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Simple Filemanager

This example implements a simple and not fully functional file manager using a widget derived from QIconView to display the current directory. To display the directory tree the widget written in the dirview example is used.

Header file of the file icon view:

** $Id: qt/qfileiconview.h   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.


#include <qiconset.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qiconview.h>

class QtFileIconView;
class QDragObject;
class QResizeEvent;

 * Class QtFileIconDrag

class QtFileIconDrag : public QIconDrag

    QtFileIconDrag( QWidget * dragSource, const char* name = 0 );

    const char* format( int i ) const;
    QByteArray encodedData( const char* mime ) const;
    static bool canDecode( QMimeSource* e );
    void append( const QIconDragItem &item, const QRect &pr, const QRect &tr, const QString &url );

    QStringList urls;


 * Class QtFileIconView
class QtFileIconViewItem;
class QtFileIconView : public QIconView

    QtFileIconView( const QString &dir, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

    enum ViewMode { Large, Small };

    void setViewMode( ViewMode m );
    ViewMode viewMode() const { return vm; }
    void setOpenItem( QtFileIconViewItem *i ) {
        openItem = i;

public slots:
    void setDirectory( const QString &dir );
    void setDirectory( const QDir &dir );
    void newDirectory();
    QDir currentDir();

    void directoryChanged( const QString & );
    void startReadDir( int dirs );
    void readNextDir();
    void readDirDone();
    void enableUp();
    void disableUp();
    void enableMkdir();
    void disableMkdir();

protected slots:
    void itemDoubleClicked( QIconViewItem *i );
    void slotDropped( QDropEvent *e, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & );

    void viewLarge();
    void viewSmall();
    void viewBottom();
    void viewRight();
    void flowEast();
    void flowSouth();
    void itemTextTruncate();
    void itemTextWordWrap();
    void sortAscending();
    void sortDescending();
    void arrangeItemsInGrid() {
        QIconView::arrangeItemsInGrid( TRUE );

    void slotRightPressed( QIconViewItem *item );
    void openFolder();

    void readDir( const QDir &dir );
    virtual QDragObject *dragObject();

    virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );

    QDir viewDir;
    int newFolderNum;
    QSize sz;
    QPixmap pix;
    ViewMode vm;
    QtFileIconViewItem *openItem;


 * Class QtFileIconViewItem

class QtFileIconViewItem : public QIconViewItem
    friend class QtFileIconView;

    enum ItemType {
        File = 0,

    QtFileIconViewItem( QtFileIconView *parent, QFileInfo *fi );

    virtual ~QtFileIconViewItem();

    ItemType type() const
    { return itemType; }
    QString filename() const { return itemFileName; }

    virtual bool acceptDrop( const QMimeSource *e ) const;

    virtual void setText( const QString &text );
    virtual QPixmap *pixmap() const;

    virtual void dragEntered();
    virtual void dragLeft();

    void viewModeChanged( QtFileIconView::ViewMode m );
    void paintItem( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg );

    virtual void dropped( QDropEvent *e, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & );

    QString itemFileName;
    QFileInfo *itemFileInfo;
    ItemType itemType;
    bool checkSetText;
    QTimer timer;
    QtFileIconView::ViewMode vm;



Implementation of the file icon view:

** $Id: qt/qfileiconview.cpp   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "qfileiconview.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qmime.h>
#include <qstrlist.h>
#include <qdragobject.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qwmatrix.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

static const char * file_icon[]={
    "32 32 17 1",
    "# c #000000",
    "a c #ffffff",
    "j c #808080",
    "n c #a0a0a4",
    "g c #c0c0c0",
    "m c #004000",
    "o c #000000",
    "l c #004040",
    "k c #404000",
    "i c #c0c000",
    "h c #ffff00",
    "b c #ffffc0",
    "e c #ff8000",
    "f c #c05800",
    "c c #ffa858",
    "d c #ffdca8",
    ". c None",

