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QMailMessageMetaData Class Reference
[QtMessagingModule, QtPimModule]

The QMailMessageMetaData class provides information about a message stored by Qtopia. More...

    #include <QMailMessageMetaData>

This class is under development and is subject to change.

Inherited by QMailMessage.

Public Types

  • enum ContentType { UnknownContent, NoContent, PlainTextContent, RichTextContent, ..., UserContent }
  • enum MessageType { Mms, Sms, Email, Instant, ..., AnyType }

Public Functions

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QMailMessageMetaData class provides information about a message stored by Qtopia.

The QMailMessageMetaData class provides information about messages stored in the Qt Extended system as QMailMessage objects. The meta data is more compact and more easily accessed and manipulated than the content of the message itself. Many messaging-related tasks can be accomplished by manipulating the message meta data, such as listing, filtering, and searching through sets of messages.

QMailMessageMetaData objects can be created as needed, specifying the identifier of the message whose meta data is required. The meta data of a message can be located by specifying the QMailMessageId identifier directly, or by specifying the account and server UID pair needed to locate the message.

The content of the message described by the meta data object can be accessed by creating a QMailMessage object specifying the identifier returned by QMailMessageMetaData::id().

See also QMailStore and QMailMessageId.

Member Type Documentation

enum QMailMessageMetaData::ContentType

This enum type is used to describe the type of data contained within a message.

QMailMessageMetaData::UnknownContent0The content of the message has not been specified.
QMailMessageMetaData::NoContent1The message does not contain content and is completely described by its meta data.
QMailMessageMetaData::PlainTextContent2Plain text content.
QMailMessageMetaData::RichTextContent3Text content described via QTextBrowser rich text markup.
QMailMessageMetaData::HtmlContent4Content marked up via HyperText Markup Language.
QMailMessageMetaData::ImageContent5Image content.
QMailMessageMetaData::AudioContent6Audio content.
QMailMessageMetaData::VideoContent7Video content.
QMailMessageMetaData::MultipartContent8Content consisting of multiple individual parts related according to RFC 2046.
QMailMessageMetaData::SmilContent9Dynamic content described via Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
QMailMessageMetaData::VoicemailContent10Content that should be presented as a recorded audio message from a contact.
QMailMessageMetaData::VideomailContent11Content that should be presented as a recorded video message from a contact.
QMailMessageMetaData::VCardContent12A contact description, as defined by RFC 2425.
QMailMessageMetaData::VCalendarContent13A scheduling element description as defined by the vCalendar 1.0 specification.
QMailMessageMetaData::ICalendarContent14A scheduling element description as defined by RFC 2445.
QMailMessageMetaData::UserContent64The first value that can be used for application-specific purposes.

enum QMailMessageMetaData::MessageType

This enum type is used to describe the type of a message.

QMailMessageMetaData::Mms0x1The message is an MMS.
QMailMessageMetaData::Sms0x4The message is an SMS.
QMailMessageMetaData::Email0x8The message is an Email.
QMailMessageMetaData::Instant0x20The message is an instant message.
QMailMessageMetaData::System0x10The message is a system report.
QMailMessageMetaData::None0Indicates no message type.
QMailMessageMetaData::AnyTypeMms | Sms | Email | System | InstantIndicates any type of message.

Member Function Documentation

QMailMessageMetaData::QMailMessageMetaData ()

Constructs an empty message meta data object.

QMailMessageMetaData::QMailMessageMetaData ( const QMailMessageId & id )

Constructs a message meta data object from data stored in the message store with QMailMessageId id.

QMailMessageMetaData::QMailMessageMetaData ( const QString & uid, const QMailAccountId & accountId )

Constructs a message meta data object from data stored in the message store with the unique identifier uid from the account with id accountId.

ContentType QMailMessageMetaData::content () const   [virtual]

Returns the type of content contained within the message.

See also setContent().

QMailTimeStamp QMailMessageMetaData::date () const   [virtual]

Returns the timestamp contained in the origination date header field of the message, if present; otherwise returns an empty string.

See also setDate().

QMailAddress QMailMessageMetaData::from () const   [virtual]

Returns the originating address of the message.

See also setFrom().

QString QMailMessageMetaData::fromAccount () const   [virtual]

Returns the name of the originating account for the message.

See also setFromAccount().

QString QMailMessageMetaData::fromMailbox () const   [virtual]

Returns the name of the originating mailbox for the message.

See also setFromMailbox().

QMailMessageId QMailMessageMetaData::id () const   [virtual]

Returns the Qt Extended unique QMailMessageId of the message.

See also setId().

uint QMailMessageMetaData::indicativeSize () const   [virtual]

Returns an indication of the size of the message. This measure should be used only in comparing the relative size of messages with respect to transmission.

MessageType QMailMessageMetaData::messageType () const   [virtual]

Returns the MessageType of the message.

See also setMessageType().

