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These documents describe aspects of Qt's architecture and design, including overviews of core Qt features and technologies.

Drag and DropAn overview of the drag and drop system provided by Qt.
Events and Event FiltersA guide to event handling in Qt.
Format of the QDataStream OperatorsRepresentations of data types that can be serialized by QDataStream.
Generic AlgorithmsThe <QtAlgorithms> header provides generic template-based algorithms.
Generic ContainersQt's template-based container classes.
Global Qt DeclarationsThe <QtGlobal> header provides basic declarations and is included by all other Qt headers.
Implementing Atomic OperationsA guide to implementing atomic operations on new architectures.
Implementing Styles and Style Aware WidgetsAn overview of styles and the styling of widgets.
Implicitly Shared ClassesClasses that use reference counting for fast copying.
Inter-Process Communication in QtInter-Process communication in Qt applications.
Introduction to D-BusAn introduction to Inter-Process Communication and Remote Procedure Calling with D-Bus.
Keyboard FocusAn overview of the keyboard focus management and handling.
Layout ClassesA tour of the standard layout managers and an introduction to custom layouts.
Meta-Object SystemAn overview of Qt's meta-object system and introspection capabilities. Qt's meta-object system provides the signals and slots mechanism for inter-object communication, run-time type information, and the dynamic property system.
Model/View ProgrammingA guide to the extensible model/view architecture used by Qt's item view classes.
Object Trees and Object OwnershipInformation about the parent-child pattern used to describe object ownership in Qt.
Overview of Qt's Undo Framework
QTestLib ManualAn overview of Qt's unit testing framework.
Qt Object ModelA description of the powerful features made possible by Qt's dynamic object model.
Qt Style SheetsHow to use style sheets to customize the appearance of widgets.
Qt's Property SystemAn overview of Qt's property system.
QtWebKit ModuleAn introduction to the QtWebKit module.
Rich Text ProcessingAn overview of Qt's rich text processing, editing and display features.
SQL Database DriversHow to configure and install QtSql drivers for supported databases.
Signals and SlotsAn overview of Qt's signals and slots inter-object communication mechanism.
The Coordinate SystemInformation about the coordinate system used by the paint system.
The Graphics View FrameworkAn overview of the Graphics View framework for interactive 2D graphics.
Thread Support in QtA detailed discussion of thread handling in Qt.
TimersHow to use timers in your application.
UnicodeInformation about support for Unicode in Qt.
Why Doesn't Qt Use Templates for Signals and Slots?The reasoning behind Qt's implementation of signals and slots.
Window GeometryAn overview of window geometry handling and management.


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Le Qt Quarterly au hasard


XQuery et la météo

Qt Quarterly est la revue trimestrielle proposée par Nokia et à destination des développeurs Qt. Ces articles d'une grande qualité technique sont rédigés par des experts Qt. Lire l'article.



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