static const char * folder_icon[]={
    "32 32 11 1",
    "# c #000000",
    "b c #c0c000",
    "d c #585858",
    "a c #ffff00",
    "i c #400000",
    "h c #a0a0a4",
    "e c #000000",
    "c c #ffffff",
    "f c #303030",
    "g c #c0c0c0",
    ". c None",

static const char * link_icon[]={
    "32 32 12 1",
    "# c #000000",
    "h c #a0a0a4",
    "b c #c00000",
    "d c #585858",
    "i c #400000",
    "c c #ffffff",
    "e c #000000",
    "g c #c0c0c0",
    "a c #ff0000",
    "f c #303030",
    "n c white",
    ". c None",

static const char * folder_locked_icon[]={
    "32 32 12 1",
    "# c #000000",
    "g c #808080",
    "h c #c0c0c0",
    "f c #c05800",
    "c c #ffffff",
    "d c #585858",
    "b c #ffa858",
    "a c #ffdca8",
    "e c #000000",
    "i c #a0a0a4",
    "j c #c0c0c0",
    ". c None",

static QPixmap *iconFolderLockedLarge = 0;
static QPixmap *iconFolderLarge = 0;
static QPixmap *iconFileLarge = 0;
static QPixmap *iconLinkLarge = 0;
static QPixmap *iconFolderLockedSmall = 0;
static QPixmap *iconFolderSmall = 0;
static QPixmap *iconFileSmall = 0;
static QPixmap *iconLinkSmall = 0;

static void cleanup()
    delete iconFolderLockedLarge;
    iconFolderLockedLarge = 0;
    delete iconFolderLarge;
    iconFolderLarge = 0;
    delete iconFileLarge;
    iconFileLarge = 0;
    delete iconLinkLarge;
    iconLinkLarge = 0;
    delete iconFolderLockedSmall;
    iconFolderLockedSmall = 0;
    delete iconFolderSmall;
    iconFolderSmall = 0;
    delete iconFileSmall;
    iconFileSmall = 0;
    delete iconLinkSmall;
    iconLinkSmall = 0;

 * Class QtFileIconDrag

QtFileIconDrag::QtFileIconDrag( QWidget * dragSource, const char* name )
    : QIconDrag( dragSource, name )

const char* QtFileIconDrag::format( int i ) const
    if ( i == 0 )
        return "application/x-qiconlist";
    else if ( i == 1 )
        return "text/uri-list";
        return 0;

QByteArray QtFileIconDrag::encodedData( const char* mime ) const
    QByteArray a;
    if ( QString( mime ) == "application/x-qiconlist" ) {
        a = QIconDrag::encodedData( mime );
    } else if ( QString( mime ) == "text/uri-list" ) {
        QString s = urls.join( "\r\n" );
        a.resize( s.length() );
        memcpy(, s.latin1(), s.length() );
    return a;

bool QtFileIconDrag::canDecode( QMimeSource* e )
    return e->provides( "application/x-qiconlist" ) ||
        e->provides( "text/uri-list" );

void QtFileIconDrag::append( const QIconDragItem &item, const QRect &pr,
                             const QRect &tr, const QString &url )
    QIconDrag::append( item, pr, tr );
    QString ourUrl = url;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    if (ourUrl.length() > 2 && ourUrl[1] != ':') {
        QDir dir(ourUrl);
        ourUrl = dir.absPath();
    urls << QUriDrag::localFileToUri(ourUrl);

 * Class QtFileIconViewItem

QtFileIconViewItem::QtFileIconViewItem( QtFileIconView *parent, QFileInfo *fi )
    : QIconViewItem( parent, fi->fileName() ), itemFileName( fi->filePath() ),
      itemFileInfo( fi ), checkSetText( FALSE )
    vm = QtFileIconView::Large;

    if ( itemFileInfo->isDir() )
        itemType = Dir;
    else if ( itemFileInfo->isFile() )
        itemType = File;
    if ( itemFileInfo->isSymLink() )
        itemType = Link;

    viewModeChanged( ( (QtFileIconView*)iconView() )->viewMode() );

    if ( itemFileInfo->fileName() == "." ||
         itemFileInfo->fileName() == ".." )
        setRenameEnabled( FALSE );

    checkSetText = TRUE;

