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HTML Specific Configuration Variables

The HTML specific configuration variables define the generated documentation's style, or define the contents of the documentation's footer or postheader. The format of the variable values are raw HTML.


The HTML.footer variable defines the content of the generated HTML documentation's footer.

The footer is rendered at the bottom of the generated documentation page.

The variable's value is given as raw HTML code enclosed by quotation marks. Note that if the value spans several lines, each line needs to be enclosed by quotation marks.

For example in qt.qdocconf:

 HTML.footer = "<p /><address><hr /><div align=\"center\">\n" \

The complete variable entry in qt.qdocconf provides the standard footer of the Qt Reference Documentation.


The HTML.postheader variable defines the content of the generated HTML documentation's postheader.

The header is rendered at the top of the generated documentation page.

The variable's value is given as raw HTML enclosed by quotation marks. Note that if the value spans several lines, each line needs to be enclosed by quotation marks.

For example in qt.qdocconf:

 HTML.postheader = "<table border=\"0\"..." \
                   "<img src=\"images/qt-logo.png\" \
                   "align=\"right\" width=\"203\" height=\"32\""\
                  "border=\"0\" />" \
                   "</td></tr>" \

The complete variable entry in qt.qdocconf provides the standard header of the Qt Reference Documentation.

The variable defines the style for the generated HTML documentation.

The variable's value is given as raw HTML enclosed by quotation marks. Note that if the value spans several lines, each line needs to be enclosed by quotation marks.

For example in qt.qdocconf: = "h3.fn,span.fn" \
              "{ margin-left: 1cm; text-indent: -1cm; }\n" \
              "a:link { color: #004faf; text-decoration: none }\n" \
              "a:visited" \
              "{ color: #672967; text-decoration: none }\n" \
              "td.postheader { font-family: sans-serif }\n" \
              "tr.address { font-family: sans-serif }\n" \
              "body { background: #ffffff; color: black; }"

provides the HTML style for the Qt Reference Documentation.


The HTML.stylesheets variable defines a list of stylesheets to use for the generated HTML documentation.

Using separate stylesheets for the documentation makes it easier to customize and experiment with the style used once the contents has been generated. Typically, it is only necessary to define a single stylesheet for any set of documentation; for example:

 HTML.stylesheets = classic.css

QDoc expects to find stylesheets in the directory containing the qt.qdocconf file, and it will copy those specified to the output directory alongside the HTML pages.

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