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qquickfolderlistmodel.cpp Example File

 ** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 ** Contact:
 ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
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 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
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 #include "qquickfolderlistmodel.h"
 #include "fileinfothread_p.h"
 #include "fileproperty_p.h"
 #include <qqmlcontext.h>
 #include <qqmlfile.h>

 class QQuickFolderListModelPrivate

     QQuickFolderListModelPrivate(QQuickFolderListModel *q)
         : q_ptr(q),
           sortField(QQuickFolderListModel::Name), sortReversed(false), showDirs(true), showDirsFirst(false), showDots(false), showOnlyReadable(false)
         nameFilters << QLatin1String("*");

     QQuickFolderListModel *q_ptr;
     QUrl currentDir;
     QUrl rootDir;
     FileInfoThread fileInfoThread;
     QList<FileProperty> data;
     QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames;
     QQuickFolderListModel::SortField sortField;
     QStringList nameFilters;
     bool sortReversed;
     bool showDirs;
     bool showDirsFirst;
     bool showDots;
     bool showOnlyReadable;

     ~QQuickFolderListModelPrivate() {}
     void init();
     void updateSorting();

     // private slots
     void _q_directoryChanged(const QString &directory, const QList<FileProperty> &list);
     void _q_directoryUpdated(const QString &directory, const QList<FileProperty> &list, int fromIndex, int toIndex);
     void _q_sortFinished(const QList<FileProperty> &list);

 void QQuickFolderListModelPrivate::init()
     qRegisterMetaType<QList<FileProperty> >("QList<FileProperty>");
     q->connect(&fileInfoThread, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString, QList<FileProperty>)),
                q, SLOT(_q_directoryChanged(QString, QList<FileProperty>)));
     q->connect(&fileInfoThread, SIGNAL(directoryUpdated(QString, QList<FileProperty>, int, int)),
                q, SLOT(_q_directoryUpdated(QString, QList<FileProperty>, int, int)));
     q->connect(&fileInfoThread, SIGNAL(sortFinished(QList<FileProperty>)),
                q, SLOT(_q_sortFinished(QList<FileProperty>)));

 void QQuickFolderListModelPrivate::updateSorting()

     QDir::SortFlags flags = 0;

     switch (sortField) {
         case QQuickFolderListModel::Unsorted:
             flags |= QDir::Unsorted;
         case QQuickFolderListModel::Name:
             flags |= QDir::Name;
         case QQuickFolderListModel::Time:
             flags |= QDir::Time;
         case QQuickFolderListModel::Size:
             flags |= QDir::Size;
         case QQuickFolderListModel::Type:
             flags |= QDir::Type;

     emit q->layoutAboutToBeChanged();

     if (sortReversed)
         flags |= QDir::Reversed;


 void QQuickFolderListModelPrivate::_q_directoryChanged(const QString &directory, const QList<FileProperty> &list)

     data = list;
     emit q->rowCountChanged();
     emit q->folderChanged();

 void QQuickFolderListModelPrivate::_q_directoryUpdated(const QString &directory, const QList<FileProperty> &list, int fromIndex, int toIndex)

     QModelIndex parent;
     if (data.size() > list.size()) {
         //File(s) removed. Since I do not know how many
         //or where I need to update the whole list from the first item.
         data = list;
         q->beginRemoveRows(parent, fromIndex, toIndex);
         q->beginInsertRows(parent, fromIndex, list.size()-1);
         emit q->rowCountChanged();
     } else if (data.size() < list.size()) {
         //qDebug() << "File added. FromIndex: " << fromIndex << " toIndex: " << toIndex << " list size: " << list.size();
         //File(s) added. Calculate how many and insert
         //from the first changed one.
         toIndex = fromIndex + (list.size() - data.size()-1);
         q->beginInsertRows(parent, fromIndex, toIndex);
         data = list;
         emit q->rowCountChanged();
         QModelIndex modelIndexFrom = q->createIndex(fromIndex, 0);
         QModelIndex modelIndexTo = q->createIndex(toIndex, 0);
         emit q->dataChanged(modelIndexFrom, modelIndexTo);
     } else {
         //qDebug() << "File has been updated";
         QModelIndex modelIndexFrom = q->createIndex(fromIndex, 0);
         QModelIndex modelIndexTo = q->createIndex(toIndex, 0);
         data = list;
         emit q->dataChanged(modelIndexFrom, modelIndexTo);

 void QQuickFolderListModelPrivate::_q_sortFinished(const QList<FileProperty> &list)

     QModelIndex parent;
     q->beginRemoveRows(parent, 0, data.size()-1);

     q->beginInsertRows(parent, 0, list.size()-1);
     data = list;

     \qmlclass FolderListModel QQuickFolderListModel
     \ingroup qml-working-with-data
     \brief The FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder.