    QObject::connect( &timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
                      iconView(), SLOT( openFolder() ) );

void QtFileIconViewItem::paintItem( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg )
    if ( itemFileInfo->isSymLink() ) {
        QFont f( p->font() );
        f.setItalic( TRUE );
        p->setFont( f );

    QIconViewItem::paintItem( p, cg );

void QtFileIconViewItem::viewModeChanged( QtFileIconView::ViewMode m )
    vm = m;
    setDropEnabled( itemType == Dir && QDir( itemFileName ).isReadable() );

QPixmap *QtFileIconViewItem::pixmap() const
    switch ( itemType ) {
    case Dir:
            if ( !QDir( itemFileName ).isReadable() ) {
                if ( vm == QtFileIconView::Small )
                    return iconFolderLockedSmall;
                    return iconFolderLockedLarge;
            } else {
                if ( vm == QtFileIconView::Small )
                    return iconFolderSmall;
                    return iconFolderLarge;
    case Link:
            if ( vm == QtFileIconView::Small )
                return iconLinkSmall;
                return iconLinkLarge;
            if ( vm == QtFileIconView::Small )
                return iconFileSmall;
                return iconFileLarge;

    delete itemFileInfo;

void QtFileIconViewItem::setText( const QString &text )
    if ( checkSetText ) {
        if ( text == "." || text == "." || text.isEmpty() )
        QDir dir( itemFileInfo->dir() );
        if ( dir.rename( itemFileInfo->fileName(), text ) ) {
            itemFileName = itemFileInfo->dirPath( TRUE ) + "/" + text;
            delete itemFileInfo;
            itemFileInfo = new QFileInfo( itemFileName );
            QIconViewItem::setText( text );
    } else {
        QIconViewItem::setText( text );

bool QtFileIconViewItem::acceptDrop( const QMimeSource *e ) const
    if ( type() == Dir && e->provides( "text/uri-list" ) &&
         dropEnabled() )
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

void QtFileIconViewItem::dropped( QDropEvent *e, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & )

    if ( !QUriDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {

    QStringList lst;
    QUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles( e, lst );

    QString str;
    if ( e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy )
        str = "Copy\n\n";
        str = "Move\n\n";
    for ( uint i = 0; i < lst.count(); ++i )
        str += QString( "   %1\n" ).arg( lst[i] );
    str += QString( "\n"
        "       %1" ).arg( filename() );

    QMessageBox::information( iconView(), e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy ? "Copy" : "Move" , str, "Not Implemented" );
    if ( e->action() == QDropEvent::Move )
        QMessageBox::information( iconView(), "Remove" , str, "Not Implemented" );

void QtFileIconViewItem::dragEntered()
    if ( type() != Dir ||
         type() == Dir && !QDir( itemFileName ).isReadable() )

    ( (QtFileIconView*)iconView() )->setOpenItem( this );
    timer.start( 1500 );

void QtFileIconViewItem::dragLeft()
    if ( type() != Dir ||
         type() == Dir && !QDir( itemFileName ).isReadable() )


 * Class QtFileIconView

QtFileIconView::QtFileIconView( const QString &dir, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : QIconView( parent, name ), viewDir( dir ), newFolderNum( 0 )
    if ( !iconFolderLockedLarge ) {
        qAddPostRoutine( cleanup );
        QWMatrix m;
        m.scale( 0.6, 0.6 );
        QPixmap iconpix( folder_locked_icon );
        iconFolderLockedLarge = new QPixmap( folder_locked_icon );
        iconpix = iconpix.xForm( m );
        iconFolderLockedSmall = new QPixmap( iconpix );
        iconpix = QPixmap( folder_icon );
        iconFolderLarge = new QPixmap( folder_icon );
        iconpix = iconpix.xForm( m );
        iconFolderSmall = new QPixmap( iconpix );
        iconpix = QPixmap( file_icon );
        iconFileLarge = new QPixmap( file_icon );
        iconpix = iconpix.xForm( m );
        iconFileSmall = new QPixmap( iconpix );
        iconpix = QPixmap( link_icon );
        iconLinkLarge = new QPixmap( link_icon );
        iconpix = iconpix.xForm( m );
        iconLinkSmall = new QPixmap( iconpix );

