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Qt Quick Contacts List View Example

Contacts List

This example shows how to write a simple Contacts browsing application with the Contacts QML API


This application was written to provide an example to developers of how to use the Qt Quick Contacts APIs.

It provides an example of how to use the Qt Contacts library to:

  • import new contact information from vCard files
  • select a backend for volatile memory or persistent storage
  • list the stored Contacts information
  • add Contacts
  • edit Contacts
  • remove Contacts

Use Case

Its is common necessity for people to keep well organized and persistent lists of all their friends, relatives, business partners and etc. All these contacts can have associate information such as phone numbers, email addresses, relations between other contacts.

This sample application provides a simple contacts browser that allows users to retrieve all their Contacts and information associated with them. Users can add new contacts, modify or delete existing ones.


The interface is organized into a QML List View, showing all the available contacts. Contacts can be added or modified using the buttons at the bottom of the contact list. Selecting the contact is simply done by clicking the mouse on the desired list element, that opens the selected contact in editing view.

Here we see the ContactModel used with a QML List View to show a basic information of contacts.

In edit mode you can delete a contact by using delete button at the bottom of the window or you can modify a contact's details just by entering a new value in text input fields. Modified values are indicated in red color and they must be saved to take affect or changes can be discarded by using cancel button which is also placed at the bottom of the window.

Here we can see an example of how a contact looks when opened in an editing view.

This example application is designed to introduce very basic usage of the API and get you stared with QtContacts library.


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