QMailAccountId QMailMessageMetaData::parentAccountId () const   [virtual]

Returns the id of the originating account for the message.

See also setParentAccountId().

QMailFolderId QMailMessageMetaData::parentFolderId () const   [virtual]

Return the QMailFolderId of the folder that contains the message.

See also setParentFolderId().

QMailFolderId QMailMessageMetaData::previousParentFolderId () const   [virtual]

Return the QMailFolderId of the folder that contained the message before it was moved into the current parent folder.

See also setPreviousParentFolderId().

QString QMailMessageMetaData::serverUid () const   [virtual]

Returns the identifier for the message on the originating server.

See also setServerUid().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setContent ( ContentType type )   [virtual]

Sets the type of content contained within the message to type. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that this value matches the actual content.

See also content().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setDate ( const QMailTimeStamp & timeStamp )   [virtual]

Sets the origination date header field specifying the timestamp of the message to timeStamp.

See also date().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setFrom ( const QMailAddress & from )   [virtual]

Sets the from address, that is the originating address of the message to from.

See also from().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setFromAccount ( const QString & account )   [virtual]

Sets the name of the originating account for the message to account.

See also fromAccount().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setFromMailbox ( const QString & mailBox )   [virtual]

Sets the name of the originating mailbox for the message to mailBox.

See also fromMailbox().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setId ( const QMailMessageId & id )   [virtual]

Sets the QMailMessageId of the message to id. id should be different for each message known to Qtopia.

See also id().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setMessageType ( MessageType type )   [virtual]

Sets the MessageType of the message to type.

See also messageType().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setParentAccountId ( const QMailAccountId & id )   [virtual]

Sets the id of the originating account for the message to id.

See also parentAccountId().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setParentFolderId ( const QMailFolderId & id )   [virtual]

Sets the QMailFolderId of the folder that contains the message to id.

See also parentFolderId().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setPreviousParentFolderId ( const QMailFolderId & id )   [virtual]

Sets the QMailFolderId of the folder that contained the message before it was moved into the current parent folder to id.

See also previousParentFolderId().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setServerUid ( const QString & server )   [virtual]

Sets the originating server identifier for the message to server. The identifier specified should be unique.

See also serverUid().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setSize ( uint size )   [virtual]

Sets the complete size of the message as found on the server to size.

See also size().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setStatus ( quint64 newStatus )   [virtual]

Sets the status value for the message to newStatus.

See also status() and statusMask().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setStatus ( quint64 mask, bool set )   [virtual]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Sets the status flags indicated in mask to set.

See also status() and statusMask().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setSubject ( const QString & subject )   [virtual]

Sets the subject of the message to subject.

See also subject().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setTo ( const QList<QMailAddress> & toList )   [virtual]

Sets the list of primary recipients for the message to toList.

See also to().

void QMailMessageMetaData::setTo ( const QMailAddress & address )   [virtual]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Sets the list of primary recipients for the message to contain address.

uint QMailMessageMetaData::size () const   [virtual]

Returns the complete size of the message as indicated on the originating server.

See also setSize().

quint64 QMailMessageMetaData::status () const   [virtual]

Returns the status value for the message.

See also setStatus() and statusMask().

quint64 QMailMessageMetaData::statusMask ( const QString & flagName )   [static]

Returns the status bitmask needed to test the result of QMailMessageMetaData::status() against the QMailMessageMetaData status flag registered with the identifier flagName.

See also status() and QMailStore::messageStatusMask().

QString QMailMessageMetaData::subject () const   [virtual]

Returns the subject of the message, if present; otherwise returns an empty string.

See also setSubject().

QList<QMailAddress> QMailMessageMetaData::to () const   [virtual]

Returns the list of primary recipients for the message.

See also setTo() and QMailAddress.

Member Variable Documentation

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Downloaded

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Downloaded" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the entire content of the message has been retrieved from the originating server.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Forwarded

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Forwarded" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that a message forwarding the content of this message has been created.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Incoming

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Incoming" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the message has been sent from an external source to an account whose messages are retrieved to Qt Extended.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::New

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "New" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the meta data of the message has not yet been displayed to the user.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Outgoing

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Outgoing" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the message originates within Qt Extended, for transmission to an external message sink.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Read

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Read" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the content of this message has been displayed to the user.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::ReadElsewhere

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "ReadElsewhere" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the content of this message has been reported as having been displayed to the user by some other client.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Removed

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Removed" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the message has been deleted from or moved on the originating server.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Replied

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Replied" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that a message replying to the source of this message has been created, in response to this message.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::RepliedAll

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "RepliedAll" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that a message replying to the source of this message and all its recipients, has been created in response to this message.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::Sent

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "Sent" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the message has been delivered to an external message sink.

const quint64 & QMailMessageMetaData::UnloadedData

The status mask needed for testing the value of the registered status flag named "UnloadedData" against the result of QMailMessage::status().

This flag indicates that the meta data of the message is not loaded in entirety.


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