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Qtopia - 4.4.0 Release Notes


The Qtopia 4.4.0 release (also known as 4.4 Home) is a feature release of Qtopia that is based on Qt 4.4 technology. The main purpose of this release is to introduce the new Qtopia Home Edition, which provides a new User-Interface for fixed-line, network-enabled telephones.

New Features

  1. Qtopia Home Edition UI and Cubicle Theme
    • The Smart Simplicity user interface is designed to allow the user to control a device without the need of a stylus, providing support for touchscreen devices with an emphasis on piloting Qtopia with a finger. Widgets are sized to minimize error touches.
    • The Virtual Navigation Bar is a concept that enables the user to quickly navigate through Qtopia, particularly the high use applications. It also provides quick access to current calls.
  2. Telepathy Integration Telepathy is a project that aims to provide a unified communications framework based on D-Bus. Qtopia, via Telepathy, provides:
    • Presence
    • Instant Messaging
    • Audio calls
    • Video calls
  3. GoogleTalk Integration A GoogleTalk account can be defined and provides presence and instant messaging via the Telepathy module.
  4. Mixed conference calls The user interface allows two calls to be active at one time, one of which can be a video call.


  1. Contacts
    • On touchscreen-enabled devices, the Contacts list now includes a "fast-find" index that allows the user to search a large list by tapping the first letter of the contact they wish to find.
    • Presence information and avatar for individual contacts are displayed in the list view.
    • Presence, avatar and personal messages are displayed on a contact's details view.
    • Simplified contact editing - non essential fields can be selected as desired to avoid overwhelming the user.
    • GoogleTalk contacts merging recognizes existing contacts and updates them.
  2. Messaging
    • The Messages application has been split into a message server and a Messages client. This allows a device vendor to more easily replace/customize the user-interface while keeping the underlying messaging protocol and message store implementations.
    • The Messages application now supports checking of email accounts at regular (configurable) intervals.
    • The Messages application now allows marking of multiple messages in folders for bulk operations such as copying, moving and deleting.
    • The Messages application now allows the user to mark individual IMAP folders to be excluded from email synchronization operations.
    • Contact presence for instant messages can now be seen on the inbox list and individual messages.
    • The unified inbox concept enables viewing all sent and received messages of varying types, such as email and instant messages.
    • The message view and composers have been modified with focus for high usability on a touch screen device.
    • Detailed message notifications allow the user to view a message sender, subject and listed attachments without opening the message.
  3. Pictures
    • Pictures now provides a "Save to Contact" feature, which allows the user to associated a picture with a contact.
    • Pictures now provides a "Set as Background" feature, which allows the user to set the Homescreen background.

Known Issues

  1. GoogleTalk
    • BUG 211938: GTalk does not report connection progress and success/failure.
  2. Telephony
    • BUG 215452: Microphone audio of a speakerphone call is played through speaker.
    • BUG 210972: Calls initiated through speakerphone if handset not replaced after previous call.
  3. UI
    • BUG 215467: Some applications report application error on using the hard Back key.
  4. Internationalization
    • BUG 215476: Internationalization is not supported in this release. This will be corrected in the 4.4.1 release.
  5. Media Player:
    • BUG 142554: After a call ends, Media Player incorrectly resumes playback of media file if the file was paused when the call was received.


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