    vm = Large;

    setGridX( 75 );
    setResizeMode( Adjust );
    setWordWrapIconText( FALSE );

    connect( this, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QIconViewItem * ) ),
             this, SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QIconViewItem * ) ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( returnPressed( QIconViewItem * ) ),
             this, SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QIconViewItem * ) ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( dropped( QDropEvent *, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotDropped( QDropEvent *, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & ) ) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( QIconViewItem *, const QPoint & ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotRightPressed( QIconViewItem * ) ) );

    setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff );
    setVScrollBarMode( Auto );

    setAutoArrange( TRUE );
    setSorting( TRUE );
    openItem = 0;

void QtFileIconView::openFolder()
    if ( !openItem )
    if ( openItem->type() != QtFileIconViewItem::Dir ||
         openItem->type() == QtFileIconViewItem::Dir &&
         !QDir( openItem->itemFileName ).isReadable() )

    setDirectory( openItem->itemFileName );

void QtFileIconView::setDirectory( const QString &dir )
    viewDir = QDir( dir );
    readDir( viewDir );

void QtFileIconView::setDirectory( const QDir &dir )
    viewDir = dir;
    readDir( viewDir );

void QtFileIconView::newDirectory()
    setAutoArrange( FALSE );
    selectAll( FALSE );
    if ( viewDir.mkdir( QString( "New Folder %1" ).arg( ++newFolderNum ) ) ) {
        QFileInfo *fi = new QFileInfo( viewDir, QString( "New Folder %1" ).arg( newFolderNum ) );
        QtFileIconViewItem *item = new QtFileIconViewItem( this, new QFileInfo( *fi ) );
        item->setKey( QString( "000000%1" ).arg( fi->fileName() ) );
        delete fi;
        repaintContents( contentsX(), contentsY(), contentsWidth(), contentsHeight(), FALSE );
        ensureItemVisible( item );
        item->setSelected( TRUE, TRUE );
        setCurrentItem( item );
        repaintItem( item );
    setAutoArrange( TRUE );

QDir QtFileIconView::currentDir()
    return viewDir;

static bool isRoot( const QString &s )
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
    if ( s == "/" )
        return TRUE;
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
    QString p = s;
    if ( p.length() == 3 &&
         p.right( 2 ) == ":/" )
        return TRUE;
    if ( p[ 0 ] == '/' && p[ 1 ] == '/' ) {
        int slashes = p.contains( '/' );
        if ( slashes <= 3 )
            return TRUE;
        if ( slashes == 4 && p[ (int)p.length() - 1 ] == '/' )
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

void QtFileIconView::readDir( const QDir &dir )
    if ( !dir.isReadable() )

    if ( isRoot( dir.absPath() ) )
        emit disableUp();
        emit enableUp();


    emit directoryChanged( dir.absPath() );

    const QFileInfoList *filist = dir.entryInfoList( QDir::DefaultFilter, QDir::DirsFirst | QDir::Name );

    emit startReadDir( filist->count() );

    QFileInfoListIterator it( *filist );
    QFileInfo *fi;
    bool allowRename = FALSE, allowRenameSet = FALSE;
    while ( ( fi = it.current() ) != 0 ) {
        if ( fi && fi->fileName() == ".." && ( fi->dirPath() == "/" || fi->dirPath().isEmpty() ) )
        emit readNextDir();
        QtFileIconViewItem *item = new QtFileIconViewItem( this, new QFileInfo( *fi ) );
        if ( fi->isDir() )
            item->setKey( QString( "000000%1" ).arg( fi->fileName() ) );
            item->setKey( fi->fileName() );
        if ( !allowRenameSet ) {
            if ( !QFileInfo( fi->absFilePath() ).isWritable() ||
                 item->text() == "." || item->text() == ".." )
                allowRename = FALSE;
                allowRename = TRUE;
            if ( item->text() == "." || item->text() == ".." )
                allowRenameSet = FALSE;
                allowRenameSet = TRUE;
        item->setRenameEnabled( allowRename );

