QPhoneTypeSelector Class Reference
![]() | Picking an existing number from a QContact |
![]() | Choosing a phone number type for a new phone number. Note that the existing phone numbers for the QContact are displayed. |
See also QContact and Pim Library.
Constructs a QPhoneTypeSelector dialog with parent parent.
The dialog will show phone numbers and phone number types from the given contact.
The dialog can be used in two ways:
In the second case, the dialog will show any existing phone numbers for the contact in addition to the available phone number types.
See also updateContact().
Constructs a QPhoneTypeSelector dialog with parent parent.
The dialog will show phone numbers and phone number types from the given contact.
The dialog can be used in two ways:
In the second case, the dialog will show any existing phone numbers for the contact in addition to the available phone number types, restricted by the set allowedTypes. If allowedTypes has zero length, the entire set of possible types is allowed.
See also updateContact().
Destroys a QPhoneTypeSelector
Returns the QContact::PhoneType that is selected in the dialog. If no phone number type is selected, this will return OtherPhone.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
This signal is emitted when the user selects a phone number type.
Returns the contact's phone number that corresponds to the phone number type selected in the dialog.
Updates contact to have the given number for the dialog's selected phone number type.
See also selected().
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