Versit Property | QContactDetail |
ADR | QContactAddress |
BDAY | QContactBirthday |
FN | QContactName (CustomLabel field) |
GEO | QContactGeoLocation |
EMAIL | QContactEmailAddress |
IMPP, X-IMPP* | QContactOnlineAccount (SubTypeImpp) |
LOGO | QContactOrganization (LogoUrl field) |
N | QContactName |
NOTE | QContactNote |
ORG | QContactOrganization (Name field) |
PHOTO | QContactAvatar for URLs. No support by default for base-64 encoded images. |
REV | QContactTimestamp |
ROLE | QContactOrganization (Role field) |
SOUND | QContactRingtone |
TEL | QContactPhoneNumber |
TITLE | QContactOrganization (Title field) |
UID | QContactGuid |
URL | QContactUrl |
X-ANNIVERSARY | QContactAnniversary |
X-ASSISTANT | QContactOrganization (Assistant field) |
X-ASSISTANT-TEL | QContactPhoneNumber (SubTypeAssistant) |
X-CHILDREN | QContactFamily (Children field) |
X-GENDER | QContactGender |
X-JABBER | QContactOnlineAccount (SubTypeImpp) |
X-SIP | QContactOnlineAccount |
X-SPOUSE | QContactFamily (Spouse field) |
* These are understood by the importer, but are not generated by the exporter.
The Versit module supports the following vCard parameter:
- ENCODING (for base64 or quoted-printable values)
- CHARSET (text character set for a specific property)
- VALUE (for LOGO, SOUND and PHOTO to specify whether the resource is external or embedded)
- TYPE (see below)
The following table lists the values that are supported for the TYPE parameter:
Value of TYPE parameter | Value of QContactDetail Context/SubType |
HOME | QContactDetail::ContextHome |
WORK | QContactDetail::ContextWork |
DOM | QContactAddress::SubTypeDomestic |
INTL | QContactAddress::SubTypeInternational |
POSTAL | QContactAddress::SubTypePostal |
PARCEL | QContactAddress::SubTypeParcel |
VOICE | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeVoice |
CELL | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeMobile |
MODEM | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeModem |
CAR | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeCar |
VIDEO | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeVideo |
FAX | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeFax |
BBS | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeBulletinBoardSystem |
PAGER | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypePager |
ISDN | QContactPhoneNumber::SubTypeLandline |
SWIS | QContactOnlineAccount::SubTypeVideoShare |
VOIP | QContactOnlineAccount::SubTypeSipVoip |
PREF is partially supported. If a property has the parameter TYPE set to PREF, the QContactDetail that it generates is placed at the front of the list saved to the resultant QContact. This has the effect that calling QContact::detail() will return it in preference over other details. However, the existence of the PREF parameter is not preserved, so it won't appear when exporting the contact back to vCard.