Detailed Description
The QMotifStyle class provides Motif look and feel.
This class implements the Motif look and feel. It closely resembles the original Motif look as defined by the Open Group, but with some minor improvements. The Motif style is Qt's default GUI style on Unix platforms.

Member Function Documentation
QMotifStyle::QMotifStyle ( bool useHighlightCols = false )
Constructs a QMotifStyle.
If useHighlightCols is false (the default), the style will polish the application's color palette to emulate the Motif way of highlighting, which is a simple inversion between the base and the text color.
QMotifStyle::~QMotifStyle () [virtual]
This is an overloaded function.
Destroys the style.
void QMotifStyle::drawComplexControl ( ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex * opt, QPainter * p, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::drawComplexControl().
void QMotifStyle::drawControl ( ControlElement element, const QStyleOption * opt, QPainter * p, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::drawControl().
void QMotifStyle::drawPrimitive ( PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption * opt, QPainter * p, const QWidget * w = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::drawPrimitive().
bool QMotifStyle::event ( QEvent * e ) [virtual]
Reimplemented from QObject::event().
int QMotifStyle::pixelMetric ( PixelMetric pm, const QStyleOption * opt = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::pixelMetric().
void QMotifStyle::polish ( QPalette & pal ) [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::polish().
void QMotifStyle::setUseHighlightColors ( bool arg )
If arg is false, the style will polish the application's color palette to emulate the Motif way of highlighting, which is a simple inversion between the base and the text color.
The effect will show up the next time an application palette is set via QApplication::setPalette(). The current color palette of the application remains unchanged.
See also useHighlightColors() and QStyle::polish().
QSize QMotifStyle::sizeFromContents ( ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption * opt, const QSize & contentsSize, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::sizeFromContents().
QPalette QMotifStyle::standardPalette () const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::standardPalette().
QPixmap QMotifStyle::standardPixmap ( StandardPixmap standardPixmap, const QStyleOption * opt, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::standardPixmap().
int QMotifStyle::styleHint ( StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption * opt = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0, QStyleHintReturn * returnData = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::styleHint().
Reimplemented from QStyle::subControlRect().
QRect QMotifStyle::subElementRect ( SubElement sr, const QStyleOption * opt, const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const [virtual]
Reimplemented from QStyle::subElementRect().
void QMotifStyle::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * event ) [virtual protected]
Reimplemented from QObject::timerEvent().
bool QMotifStyle::useHighlightColors () const
Returns true if the style treats the highlight colors of the palette in a Motif-like manner, which is a simple inversion between the base and the text color; otherwise returns false. The default is false.
See also setUseHighlightColors().