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QContactDetail Class

The QContactDetail class represents a single, complete detail about a contact. More...

 #include <QContactDetail>

Public Types

enum AccessConstraint { NoConstraint, ReadOnly, Irremovable }
flags AccessConstraints
enum DetailContext { ContextHome, ContextWork, ContextOther }
enum DetailField { FieldContext, FieldDetailUri, FieldLinkedDetailUris }
enum DetailType { TypeUndefined, TypeAddress, TypeAnniversary, TypeAvatar, ..., TypeVersion }

Public Functions

QContactDetail(DetailType type)
QContactDetail(const QContactDetail & other)
AccessConstraints accessConstraints() const
QList<int> contexts() const
QString detailUri() const
bool hasValue(int field) const
bool isEmpty() const
int key() const
QStringList linkedDetailUris() const
bool removeValue(int field)
void resetKey()
void setContexts(int context)
void setContexts(const QList<int> & contexts)
void setDetailUri(const QString & detailUri)
void setLinkedDetailUris(const QStringList & linkedDetailUris)
void setLinkedDetailUris(const QString & linkedDetailUri)
bool setValue(int field, const QVariant & value)
DetailType type() const
QVariant value(int field) const
T value(int field) const
QMap<int, QVariant> values() const
bool operator!=(const QContactDetail & other) const
QContactDetail & operator=(const QContactDetail & other)
bool operator==(const QContactDetail & other) const



Detailed Description

The QContactDetail class represents a single, complete detail about a contact.

All of the information for a contact is stored in one or more QContactDetail objects.

A detail is a group of logically related bits of data - for example, a street address is a single detail that has multiple fields (number, region, country etc). Different contact managers might have different fields for the same detail type, depending on their capabilities. For example, for the QContactName detail one manager might not support the middle name field, while a different manager may add an extra field for specific extra information not present in the default schema.

One field which is common to all details is the context field. This field is intended to store one or more contexts that this detail is associated with. Commonly this will be something like "Home" and/or "Work", although no limitations are placed on which values may be stored in this field in the default schema.

There are two other, related fields which are common to all details. The first is QContactDetail::FieldDetailUri, which stores the unique URI of the detail if one exists. The field is not mandatory, and backends are not required to verify that the given URI is indeed unique within the contact. The second field is QContactDetail::LinkedDetailUris, which stores a list of detail URIs to which this detail is linked. The link is one-way, and can be used to show how or where a detail was derived. This is useful for things like presence information and avatars, which are linked to a particular online account detail of the contact.

When a QContactDetail has been retrieved in a QContact from a QContactManager, it may have certain access constraints provided with it, like ReadOnly or Irremovable. This might mean that the supplied detail is calculated or otherwise not modifiable by the user - presence information is a good example. Also, some details may be marked Irremovable. These are typically things that a contact has to have - like a QContactType.

It is possible to inherit from QContactDetail to provide convenience or standardized access to values. For example, QContactPhoneNumber provides a convenient API for manipulating a QContactDetail as a phone number, according to the schema.

In general, QContactDetail and the built in subclasses (like QContactPhoneNumber) provide constants for the names of fields (like QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber), and for predefined common values like QContactDetail::ContextHome. Typically the constants for field names start with Field, and the constants for predefined values of a field start with the name of that field (e.g. ContextHome is a predefined constant for FieldContext).

If you wish to create your own, customized contact detail, you should use the QContactExtendedDetail detail. QContactDetail objects act like type checked values. In general, you can assign them to and from and have reasonable behaviour, like the following example.

 QContactPhoneNumber number;
 // number.value(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber) == "555-1212";
 // number.type() == QContactPhoneNumber::Type

 QContactDetail detail = number;
 // detail.value(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber) == "555-1212";
 // detail.type() == QContactPhoneNumber::Type

 QContactPhoneNumber otherNumber = detail;
 // otherNumber.number() == "555-1212";
 // otherNumber.type() == QContactPhoneNumber::Type

 QContactAddress address = detail;
 // address is now a default constructed QContactAddress
 // address.value(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber) is empty
 // address.type() == QContactAddress::Type

 QContactAddress otherAddress = number;
 // otherAddress is now a default constructed QContactAddress
 // otherAddress.value(QContactPhoneNumber::FieldNumber) is empty
 // otherAddress.type() == QContactAddress::Type

See also QContact, QContactDetail::DetailType, QContactDetailFilter, QContactDetailRangeFilter, and Q_DECLARE_CUSTOM_CONTACT_DETAIL.

Member Type Documentation

enum QContactDetail::AccessConstraint
flags QContactDetail::AccessConstraints

This enum defines the access constraints for a detail. This information is typically provided by the manager when a contact is retrieved.

