Detailed Description
The QBluetoothAddress class assigns an address to the Bluetooth device.
This class holds a Bluetooth address in a platform- and protocol-independent manner.
Member Function Documentation
Constructs an null Bluetooth address.
QBluetoothAddress::QBluetoothAddress(quint64 address)
Constructs a new Bluetooth address and assigns address to it.
QBluetoothAddress::QBluetoothAddress(const QString & address)
Constructs a new Bluetooth address and assigns address to it.
The format of address can be either XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX or XXXXXXXXXXXX, where X is a hexadecimal digit. Case is not important.
QBluetoothAddress::QBluetoothAddress(const QBluetoothAddress & other)
Constructs a new Bluetooth address which is a copy of other.
Destroys the QBluetoothAddress.
void QBluetoothAddress::clear()
Sets the Bluetooth address to 00:00:00:00:00:00.
bool QBluetoothAddress::isNull() const
Returns true if the Bluetooth address is null, otherwise returns false.
QString QBluetoothAddress::toString() const
Returns the Bluetooth address as a string of the form, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
quint64 QBluetoothAddress::toUInt64() const
Returns this Bluetooth address as a quint64.
bool QBluetoothAddress::operator!=(const QBluetoothAddress & other) const
Compares this Bluetooth address with other.
Returns true if the Bluetooth addresses are not equal, otherwise returns false.
bool QBluetoothAddress::operator<(const QBluetoothAddress & other) const
Returns true if the Bluetooth address is less than other, otherwise returns false.
QBluetoothAddress & QBluetoothAddress::operator=(const QBluetoothAddress & other)
Assigns other to this Bluetooth address.
bool QBluetoothAddress::operator==(const QBluetoothAddress & other) const
Compares this Bluetooth address to other.
Returns true if the two Bluetooth addresses are equal, otherwise returns false.