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Qtopia - 4.1.2 Release Notes


The Qtopia 4.1.2 release is a patch release that provides:

  • improved performance.
  • fixes for a number of bugs


  1. Performance
    • Multitasking has been improved by a significant reduction of memory usage per application.
    • Both Qt and Qtopia code have been further optimized for speed.
    • Qtopia server: startup time has been reduced from 35 seconds to 6 seconds.
    • Qtopia applications: startup times have been improved with, on average, 10-20%. Average starting time for most applications is now close to or less than 2 seconds.

Substantial improvements have been achieved for the following applications (values in seconds are given for the previous 4.1.1 release and the current 4.1.2 release):

sim applications00.960.644
system info01.441.247
voice notes02.700.879
world time02.661.708
call forwarding03.081.924
call networks02.111.540
call options02.231.460
power management02.021.808
speed dial04.671.878

Bug Fixes

  1. Datebook
    • BUG 4818: Couldn't edit an event twice in succession.
  2. Calendar
    • BUG 5146: Calendar crashed when pressing OK with nothing selected under certain circumstances.
    • BUG 4973: Gray out days from other months in calendar month-view
    • BUG 113560: Calendar views where inconsistent between datebook and addresspicker
  3. Categories
    • Fix no entry being added to category->content mapping table
  4. SXE
    • BUG 113291: properly handle expired keys and out-of-date-ness
  5. Dialer
    • Fix crash when entering numbers while a dialing call is in progress.
  6. QtMail
    • BUG 113018: Restore ability to send emails and messages through qtmail from other apps by adding some missing qcop permissions to msg profile.
  7. Contacts
    • BUG 114066: Clicking 'done' on the new contact dialog without entering any details created an empty contact.
    • BUG 113362: Entering a new contact name behaved oddly when using the phone keypads, worked fine when using the keyboard.
    • BUG 5038: When two contacts shared a number, calling one contact sometimes showed the other contact's name
    • BUG 4711: Updating icons in Contacts after selecting a category
    • BUG 4816: Show correct icon for select button after deleting a contact
    • BUG 4702: Allow a user to unselect a contact as the business card
    • BUG 5140: Contact name didn't show up in some cases
  8. Network
    • BUG 11339: allow specific selection of non encrypted wifi network
    • BUG 4919: added IPv6 address validation
  9. WAP
    • BUG 114260: Extended the maximum amount of data that can be read into WspParts to stop reading of large MMS attachments from failing.
  10. Qtopia
    • BUG: Fixed server crash with transformed display
    • BUG 5099: cache cell location info to display immediately when turned on
  11. CallForwarding
    • BUG 5145: Unset callforwarding correctly without restarting the app
  12. VOIP
    • Redesigned Voip
    • BUG: fixed not sending SIP invite message
    • BUG: fixed VoIP registration state not coming through correctly
  13. PhotoEdit
    • BUG 4948: Allow pictures to be edited, deleted, etc from thumbnail view
  14. WorldTime
    • BUG 4759: Fixed city selection when scrolling zoomed zonemap
    • BUG 4759: Fixed scrolling of worldtime zonemap at edges.
    • BUG 4759: Allow the keypad to scoll the zoomed world map
  15. Todo
    • BUG 4897: Fixed display issues with new/edit task dialog on touchscreen
  16. Calibrate
    • BUG 5076: Added calibrate support in QVFb


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