout << colors.join( ", " ) << endl; // Output: // Red, Green, Blue See also Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes, Text Related Classes and Non-GUI Classes. Member Function Documentation
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