Qt Infrared Module
Feature | Details |
Device and Service Control | The device and service control classes provide the most basic set of classes for arbitrary Infrared development:
Infrared services | A variety of Infrared services are supported:
General file transfer user interface | A server task monitors transfer operations and shows a status widget while the transfer is in progress. This feature is shared with various Bluetooth transfer protocols. |
The Bluetooth module includes the following software components:
The exact list of components included in this module can be found in $QPEDIR/src/module_infrared.pri.
The test plan for the Infrared module summarizes the Quality Assurance procedures for this module. The results of these test are available here.
The following table contains all classes and services which are part of this module:
DefaultObexPushService | OBEX Push server |
FileTransferTask | Interface to receive notifications about file transfer operations |
FileTransferWindow | Shown while the Qt Extended server performs a file transfer |
InfraredBeaming | The InfraredBeaming service |
IrFileSendService | Runs the InfraredBeaming service and provides updates regarding the progress of each file transfer request that is sent through the service |
IrObexPushService | Runs an Infrared OBEX Object Push server and provides notifications of received requests and their status |
IrPowerService | The Qt Extended Infrared Power service |
IrPowerServiceTask | The IrPowerService as a server task |
ObexPushRequestSender | Convenience methods for sending a variety of OBEX Push requests and also provides updates regarding the progress of each request |
QAbstractCommDeviceManager | Manages power state of a communications device |
SessionedObexClient | Base implementation for performing an OBEX Put request inside of a device session for a particular hardware device |
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