QContactDetail::NoConstraint0Users can read, write, and otherwise modify this detail in any manner.
QContactDetail::ReadOnly0x01Users cannot write or modify values in this detail.
QContactDetail::Irremovable0x02Users cannot remove this detail from a contact.

The AccessConstraints type is a typedef for QFlags<AccessConstraint>. It stores an OR combination of AccessConstraint values.

enum QContactDetail::DetailContext

This enum defines the contexts for a detail.

QContactDetail::ContextHome0The detail data relates to home / private detail about the contact.
QContactDetail::ContextWork1The detail data relates to business / work detail about the contact.
QContactDetail::ContextOther2Generic context, neither ContextHome nor ContextWork

See also setContexts() and contexts().

enum QContactDetail::DetailField

This enum defines the common fields supported by any detail.

QContactDetail::FieldContext5000The field containing the contexts of a detail.
QContactDetail::FieldDetailUri5001The field containing the detail URI of a detail.
QContactDetail::FieldLinkedDetailUris5002The field containing the URIs of other details linked to a detail.

See also setContexts(), contexts(), setDetailUri(), detailUri(), setLinkedDetailUris(), and linkedDetailUris().

enum QContactDetail::DetailType

This enumeration defines the detail types provided by the contacts API.

QContactDetail::TypeUndefined0Convenience value used to represent unknown / undefined detail types.
QContactDetail::TypeAddress1Detail type of a QContactAddress detail.
QContactDetail::TypeAnniversary2Detail type of a QContactAnniversary detail.
QContactDetail::TypeAvatar3Detail type of a QContactAvatar detail.
QContactDetail::TypeBirthday4Detail type of a QContactBirthday detail.
QContactDetail::TypeDisplayLabel5Detail type of a QContactDisplayLabel detail.
QContactDetail::TypeEmailAddress6Detail type of a QContactEmailAddress detail.
QContactDetail::TypeExtendedDetail7Detail type of a QContactExtendedDetail detail.
QContactDetail::TypeFamily8Detail type of a QContactFamily detail.
QContactDetail::TypeFavorite9Detail type of a QContactFavorite detail.
QContactDetail::TypeGender10Detail type of a QContactGender detail.
QContactDetail::TypeGeoLocation11Detail type of a QContactGeoLocation detail.
QContactDetail::TypeGlobalPresence12Detail type of a QContactGlobalPresence detail.
QContactDetail::TypeGuid13Detail type of a QContactGuid detail.
QContactDetail::TypeHobby14Detail type of a QContactHobby detail.
QContactDetail::TypeName15Detail type of a QContactName detail.
QContactDetail::TypeNickname16Detail type of a QContactNickname detail.
QContactDetail::TypeNote17Detail type of a QContactNote detail.
QContactDetail::TypeOnlineAccount18Detail type of a QContactOnlineAccount detail.
QContactDetail::TypeOrganization19Detail type of a QContactOrganization detail.
QContactDetail::TypePhoneNumber20Detail type of a QContactPhoneNumber detail.
QContactDetail::TypePresence21Detail type of a QContactPresence detail.
QContactDetail::TypeRingtone22Detail type of a QContactRingtone detail.
QContactDetail::TypeSyncTarget23Detail type of a QContactSyncTarget detail.
QContactDetail::TypeTag24Detail type of a QContactTag detail.
QContactDetail::TypeTimestamp25Detail type of a QContactTimestamp detail.
QContactDetail::TypeType26Detail type of a QContactType detail.
QContactDetail::TypeUrl27Detail type of a QContactUrl detail.
QContactDetail::TypeVersion28Detail type of a QContactVersion detail.

See also type().

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a new, empty detail

QContactDetail::QContactDetail(DetailType type)

Constructs a new, empty detail of the type identified by type.

QContactDetail::QContactDetail(const QContactDetail & other)

Constructs a detail that is a copy of other


Frees the memory used by this detail

AccessConstraints QContactDetail::accessConstraints() const

Returns the access constraints associated with the detail.

Some details may not be written to, while other details may not be removed from a contact.

See also QContactDetail::AccessConstraints.

QList<int> QContactDetail::contexts() const

This is a convenience function to return the Context field of this detail.

It is equivalent to the following code:


See also setContexts() and value().

QString QContactDetail::detailUri() const

This is a convenience function to return the DetailUri field of this detail.

It is equivalent to the following code:


See also setDetailUri() and value().

bool QContactDetail::hasValue(int field) const

Returns true if this detail has a field with the given field, or false otherwise.

bool QContactDetail::isEmpty() const

Returns true if no values are contained in this detail. Note that context is stored as a value; hence, if a context is set, this function will return false.

An empty value (for example, the string "") is still a value contained in this detail, so this function will return false.

int QContactDetail::key() const

Returns the key of this detail.

