Sensor Explorer exampleThe Sensor Explorer example demonstrates how to read the meta-data of available sensors. This example contains 2 projects. A Sensor Explorer QML Import to make the sensors and their meta-data available to a QML application. A Sensor Explorer QML Application that represents the Sensor Explorer QML Import information to the user interface. The Sensor Explorer QML import exports the QSensorExplorer, QPropertyInfo and the QSensorItem class as a QML element. This example creates the Explorer 1.0 import. It consists of the code under the import/ directory. This is a pure QML application that can be run from Qt Creator or directly using the qmlscene binary. This app won't work if it cannot locate its related import. To write a QML application that will use the Explorer QML element you need to do the following steps: Import the Explorer 1.0 declarative plugin: Create a SensorExplorer QML item: You can retrieve a list of all available sensors using the SensorExplorer: To retrieve the properties of a SensorItem use: Changing a property value can be done like: Starting and stoping a sesnor can be done like: Files: |