Compatibility Members for QImage
The following class members are part of the Qt compatibility layer. We advise against using them in new code.
Public Functions
Member Function Documentation
int QImage::numBytes() const
int QImage::numColors() const
Returns the size of the color table for the image.
See also setNumColors() and setColorCount().
int QImage::serialNumber() const
Returns a number that identifies the contents of this QImage object. Distinct QImage objects can only have the same serial number if they refer to the same contents (but they don't have to).
Use cacheKey() instead.
Warning: The serial number doesn't necessarily change when the image is altered. This means that it may be dangerous to use it as a cache key.
See also operator==().
void QImage::setNumColors(int)
See also numColors().
void QImage::setText(const char * key, const char * language, const QString & text)
Sets the image text to the given text and associate it with the given key. The text is recorded in the specified language, or in a default language if language is 0.
Use setText() instead.
The language the text is recorded in is no longer relevant since the text is always set using QString and UTF-8 representation.
QString QImage::text(const char * key, const char * language = 0) const
Returns the text recorded for the given key in the given language, or in a default language if language is 0.
Use text() instead.
The language the text is recorded in is no longer relevant since the text is always set using QString and UTF-8 representation.
QString QImage::text(const QImageTextKeyLang & keywordAndLanguage) const
This is an overloaded function.
Returns the text recorded for the given keywordAndLanguage.
Use text() instead.
The language the text is recorded in is no longer relevant since the text is always set using QString and UTF-8 representation.
QStringList QImage::textLanguages() const
QList<QImageTextKeyLang> QImage::textList() const