    if ( !QFileInfo( dir.absPath() ).isWritable() )
        emit disableMkdir();
        emit enableMkdir();

    emit readDirDone();

void QtFileIconView::itemDoubleClicked( QIconViewItem *i )
    QtFileIconViewItem *item = ( QtFileIconViewItem* )i;

    if ( item->type() == QtFileIconViewItem::Dir ) {
        viewDir = QDir( item->filename() );
        readDir( viewDir );
    } else if ( item->type() == QtFileIconViewItem::Link &&
                QFileInfo( QFileInfo( item->filename() ).readLink() ).isDir() ) {
        viewDir = QDir( QFileInfo( item->filename() ).readLink() );
        readDir( viewDir );

QDragObject *QtFileIconView::dragObject()
    if ( !currentItem() )
        return 0;

    QPoint orig = viewportToContents( viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ) );
    QtFileIconDrag *drag = new QtFileIconDrag( viewport() );
    drag->setPixmap( *currentItem()->pixmap(),
                     QPoint( currentItem()->pixmapRect().width() / 2, currentItem()->pixmapRect().height() / 2 ) );
    for ( QtFileIconViewItem *item = (QtFileIconViewItem*)firstItem(); item;
          item = (QtFileIconViewItem*)item->nextItem() ) {
        if ( item->isSelected() ) {
            QIconDragItem id;
            id.setData( QCString( item->filename() ) );
            drag->append( id,
                          QRect( item->pixmapRect( FALSE ).x() - orig.x(),
                                 item->pixmapRect( FALSE ).y() - orig.y(),
                                 item->pixmapRect().width(), item->pixmapRect().height() ),
                          QRect( item->textRect( FALSE ).x() - orig.x(),
                                 item->textRect( FALSE ).y() - orig.y(),
                                 item->textRect().width(), item->textRect().height() ),
                          QString( item->filename() ) );

    return drag;

void QtFileIconView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
    if ( e->key() == Key_N &&
         ( e->state() & ControlButton ) )
        QIconView::keyPressEvent( e );

void QtFileIconView::slotDropped( QDropEvent *e, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & )
    if ( openItem )
    if ( !QUriDrag::canDecode( e ) ) {

    QStringList lst;
    QUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles( e, lst );

    QString str;
    if ( e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy )
        str = "Copy\n\n";
        str = "Move\n\n";
    for ( uint i = 0; i < lst.count(); ++i )
        str += QString( "   %1\n" ).arg( QDir::convertSeparators(lst[i]) );
    str += QString( "\n"
        "       %1" ).arg( viewDir.absPath() );

    QMessageBox::information( this, e->action() == QDropEvent::Copy ? "Copy" : "Move" , str, "Not Implemented" );
    if ( e->action() == QDropEvent::Move )
        QMessageBox::information( this, "Remove" , QDir::convertSeparators(lst.join("\n")), "Not Implemented" );
    openItem = 0;

void QtFileIconView::viewLarge()
    setViewMode( Large );

void QtFileIconView::viewSmall()
    setViewMode( Small );

void QtFileIconView::viewBottom()
    setItemTextPos( Bottom );

void QtFileIconView::viewRight()
    setItemTextPos( Right );

void QtFileIconView::flowEast()
    setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff );
    setVScrollBarMode( Auto );
    setArrangement( LeftToRight );

void QtFileIconView::flowSouth()
    setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff );
    setHScrollBarMode( Auto );
    setArrangement( TopToBottom );

void QtFileIconView::sortAscending()
    sort( TRUE );

void QtFileIconView::sortDescending()
    sort( FALSE );

void QtFileIconView::itemTextTruncate()
    setWordWrapIconText( FALSE );

void QtFileIconView::itemTextWordWrap()
    setWordWrapIconText( TRUE );

void QtFileIconView::slotRightPressed( QIconViewItem *item )
    if ( !item ) { // right pressed on viewport
        QPopupMenu menu( this );