     FolderListModel provides access to information about the contents of a folder
     in the local file system, exposing a list of files to views and other data components.

     \note This type is made available by importing the \c Qt.labs.folderlistmodel module.
     \e{Elements in the Qt.labs module are not guaranteed to remain compatible
     in future versions.}

     \b{import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 1.0}

     The \l folder property specifies the folder to access. Information about the
     files and directories in the folder is supplied via the model's interface.
     Components access names and paths via the following roles:

     \li \c fileName
     \li \c filePath
     \li \c fileBaseName
     \li \c fileSuffix
     \li \c fileSize
     \li \c fileModified
     \li \c fileAccessed
     \li \c fileIsDir

     Additionally a file entry can be differentiated from a folder entry via the
     isFolder() method.

     \section1 Filtering

     Various properties can be set to filter the number of files and directories
     exposed by the model.

     The \l nameFilters property can be set to contain a list of wildcard filters
     that are applied to names of files and directories, causing only those that
     match the filters to be exposed.

     Directories can be included or excluded using the \l showDirs property, and
     navigation directories can also be excluded by setting the \l showDotAndDotDot
     property to false.

     It is sometimes useful to limit the files and directories exposed to those
     that the user can access. The \l showOnlyReadable property can be set to
     enable this feature.

     \section1 Example Usage

     The following example shows a FolderListModel being used to provide a list
     of QML files in a \l ListView:

     \snippet doc/src/snippets/qml/folderlistmodel.qml 0

     \section1 Path Separators

     Qt uses "/" as a universal directory separator in the same way that "/" is
     used as a path separator in URLs. If you always use "/" as a directory
     separator, Qt will translate your paths to conform to the underlying
     operating system.

     \sa {QML Data Models}

 QQuickFolderListModel::QQuickFolderListModel(QObject *parent)
     : QAbstractListModel(parent), d_ptr(new QQuickFolderListModelPrivate(this))
     d->roleNames[FileNameRole] = "fileName";
     d->roleNames[FilePathRole] = "filePath";
     d->roleNames[FileBaseNameRole] = "fileBaseName";
     d->roleNames[FileSuffixRole] = "fileSuffix";
     d->roleNames[FileSizeRole] = "fileSize";
     d->roleNames[FileLastModifiedRole] = "fileModified";
     d->roleNames[FileLastReadRole] = "fileAccessed";
     d->roleNames[FileIsDirRole] = "fileIsDir";


 QVariant QQuickFolderListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     QVariant rv;

     if (index.row() >= d->data.size())
         return rv;

     switch (role)
         case FileNameRole:
             rv = d->;
         case FilePathRole:
             rv = d->;
         case FileBaseNameRole:
             rv = d->;
         case FileSuffixRole:
             rv = d->;
         case FileSizeRole:
             rv = d->;
         case FileLastModifiedRole:
             rv = d-> + " " + d->;
         case FileLastReadRole:
             rv = d-> + " " + d->;
         case FileIsDirRole:
             rv = d->;
     return rv;

 QHash<int, QByteArray> QQuickFolderListModel::roleNames() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->roleNames;

     \qmlproperty int FolderListModel::count

     Returns the number of items in the current folder that match the
     filter criteria.
 int QQuickFolderListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->data.size();

 QModelIndex QQuickFolderListModel::index(int row, int , const QModelIndex &) const
     return createIndex(row, 0);

     \qmlproperty string FolderListModel::folder

     The \a folder property holds a URL for the folder that the model is
     currently providing.

     The value is a URL expressed as a string, and must be a \c file: or \c qrc:
     URL, or a relative URL.

     By default, the value is an invalid URL.
 QUrl QQuickFolderListModel::folder() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->currentDir;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::setFolder(const QUrl &folder)

     if (folder == d->currentDir)

     QString localPath = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(folder);
     QString resolvedPath = QDir::cleanPath(QUrl(localPath).path());


     //Remove the old path for the file system watcher
     if (!d->currentDir.isEmpty())

     d->currentDir = folder;

     QFileInfo info(resolvedPath);
     if (!info.exists() || !info.isDir()) {
         emit rowCountChanged();


    \qmlproperty string QQuickFolderListModel::rootFolder

    When the rootFolder is set, then this folder will
    be threated as the root in the file system, so that
    you can only travers sub folders from this rootFolder.
 QUrl QQuickFolderListModel::rootFolder() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->rootDir;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::setRootFolder(const QUrl &path)

     if (path.isEmpty())

     QString localPath = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path);
     QString resolvedPath = QDir::cleanPath(QUrl(localPath).path());

     QFileInfo info(resolvedPath);
     if (!info.exists() || !info.isDir())

     d->rootDir = path;

     \qmlproperty url FolderListModel::parentFolder

     Returns the URL of the parent of of the current \l folder.
 QUrl QQuickFolderListModel::parentFolder() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);

     QString localFile = d->currentDir.toLocalFile();
     if (!localFile.isEmpty()) {
         QDir dir(localFile);
 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
         if (dir.isRoot())
         localFile = dir.path();
     } else {
         int pos = d->currentDir.path().lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
         if (pos == -1)
             return QUrl();
         localFile = d->currentDir.path().left(pos);
     return QUrl::fromLocalFile(localFile);

     \qmlproperty list<string> FolderListModel::nameFilters

     The \a nameFilters property contains a list of file name filters.
     The filters may include the ? and * wildcards.

