Qt ExamplesQt includes a set of examples that cover nearly every aspect of Qt development. They aren't meant to be impressive when you run them, but in each case the source code has been carefully written to illustrate one or more best Qt programming practices. You can run the examples from the Examples and Demos Launcher application (except see QML Examples for special instructions for running those examples). In addition, Qt Creator can directly run these examples through the Welcome Page. The examples are listed below by functional area. Each example listed in a particular functional area is meant to illustrate how best to use Qt to do some particular task in that functional area, but the examples will often use features from other functional areas as well for completeness. If you are new to Qt, you should probably start by going through the Tutorials, and then begin with the Application example. The Qt Widget Gallery also provides overviews of selected Qt widgets in each of the styles used on various supported platforms. Most examples are provided under the terms of the Modified BSD License. Some examples are however provided under the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1. Qt Quick Example CodeThe QML Examples and Demos site has a dedicated page for QML examples. Qt Examples by Module or Technology