Qt Designer ManualQt Designer is Qt's tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) from Qt components. You can compose and customize your widgets or dialogs in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) manner, and test them using different styles and resolutions. Widgets and forms created with Qt Designer integrated seamlessly with programmed code, using Qt's signals and slots mechanism, that lets you easily assign behavior to graphical elements. All properties set in Qt Designer can be changed dynamically within the code. Furthermore, features like widget promotion and custom plugins allow you to use your own components with Qt Designer. If you are new to Qt Designer, you can take a look at the Getting To Know Qt Designer document. For a quick tutorial on how to use Qt Designer, refer to A Quick Start to Qt Designer. For more information on using Qt Designer, you can take a look at the following links:
For advanced usage of Qt Designer, you can refer to these links:
Legal NoticesSome source code in Qt Designer is licensed under specific highly permissive licenses from the original authors. The Qt team gratefully acknowledges these contributions to Qt Designer and all uses of Qt Designer should also acknowledge these contributions and quote the following license statements in an appendix to the documentation. |
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Le blog Digia au hasard![]() Déploiement d'applications Qt Commercial sur les tablettes Windows 8Le blog Digia est l'endroit privilégié pour la communication sur l'édition commerciale de Qt, où des réponses publiques sont apportées aux questions les plus posées au support. Lire l'article.
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