     The example below filters on PNG and JPEG files:

     FolderListModel {
         nameFilters: [ "*.png", "*.jpg" ]

     \note Directories are not excluded by filters.
 QStringList QQuickFolderListModel::nameFilters() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->nameFilters;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::setNameFilters(const QStringList &filters)
     d->nameFilters = filters;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::classBegin()

 void QQuickFolderListModel::componentComplete()

     if (!d->currentDir.isValid() || d->currentDir.toLocalFile().isEmpty() || !QDir().exists(d->currentDir.toLocalFile()))

     \qmlproperty enumeration FolderListModel::sortField

     The \a sortField property contains field to use for sorting.  sortField
     may be one of:
     \li Unsorted - no sorting is applied.
     \li Name - sort by filename
     \li LastModified - sort by time modified
     \li Size - sort by file size
     \li Type - sort by file type (extension)

     \sa sortReversed
 QQuickFolderListModel::SortField QQuickFolderListModel::sortField() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->sortField;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::setSortField(SortField field)
     if (field != d->sortField) {
         d->sortField = field;

 int QQuickFolderListModel::roleFromString(const QString &roleName) const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->roleNames.key(roleName.toLatin1(), -1);

     \qmlproperty bool FolderListModel::sortReversed

     If set to true, reverses the sort order.  The default is false.

     \sa sortField
 bool QQuickFolderListModel::sortReversed() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->sortReversed;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::setSortReversed(bool rev)

     if (rev != d->sortReversed) {
         d->sortReversed = rev;

     \qmlmethod bool FolderListModel::isFolder(int index)

     Returns true if the entry \a index is a folder; otherwise
     returns false.
 bool QQuickFolderListModel::isFolder(int index) const
     if (index != -1) {
         QModelIndex idx = createIndex(index, 0);
         if (idx.isValid()) {
             QVariant var = data(idx, FileIsDirRole);
             if (var.isValid())
                 return var.toBool();
     return false;

     \qmlproperty bool FolderListModel::showDirs

     If true, directories are included in the model; otherwise only files
     are included.

     By default, this property is true.

     Note that the nameFilters are not applied to directories.

     \sa showDotAndDotDot
 bool QQuickFolderListModel::showDirs() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->showDirs;

 void  QQuickFolderListModel::setShowDirs(bool on)

     d->showDirs = on;

     \qmlproperty bool FolderListModel::showDirsFirst

     If true, if directories are included in the model they will
     always be shown first, then the files.

     By default, this property is false.

 bool QQuickFolderListModel::showDirsFirst() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->showDirsFirst;

 void  QQuickFolderListModel::setShowDirsFirst(bool on)

     d->showDirsFirst = on;

     \qmlproperty bool FolderListModel::showDotAndDotDot

     If true, the "." and ".." directories are included in the model; otherwise
     they are excluded.

     By default, this property is false.

     \sa showDirs
 bool QQuickFolderListModel::showDotAndDotDot() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->showDots;

 void  QQuickFolderListModel::setShowDotAndDotDot(bool on)

     if (on != d->showDots) {

     \qmlproperty bool FolderListModel::showOnlyReadable

     If true, only readable files and directories are shown; otherwise all files
     and directories are shown.

     By default, this property is false.

     \sa showDirs
 bool QQuickFolderListModel::showOnlyReadable() const
     Q_D(const QQuickFolderListModel);
     return d->showOnlyReadable;

 void QQuickFolderListModel::setShowOnlyReadable(bool on)

     if (on != d->showOnlyReadable) {

     \qmlmethod QVariant QQuickFolderListModel::get(int idx, const QString &property) const

     Get the folder property for the given index. The following properties
     are available.

         \li \c fileName
         \li \c filePath
         \li \c fileBaseName
         \li \c fileSuffix
         \li \c fileSize
         \li \c fileModified
         \li \c fileAccessed
         \li \c fileIsDir
 QVariant QQuickFolderListModel::get(int idx, const QString &property) const
     int role = roleFromString(property);
     if (role >= 0 && idx >= 0)
         return data(index(idx, 0), role);
         return QVariant();

 #include "moc_qquickfolderlistmodel.cpp"
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