QCategorySelector Class Reference
Constant | Value | Description |
QCategorySelector::IncludeAll | 0x04 | Include the All categories option. |
QCategorySelector::IncludeUnfiled | 0x08 | Include the Unfiled categories option. |
QCategorySelector::SingleSelection | 0x80 | Allow selection of a single category. The default is to allow combinations of categories. |
QCategorySelector::ListView | 0x10 | Display as a list view. |
QCategorySelector::ComboView | 0x20 | Display as a combo box. Note that this will encourage exclusive selection of categories. |
QCategorySelector::DialogView | 0x40 | Display as a button that opens a dialog containing a list view. |
QCategorySelector::Filter | IncludeAll | IncludeUnfiled | Alias for IncludeAll|IncludeUnfiled. |
QCategorySelector::Editor | IncludeUnfiled | Alias for IncludeUnfiled. |
QCategorySelector::ViewMask | ListView | ComboView | DialogView | Masks the view selection flags. |
The list view looks like this.
[Missing image qcategoryselector-list.png]
The combo box looks like this.
[Missing image qcategoryselector-combo-down.png]
[Missing image qcategoryselector-combo-up.png]
The button looks like this.
[Missing image qcategoryselector-button.png]
The ContentFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<ContentFlag>. It stores an OR combination of ContentFlag values.
Constructs a QCategorySelector as an editor widget with the given parent.
Constructs a QCategorySelector with the given parent. Unless it is null, scope limits the categories that can be seen. The flags in f determine the apperance and behavior of the QCategorySelector.
Destroys a QCategorySelector.
This signal is emitted when the selected categories changes. The selected categories are indicated by list.
Note that this function does not indicate if All or Unfiled is selected. Use filterSelected() to determine if these items are selected.
This signal is emitted when the selected categories changes. The selected categories are indicated by filter.
See also QCategoryFilter::requiredCategories().
Selects the All entry (all categories are selected).
Selects the categories with identifiers in the comma-separated list categoryids.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
Selects the categories with identifiers in list categoryids.
Selects the categories specified by filter.
Selects the Unfiled entry (no categories are selected).
Returns the list of selected categories.
Note that this function does not indicate if All or Unfiled is selected. Use selectedFilter() to determine if these items are selected.
Returns the QCategoryFilter that indicates the selected categories.
See also QCategoryFilter::requiredCategories().
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