Q3IntCacheIterator Class ReferenceThe Q3IntCacheIterator class provides an iterator for Q3IntCache collections. More... #include <Q3IntCacheIterator> This class is part of the Qt 3 support library. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. See Porting to Qt 4 for more information. Public Functions
Detailed DescriptionThe Q3IntCacheIterator class provides an iterator for Q3IntCache collections. Note that the traversal order is arbitrary; you are not guaranteed any particular order. If new objects are inserted into the cache while the iterator is active, the iterator may or may not see them. Multiple iterators are completely independent, even when they operate on the same Q3IntCache. Q3IntCache updates all iterators that refer an item when that item is removed. Q3IntCacheIterator provides an operator++(), and an operator+=() to traverse the cache; current() and currentKey() to access the current cache item and its key; atFirst() atLast(), which return TRUE if the iterator points to the first/last item in the cache; isEmpty(), which returns TRUE if the cache is empty; and count(), which returns the number of items in the cache. Note that atFirst() and atLast() refer to the iterator's arbitrary ordering, not to the cache's internal least recently used list. See also Q3IntCache. Member Function Documentation
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