Be aware that if a contact is retrieved (or reloaded) from the backend, the keys of any details it contains may have been changed by the backend, or other threads may have modified the contact details in the backend. Therefore, clients should reload the detail that they wish to save in or remove from a contact after retrieving the contact from the backend, in order to ascertain the keys of any such details.

QStringList QContactDetail::linkedDetailUris() const

This is a convenience function to return the Context field of this detail.

It is equivalent to the following code:


See also setLinkedDetailUris() and value().

bool QContactDetail::removeValue(int field)

Removes the value stored in this detail for the given field. Returns true if a value was stored for the given field and the operation succeeded, and false otherwise.

void QContactDetail::resetKey()

Causes the implicitly-shared detail to be detached from any other copies, and generates a new key for it. This ensures that calling QContact::saveDetail() will result in a new detail being saved, rather than another detail being updated.

void QContactDetail::setContexts(int context)

This is a convenience function that sets the Context field of this detail to the given context. It is useful if the detail is only valid in a single context.

It is equivalent to the following code:

 setValue(FieldContext, QList<int>() << context);

See also contexts() and setValue().

void QContactDetail::setContexts(const QList<int> & contexts)

This is a convenience function that sets the Context field of this detail to the given contexts.

It is equivalent to the following code:

 setValue(QContactDetail::FieldContext, contexts);

See also setValue().

void QContactDetail::setDetailUri(const QString & detailUri)

This is a convenience function that sets the DetailUri field of this detail to the given detailUri. In order to be linked to, a detail must have a specific and (per-contact) unique detail URI set.

It is equivalent to the following code:

 setValue(FieldDetailUri, detailUri);

See also detailUri() and setValue().

void QContactDetail::setLinkedDetailUris(const QStringList & linkedDetailUris)

This is a convenience function that sets the LinkedDetailUris field of this detail to the given linkedDetailUris.

It is equivalent to the following code:

 setValue(QContactDetail::FieldLinkedDetailUris, linkedDetailUris);

See also linkedDetailUris() and setValue().

void QContactDetail::setLinkedDetailUris(const QString & linkedDetailUri)

This is a convenience function that sets the LinkedDetailUris field of this detail to the given linkedDetailUri. It is useful if the detail is linked to a single other detail in the contact.

It is equivalent to the following code:

 setValue(FieldLinkedDetailUris, QStringList(linkedDetailUri));

See also setValue().

bool QContactDetail::setValue(int field, const QVariant & value)

Inserts value into the detail for the given field if value is valid. If value is invalid, removes the field with the given field from the detail. Returns true if the given value was set for the field (if the value was valid), or if the given field was removed from detail (if the value was invalid), and returns false if the field could not be removed (and the value was invalid)

See also value().

DetailType QContactDetail::type() const

Returns the (unique) enum of the type which defines the semantics and structure of this detail.

QVariant QContactDetail::value(int field) const

Returns the value stored in this detail for the given field. An invalid QVariant is returned if the value of field is not set.

See also setValue().

T QContactDetail::value(int field) const

QMap<int, QVariant> QContactDetail::values() const

Returns the values stored in this detail as a field-to-value map.

bool QContactDetail::operator!=(const QContactDetail & other) const

Returns true if the values or id of this detail is different to those of the other detail

QContactDetail & QContactDetail::operator=(const QContactDetail & other)

Assigns this detail to other

bool QContactDetail::operator==(const QContactDetail & other) const

Compares this detail to other. Returns true if the type, access constraints and values of other are equal to those of this detail. The keys of each detail are not considered during the comparison, in order to allow details from different contacts to be compared according to their values.

Macro Documentation


Macro for simplifying declaring custom (leaf) detail classes.

The first argument is the detail type of the class.

If you are creating a convenience class for a type of QContactDetail, you should use this macro when declaring your class to ensure that it interoperates with other contact functionality.

Here is an example of a class (QContactPhoneNumber) using this macro. Note that the class provides some predefined constants and some convenience methods that return values associated with schema fields.

 class Q_CONTACTS_EXPORT QContactPhoneNumber : public QContactDetail
 #ifndef Q_QDOC
     static const DetailType Type;

     enum PhoneNumberField {
         FieldNumber = 0,

     enum SubType {
         SubTypeLandline = 0,

     void setNumber(const QString& number) {setValue(FieldNumber, number);}
     QString number() const {return value(FieldNumber).toString();}

     void setSubTypes(const QList<int> &subTypes) {setValue(FieldSubTypes, QVariant::fromValue(subTypes));}
     QList<int> subTypes() const {return value< QList<int> >(FieldSubTypes);}

     // Convenience filter
     static QContactFilter match(const QString& number);
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