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The PathArc defines an arc with the given radius. More...

Inherits QtObject


Detailed Description

PathArc provides a simple way of specifying an arc that ends at a given position and uses the specified radius. It is modeled after the SVG elliptical arc command.

The following QML produces the path shown below:

[Missing image declarative-patharc.png]

 Path {
     startX: 100; startY: 0

     PathArc {
         x: 0; y: 100
         radiusX: 100; radiusY: 100
         useLargeArc: true

Note that a single PathArc cannot be used to specify a circle. Instead, you can use two PathArc elements, each specifying half of the circle.

See also Path, PathLine, PathQuad, PathCubic, PathCurve, and PathSvg.

Property Documentation

direction : enum

Defines the direction of the arc. Possible values are PathArc.Clockwise (default) and PathArc.Counterclockwise.

The following QML can produce either of the two illustrated arcs below by changing the value of direction.

[Missing image declarative-arcdirection.png]

 Path {
     startX: 50; startY: 50

     PathArc {
         x: 150; y: 50
         radiusX: 75; radiusY: 50

See also useLargeArc.

radiusX : real

radiusY : real

Defines the radius of the arc.

The following QML demonstrates how different radius values can be used to change the shape of the arc:

[Missing image declarative-arcradius.png]

 Path {
     startX: 0; startY: 100

     PathArc {
         relativeX: 50; y: 100
         radiusX: 25; radiusY: 15
     PathArc {
         relativeX: 50; y: 100
         radiusX: 25; radiusY: 25
     PathArc {
         relativeX: 50; y: 100
         radiusX: 25; radiusY: 50
     PathArc {
         relativeX: 50; y: 100
         radiusX: 50; radiusY: 100

relativeX : real

relativeY : real

Defines the end point of the arc relative to its start.

If both a relative and absolute end position are specified for a single axis, the relative position will be used.

Relative and absolute positions can be mixed, for example it is valid to set a relative x and an absolute y.

See also x and y.

useLargeArc : bool

Whether to use a large arc as defined by the arc points.

Given fixed start and end positions, radius, and direction, there are two possible arcs that can fit the data. useLargeArc is used to distinguish between these. For example, the following QML can produce either of the two illustrated arcs below by changing the value of useLargeArc.

[Missing image declarative-largearc.png]

 Path {
     startX: 0; startY: 100
     PathArc {
         x: 100; y: 200
         radiusX: 100; radiusY: 100
         direction: PathArc.Clockwise

The default value is false.

x : real

y : real

Defines the end point of the arc.

See also relativeX and relativeY.

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