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Qt InputMethods Module

The Qt InputMethods module offers a range of input methods suitable for different use cases. This module is based on the Base module.

The following configure line can be used to build the Base and InputMethods module only:

    ./configure -modules inputmethods -device xyz

Note that not specifying a device profile would result in the reference device being build.

Feature description

The Qt Extended InputMethods module provides the variety of input methods suitable for different use cases. New input method plug-ins can be added by implementing the QtopiaInputMethod interface. Together with input/output related classes it builds the framework for input method plug-ins. For more architecture details see the IM class overview.

Phone KeysThis input methods is intended for use with keypad buttons using the standard 0-9, * and # keys. A dictionary is used to determine the most likely intended input.
Full Screen HandwritingThis input method can be used when using a pointing device such as a mouse or touchscreen. Text is entered by drawing a character at a time. Multiple strokes can be used to compose characters.
Virtual keyboardsVirtual keyboards show a simplified keyboard on the screen. The user enters text by clicking on the appropriate buttons. Qt Extended offers two types of virtual keyboards:
  • The predictive keyboard is designed for fingers which are less accurate than pointing devices. It uses a dictionary to resolve possible ambiguities.
  • The Standard Keyboard shows a qwerty keyboard. Pressing a key on the keyboard creates a key event for that key and passes it on to the focus widget.
Input hintingAn input widget may hint what type of input it expects. This enables input methods to provide more targets input forms. A hint may for example be words (dictionary can be used), phone (phone number is expected) or text (name or password). Depending on the input method the actual behaviour may differ.
Dictionary lookupQt Extended incorporates language specific dictionaries. This allows spell checking, guessing of input (e.g. when using PhoneKeys) or can be used to remove ambiguities in the case of the predictive keyboard.

Software components

The InputMethod module includes the following software components:

  • plugins/inputmethods/dockedkeyboard - Docked keyboard plug-in
  • Handwriting settings application
  • Inputmethod server (server component)
  • plugins/inputmethods/keyboard - Keyboard plug-in
  • libraries/handwriting (handwriting library)
  • plugins/inputmethods/pinyin - Pinyin inputmethod plug-in
  • plugins/inputmethods/predictivekeyboard - Predictive keyboard plug-in
  • 3rdparty/plugins/inputmethods/pkim - T9 and fullscreen handwriting plug-in
  • Words application

The exact list of components included in this module can be found in $QPEDIR/src/module_inputmethods.pri.

The test plan for the InputMethod module summarizes the Quality Assurance procedures for this module. The results of these test are available here.

The following table contains all classes and services which are part of this module:

InputMethodSelectorProvides the user-visible aspects of the Input Method system
InputMethodThe InputMethod service
InputMethodsImplementation of Qt Extended server input method handling
PkIMInput method based on a standard telephone keypad. Also provides full screen handwriting input
QIMPenCharHandles a single character for the stroke recognition libraries
QIMPenCharSetMaintains a set of related characters

[Previous: Qt Infrared Module] [Qt Extended Modules] [Next: Qt IPComms Module]


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