        menu.insertItem( "&Large view", this, SLOT( viewLarge() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "&Small view", this, SLOT( viewSmall() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Text at the &bottom", this, SLOT( viewBottom() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Text at the &right", this, SLOT( viewRight() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Arrange l&eft to right", this, SLOT( flowEast() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Arrange t&op to bottom", this, SLOT( flowSouth() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "&Truncate item text", this, SLOT( itemTextTruncate() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "&Wordwrap item text", this, SLOT( itemTextWordWrap() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Arrange items in &grid", this, SLOT( arrangeItemsInGrid() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Sort &ascending", this, SLOT( sortAscending() ) );
        menu.insertItem( "Sort &descending", this, SLOT( sortDescending() ) );

        menu.setMouseTracking( TRUE );
        menu.exec( QCursor::pos() );
    } else { // on item
        QPopupMenu menu( this );

        int RENAME_ITEM = menu.insertItem( "Rename Item" );
        int REMOVE_ITEM = menu.insertItem( "Remove Item" );

        menu.setMouseTracking( TRUE );
        int id = menu.exec( QCursor::pos() );

        if ( id == -1 )

        if ( id == RENAME_ITEM && item->renameEnabled() ) {
        } else if ( id == REMOVE_ITEM ) {
            delete item;
            QMessageBox::information( this, "Not implemented!", "Deleting files not implemented yet,\n"
                                      "The item has only been removed from the view! " );

void QtFileIconView::setViewMode( ViewMode m )
    if ( m == vm )

    vm = m;
    QtFileIconViewItem *item = (QtFileIconViewItem*)firstItem();
    for ( ; item; item = (QtFileIconViewItem*)item->nextItem() )
        item->viewModeChanged( vm );


Header file of the main window:

** $Id: qt/mainwindow.h   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#ifndef MAINWIN_H
#define MAINWIN_H

#include <qmainwindow.h>

class QtFileIconView;
class DirectoryView;
class QProgressBar;
class QLabel;
class QComboBox;
class QToolButton;

class FileMainWindow : public QMainWindow


    QtFileIconView *fileView() { return fileview; }
    DirectoryView *dirList() { return dirlist; }

    void show();

    void setup();
    void setPathCombo();

    QtFileIconView *fileview;
    DirectoryView *dirlist;
    QProgressBar *progress;
    QLabel *label;
    QComboBox *pathCombo;
    QToolButton *upButton, *mkdirButton;

protected slots:
    void directoryChanged( const QString & );
    void slotStartReadDir( int dirs );
    void slotReadNextDir();
    void slotReadDirDone();
    void cdUp();
    void newFolder();
    void changePath( const QString &path );
    void enableUp();
    void disableUp();
    void enableMkdir();
    void disableMkdir();



Implementation of the main window:

** $Id: qt/mainwindow.cpp   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "qfileiconview.h"
#include "../dirview/dirview.h"

#include <qsplitter.h>
#include <qprogressbar.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qstatusbar.h>
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>

static const char* cdtoparent_xpm[]={
    "15 13 3 1",
    ". c None",
    "* c #000000",
    "a c #ffff99",

static const char* newfolder_xpm[] = {
    "15 14 4 1",
    "   c None",
    ".  c #000000",
    "+  c #FFFF00",
    "@  c #FFFFFF",
    "          .    ",
    "               ",
    "          .    ",
    "       .     . ",
    "  ....  . . .  ",
    " .+@+@.  . .   ",
    "..........  . .",
    ".@+@+@+@+@..   ",
    ".+@+@+@+@+. .  ",
    ".@+@+@+@+@.  . ",
    ".+@+@+@+@+.    ",
    ".@+@+@+@+@.    ",
    ".+@+@+@+@+.    ",
    "...........    "};

    : QMainWindow()

void FileMainWindow::show()

void FileMainWindow::setup()
    QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter( this );

    dirlist = new DirectoryView( splitter, "dirlist", TRUE );
    dirlist->addColumn( "Name" );
    dirlist->addColumn( "Type" );
    Directory *root = new Directory( dirlist, "/" );
    root->setOpen( TRUE );
    splitter->setResizeMode( dirlist, QSplitter::KeepSize );

    fileview = new QtFileIconView( "/", splitter );
    fileview->setSelectionMode( QIconView::Extended );

    setCentralWidget( splitter );

