QGLShader Class Reference |
flags | ShaderType |
enum | ShaderTypeBit { Vertex, Fragment } |
QGLShader ( QGLShader::ShaderType type, QObject * parent = 0 ) | |
QGLShader ( QGLShader::ShaderType type, const QGLContext * context, QObject * parent = 0 ) | |
virtual | ~QGLShader () |
bool | compileSourceCode ( const char * source ) |
bool | compileSourceCode ( const QByteArray & source ) |
bool | compileSourceCode ( const QString & source ) |
bool | compileSourceFile ( const QString & fileName ) |
bool | isCompiled () const |
QString | log () const |
GLuint | shaderId () const |
QGLShader::ShaderType | shaderType () const |
QByteArray | sourceCode () const |
The QGLShader class allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled.
This class supports shaders written in the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and in the OpenGL/ES Shading Language (GLSL/ES).
QGLShader and QGLShaderProgram shelter the programmer from the details of compiling and linking vertex and fragment shaders.
See also QGLShaderProgram.
This enum specifies the type of QGLShader that is being created.
Constant | Value | Description |
QGLShader::Vertex | 0x0001 | Vertex shader written in the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). |
QGLShader::Fragment | 0x0002 | Fragment shader written in the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). |
The ShaderType type is a typedef for QFlags<ShaderTypeBit>. It stores an OR combination of ShaderTypeBit values.
Constructs a new QGLShader object of the specified type and attaches it to parent. If shader programs are not supported, QGLShaderProgram::hasOpenGLShaderPrograms() will return false.
This constructor is normally followed by a call to compileSourceCode() or compileSourceFile().
The shader will be associated with the current QGLContext.
See also compileSourceCode() and compileSourceFile().
Constructs a new QGLShader object of the specified type and attaches it to parent. If shader programs are not supported, then QGLShaderProgram::hasOpenGLShaderPrograms() will return false.
This constructor is normally followed by a call to compileSourceCode() or compileSourceFile().
The shader will be associated with context.
See also compileSourceCode() and compileSourceFile().
Deletes this shader. If the shader has been attached to a QGLShaderProgram object, then the actual shader will stay around until the QGLShaderProgram is destroyed.
Sets the source code for this shader and compiles it. Returns true if the source was successfully compiled, false otherwise.
See also compileSourceFile().
This is an overloaded function.
Sets the source code for this shader and compiles it. Returns true if the source was successfully compiled, false otherwise.
See also compileSourceFile().
This is an overloaded function.
Sets the source code for this shader and compiles it. Returns true if the source was successfully compiled, false otherwise.
See also compileSourceFile().
Sets the source code for this shader to the contents of fileName and compiles it. Returns true if the file could be opened and the source compiled, false otherwise.
See also compileSourceCode().
Returns true if this shader has been compiled; false otherwise.
See also compileSourceCode() and compileSourceFile().
Returns the errors and warnings that occurred during the last compile.
See also compileSourceCode() and compileSourceFile().
Returns the OpenGL identifier associated with this shader.
See also QGLShaderProgram::programId().
Returns the type of this shader.
Returns the source code for this shader.
See also compileSourceCode().
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