    QToolBar *toolbar = new QToolBar( this, "toolbar" );
    setRightJustification( TRUE );

    (void)new QLabel( tr( " Path: " ), toolbar );

    pathCombo = new QComboBox( TRUE, toolbar );
    pathCombo->setAutoCompletion( TRUE );
    toolbar->setStretchableWidget( pathCombo );
    connect( pathCombo, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
             this, SLOT ( changePath( const QString & ) ) );


    QPixmap pix;

    pix = QPixmap( cdtoparent_xpm );
    upButton = new QToolButton( pix, "One directory up", QString::null,
                                this, SLOT( cdUp() ), toolbar, "cd up" );

    pix = QPixmap( newfolder_xpm );
    mkdirButton = new QToolButton( pix, "New Folder", QString::null,
                                   this, SLOT( newFolder() ), toolbar, "new folder" );

    connect( dirlist, SIGNAL( folderSelected( const QString & ) ),
             fileview, SLOT ( setDirectory( const QString & ) ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( directoryChanged( const QString & ) ),
             this, SLOT( directoryChanged( const QString & ) ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( startReadDir( int ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotStartReadDir( int ) ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( readNextDir() ),
             this, SLOT( slotReadNextDir() ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( readDirDone() ),
             this, SLOT( slotReadDirDone() ) );

    setDockEnabled( DockLeft, FALSE );
    setDockEnabled( DockRight, FALSE );

    label = new QLabel( statusBar() );
    statusBar()->addWidget( label, 2, TRUE );
    progress = new QProgressBar( statusBar() );
    statusBar()->addWidget( progress, 1, TRUE );

    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( enableUp() ),
             this, SLOT( enableUp() ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( disableUp() ),
             this, SLOT( disableUp() ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( enableMkdir() ),
             this, SLOT( enableMkdir() ) );
    connect( fileview, SIGNAL( disableMkdir() ),
             this, SLOT( disableMkdir() ) );

void FileMainWindow::setPathCombo()
    QString dir = caption();
    int i = 0;
    bool found = FALSE;
    for ( i = 0; i < pathCombo->count(); ++i ) {
        if ( pathCombo->text( i ) == dir) {
            found = TRUE;

    if ( found )
        pathCombo->setCurrentItem( i );
    else {
        pathCombo->insertItem( dir );
        pathCombo->setCurrentItem( pathCombo->count() - 1 );


void FileMainWindow::directoryChanged( const QString &dir )
    setCaption( dir );

void FileMainWindow::slotStartReadDir( int dirs )
    label->setText( tr( " Reading Directory..." ) );
    progress->setTotalSteps( dirs );

void FileMainWindow::slotReadNextDir()
    int p = progress->progress();
    progress->setProgress( ++p );

void FileMainWindow::slotReadDirDone()
    label->setText( tr( " Reading Directory Done." ) );
    progress->setProgress( progress->totalSteps() );

void FileMainWindow::cdUp()
    QDir dir = fileview->currentDir(); ".." );
    fileview->setDirectory( dir );

void FileMainWindow::newFolder()

void FileMainWindow::changePath( const QString &path )
    if ( QFileInfo( path ).exists() )
        fileview->setDirectory( path );

void FileMainWindow::enableUp()
    upButton->setEnabled( TRUE );

void FileMainWindow::disableUp()
    upButton->setEnabled( FALSE );

void FileMainWindow::enableMkdir()
    mkdirButton->setEnabled( TRUE );

void FileMainWindow::disableMkdir()
    mkdirButton->setEnabled( FALSE );


** $Id: qt/main.cpp   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "qfileiconview.h"

#include <qapplication.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    QApplication a( argc, argv );

    FileMainWindow mw;
    mw.resize( 680, 480 );
    a.setMainWidget( &mw );
    mw.fileView()->setDirectory( "/" );;
    return a.exec();

See also Examples.


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